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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. Hey we can't be blamed for GIGO (ok I haven't heard it but I'm pretty sure it won't be my cup of tea)
  2. We do operate in the same industry and are in direct competition with those very companies - we are like them, we're not some lesser company who makes inferior products or who operates in any less professional a manner. I'm sorry you had an unsatisfactory experience installing IK products but with or without snark, the IK Product Manager does make installations happen quite easily for the majority of people. We try to make sure FAQs like the following about installing and authorizing IK software are on the front page of the IK FAQ so you don't have to search to find them: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/?id=1353 But obviously you didn't have that experience. Sorry about that, and I am sure we can help you with any issues that arise. But since you seem to have had an issue with a support ticket if I'm recalling correctly and this applies to anybody else here with similar complaints, you can send me your ticket numbers and I can have those reviewed. These can be teaching opportunities, I'm not about to get someone fired or anything. Of course I'll help you get taken care of but also have the experience used to improve. Yes, IK Product Manager is a nice leap and usually result in hassle-free installations but like anything it could improve. And it will. Personally I would like not only the unauthorize capability we already have but uninstall would be great to add. I've also suggested improvements to Custom Shop like giving us back the "gear I don't own" option for example. But your issues can help as well, because if everybody doesn't have the experience that bdickens has there's a reason. If it is something specifically happening to you, the support team should be able to identify and fix that. If it is a problem with Product Manager and it affects more than just you, it needs to be recreated, tested, fixed, tested, and released.
  3. Shhhh I can't hear you lalalala Didn't they have a frequent schtick about not hearing each other in the Cone of Silence?
  4. Oh and we're (just saying that now, safer that way, inclusive and all y'know) 96 away from the next tier.
  5. It's on you, hehe. Seriously, though we have contacted literally millions of people directly and millions more indirectly. Large sums of money has been spent and great efforts on the organic growth side have been made, but I'm sorry if I implied that anybody was "doing my job" - I know I can be such a selfish person Anyway, we're doing all we can, but the participants put the "group" in "group buy".
  6. I guess one might be snarky if they don't understand how group buys work but nobody is "doing my job for me" LOL. It is your job, the participants. You buy in, share, get others to buy in and you benefit. We set up the system, it is on you to make it work. Did I do something to upset you? You seem very negative toward me and pick apart anything I do, and I sincerely apologize if you misunderstood how group buys work. I guess we really did need to set up the 10K challenge to make sure people actually realize that's how group buys work (not unique to IK, this concept isn't new to us nor anybody else). Eastern.
  7. If you get to 10,000 participants, yes. Which looks good if people keep sharing and getting people to join in since we're already at 8,129.
  8. My calculations based on the counter and other daily reports/data indicate it is probable. Just a bit more sharing would make it extremely likely.
  9. That's four days + the 8 hours left in this day. This is definitely doable, actually shouldn't be too hard judging by the reports I received this morning with one of our best software days ever. I think you all can do it.
  10. You are just bridging that gap all the way to "Looks Like We Made It" at 10K.
  11. Keep that up and we might all get a Barry Manilow video if when we make it to 10K...
  12. That's a Sunday so definitely not likely and it is doable by September 1st anyway, I have faith in you.
  13. I'm glad your wife influenced you to fix your butt, and now I can still get some mileage out of it (once I figured out a way to remain appropriate even after you brought your wife into the conversation)
  14. Congratulate the "group butt", all of you participants are on the way. I've seen at least one nay-sayer (on another forum) about the 10K goal but I know this is attainable.
  15. Good luck to you all, I'm not participating - I don't have to
  16. Correct. We are now in the "10,000 participant challenge" stage of the group buy. IK will extend the group buy through September when it reaches 10,000 participants. Click here to read the news. So if you haven't joined yet, now is the time. Sharing is caring (and crucial to getting to 10,000) so please also share wherever you can and we can get to 10,000!
  17. @Marc Cormier - one simple edit and you've absolutely ruined the potential for pages upon pages of "group butt" jokes. Shame on you.
  18. Well, I have a lot to do with our promotions (I'm Digital Marketing Manager) and more than just forum posting, so I was part of the process. Resonator is brand new and is completely third party, so it was not included.
  19. Other people have been around our group buys for years and know not to worry. As more freebies pile up, more people are interested. And as far as having done your part, at this point I'd say a good effort but you'll see that any extension is going to have to be earned... More info coming soon.
  20. Exactly, like Luca Zabbini does with a couple iRig Keys I/O in parts of this Hammond B-3X video: And we have a series of these with him playing various styles (chose prog rock, was inspired by your username again) using the dual iRig Keys I/O units as the dual manuals:
  21. Yet you still ask me to add a free controller to this group buy??
  22. Great. They usually consider an exception when something is "effed up" (paraphrasing you )
  23. I cannot do that directly, but IK support should be able to help you out. If you log a ticket please let me know the ticket number and I'll see what I can do to give it a little nudge though.
  24. Maybe you opted out or bounced or some other reason the system may have opted you out? If you send me your IK username and email I can have someone check.
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