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Posts posted by KSband

  1. Thanks a lot @DeeringAmpsand @Martin Bannet! Bass is pretty simple chain. I used a cheap Glarry jazz bass that I pulled the frets to make fretless, into Focusrite 2i2, free Amplitube4 SVX pro plugin the "comp SVT4 pro 1" setting.  So far the Amplitube4 bass plugins have been the best I've tried for bass (not a favorite for guitar though).

    I actually feel like the bass on this one is a little woofy, I'm going to mess with the amp settings to see if I can make it better.

  2. Original jazz fund sax song using tenor sax, Fishman midi guitar, Ezdrummer 3,  Glarry jazz fretless bass. Oops, misspelled the title of the video!



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  3. Thanks @Bajan Blue and @jwnicholson78! I had not heard of MIGIC but it looks like it's monophonic so that wouldn't work for me. I tried the Jam Origen a few yeas ago and it has a lot of latency but I need to try the latest version to see if it improved.  The midi guitar system has been a fantastic recording tool for me, a non keyboard player.

  4. Thanks for checking it out @noynekker! That is the late great Kona dog, she had a collar with "Bad Dog" on it. Actually a really good dog but she had her moments.

  5. I tried it a few years ago and found it unusable. I did see that there is a new version coming so will have to give a try. Years ago I demo'ed  the Roland synth midi guitar and it had so much latency I couldn't stand it.  I've seen guys play these systems and they sound good but I can't get the same results.

    The Electro Harmonix synth pedals do an amazing job of keys without midi but you are limited to the built in sounds.

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  6. Thanks @Wookiee! It's a Fishman wireless, has a stick on pickup and a controller that mounts to the back strap button.  There is no way I could perform live with it, I get so many glitched notes. Still easier for me to go back and edit out the glitches than to try to hunt and peck out the chords on a keyboard. 

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