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Posts posted by KSband

  1. This song is all plugins, my guitar and bass, really no room. The guitar amp is bias fx.  Of my recent stuff only one tune has vocals and acoustic guitar.  Back in  the 90's we had a band with real drums etc. We would struggle all day trying to get decent guitar and drum sounds. This DAW recording is all new to me but it has been fun and I have a lot to learn. 

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  2. Thanks for the suggestion.  It's interesting, I'll mix with my Event monitors and then listen to my Audio Technica headphones and it seems good. Then I'll put it on my phone and listen through my cheap blue tooth headphones and all of a sudden something sounds way off. I wear my cheap headphones for hours working in the garage so I'm really used to how things sound through them. I think the final mixing is the hardest part for me, getting everything to sit in the mix on it's own is very challenging.

  3. I re-recorded it yesterday, got a much cleaner track to stark with. Only needed small amount of adjustment. I think one of the things I did wrong before was the marker wasn't always before the start of the wave (small part behind) so I think it stretched or shrunk it weird. Recording is always a shock to me, it really reveals my bad timing and sloppy buzzy notes.

  4. 15 hours ago, John Bradley said:

    Tip: Use as few audio transient markers as you can get away with (say, one per bar), and disable the rest. You'll get the best results with longer, uniformly-stretched audio segments rather than stretching/squeezing every note to be precisely on grid.

    Also, position the markers right before the note starts, rather than in the middle of the attack. It'll be less noticable if there's a phase/tonality shift between the notes rather than in the middle of them.

    Finally, there are several different offline rendering methods (Elastique Pro, and a number of Radius algorithms). Play around with them at see what works best for your particular audio.

    Oh, and avoid the automatic quantization unless you enjoy seeking out and fixing random errors. Safer (and arguably faster) to just drag the markers around by hand. At least, that's what I do.

    Oh yes the automatic quantization makes a mess.  Thanks all for the help.

  5. Thanks, that is what I was looking for. I gave it a try. I solo'ed my bass after the bounce and was surprised to hear some weird sounding notes, it must be from all my manipulating the wave forms to get them on time.  It wasn't the bounce that did it, it was the editing. I may have to re-record the bass.

  6. I use the fishman tripleplay wireless system on my guitar, you could use it to play vst basses or whatever else you want. It's not perfect but I find it useful for recording keyboard sounds. It's not cheap either.

    I'm a guitar player not a bass player but I got a 75 dollar ebay bass and am happy with my recordings. I can't do a perfect performance but the audio transient shrink/stretch is pretty easy but time consuming. I just do the transients on the drums and then line up the bass lines to that, works really well. My midi guitar tracks end up needing a lot of editing too because they never play perfectly clean.

  7. I've been using the audio transients to  shrink and stretch my bass tracks to match up with the drums and I've noticed some times during playback it will be perfect and then every once in a while it will get out of sync. If I hit stop and restart it is fine again. It seems like it's processing the edited tracks every time I play them. Am I missing a step after I'm done editing? I always hit save when I'm done.

  8. It's happened a couple of times where Jamstix will have no volume, you can see the kit playing but no sound. Is there a setting in cakewalk that could be changing to cause this? For the one song a computer reboot fixed it but for the other song it didn't and I can't find a way to bring it back.

  9. https://www.vguitarforums.com/smf/index.php?board=134.0   Check out the fishman forum, it's more specific for the tripleplay. I am a bit of a newb too but the software opens in the daw and looks just like the stand alone product, then you open the synth from the tripleplay software if that makes sense.  Do you have the stand alone working? 

    I've had lots of problems with the software in cakewalk, it has made it crash a few times and freezes up. It works but there is something that not quite right.

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  10. I wanted to line up my bass notes with the drum track so I changed both tracks to audio transients and stretched or shrunk the bass notes to line up. It all sounds good except.... not every time but once in a while the bass will go out of sync in the same spot. When I pause and go back to try and find the exact place it sounds fine again. It's very weird and I've done this editing a lot of times with no problems. Maybe I did something wrong this time?

  11. 6 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

    Cakewalk is supposed to handle this for you and if it isn't, please report it in the Feedback forum. The devs did extensive work on plug-in settings retention a few revs ago and will want to know if you have a plug-in that is not cooperating.

    Are you saving your settings as a preset within the instrument, or as a Cakewalk VST preset, or just exiting the project and reopening it? Any of those conditions should keep the settings, but they should be noted when you report it.

    As for taste in Rhodesalikes, my current fave is A|A|S Lounge Lizard Session, which is on sale for $24. Before that, it was the freeware Dead Duck EPiano. I must have bark and growl when I lay into it. I used to own a Stage 73, so I know what the real deal sounds like and how it responds, how the tines "bark" when you hit harder, and I have to have some of that in an emulation. Both Lounge Lizard and EPiano are hybrid modeled/sampled, which seems to work best for my playing style.

    Thanks, I posted in the Feedback section.

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  12. I've had issues with Sweetcase Rhodes piano vst2 and Fishman Tripleplay  both go back to default setting any time I close cakewalk. Fishman is a midi guitar controller and has it's own software that hosts any synth etc. When I start up cakewalk it will have replaced the synth I had loaded in fishman with a default. These have done this behavior whether I use save or not in the plugin.

  13. I had a hard time getting sweetcase too. The facebook link works but I didn't have an account, I ended up using my wifes account and then it worked. I've looked at a lot of rhodes and this one does sound beautiful.  It irritates me though because every time I close it down it resets it's settings to default, so I have to remember to open it every time and adjust things.  I just bought Velvet 2 and it's pretty nice for 15 bucks, lot's of adjustments and presets but it doesn't sound the same as sweetcase.  Not a lot of settings with sweetcase but it has the ones you need, no more.

    Don't know if it's been mentioned but GK amplification is a pretty good bass amp and cab for free, I use it on everything.https://shop.audified.com/products/live-guitar-and-bass-bundle-le 

    I like using it with this freebe: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MEqualizer  to dial in the EQ.

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