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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. Nice one Kurt. Sunny and happy it sounds.
  2. peaceful, uplifting and hopeful. Thank you for that!
  3. I like how you orchestrated the piece as well as the smoothe guitar picking. You 've nailed the genre.
  4. I certainly hope that your m-f job involves music. Thank you for taking the time to listen. Ma(r)kke, thank you! Thank you for taking the time to listen, HS.
  5. David Sprouse

    Warp 6

    I felt I was listening to the sound of friction. This warp series is seriously amazing.
  6. would sell well in today. Personally, I think the aliens are more altruistic.
  7. Great Lute player: Robert Barto
  8. Whilst not much of a cinephile, I enjoy listening to the music. Rachel Portman did the music for LIFE IS SWEET. Very curious to hear that. Thanks so much Paul for the great words.
  9. My goodness, thank you for the kind words. I'll check up on ken loach.thanks for listening.
  10. loved the bass, made my house shake. Enjoyable and inimitable style you have.
  11. Douglas, thank you for the feedback. Debussy.. and che guevara? Thanks for the kind compliment!
  12. Oh no the devil dog! :D:D As always I enjoyed the song and video.
  13. I really like what your doing, John. Keep it up!
  14. This is fantastic. I really enjoyed listening to it.
  15. I have a feeling you know the feeling, jesse. :D:D I rejiggered it, give it a shot now. I didn't spend a lot of time on this one. :D:D
  16. So true, so true. Loved the instrumental interlude.
  17. scary. good observations above.
  18. always so tasteful jesse. Is this german expressionism but with music?
  19. I listend to crazy for dreaming ? I think I recognize the vox. I appreciate how the lyrics are phrased like one might do a solo ...jumping across the bar line. Sounds great!
  20. Nice one Fred, creative use of rhythm.
  21. Tom, Spring is here for sure. Thank you for responding with feeling to the video. That's always my goal.
  22. loved the jaco bass. Really great build up from the intro to the first verse. refrain has much energy and your voice is spectacular.
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