I got addictive keys studio grand for free with my focusrite, I think it sounds pretty good. I think there are a lot of free ones out there that sound good too, others will be able to tell you which ones.
I think a little less delay/reverb on everything. Maybe a different tone for the piano, like a more acoustic sounding one maybe. Some B3 might be nice in there too. Just my thoughts for the little they are worth. I'm not a keyboard player either so it's tough to make it sound like the real thing. Vocal recording sounds good.
Good point, it is a sparse arrangement, not sure what I could add though. I'm not a keyboard player, I know that is pretty limiting. That's midi guitar, it can be hard to make it sound like a real pianist.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks! I didn't think of this as a Santana style song until it was finished. The last solo was a first take and it just came out Santana style so I didn't do any more takes (he's of course way better than me)
Wow, I just checked out your site and listened to several of your songs, I'm impressed. Jazz and fusion are my favorites. Really good playing and song writing.
Very cool guitars, I like a good head bang. I've been doing all jazzy stuff lately but this makes me want to crank up some distortion. Bass is good too. Is this all you playing?
I used to record with amps and mics and would spend days trying to get a good sound. I even built my own tube amps and effect pedals and Poo Poo'ed anything solid state. Now I use a plugin like Bias FX2 and it's so easy to get great recording tone.
I have this random problem where one or all of my synth tracks will start playing random notes, just kind of pounding along with the beat, sounds kind of like Jerry Lee Lewis . I don't know if they are following my drum track (Jamstix) or what. I've played with changing the inputs of the tracks but nothing seems to stop this from happening, I'm really confused. There must be a setting somewhere to stop this. Thanks.