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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. It is best when the person/people having an issue report it directly and can work with tech support without me as a middleman. It also keeps everything in a trackable ticket system which helps everybody in the long run as known, fixed, and any other issues (and the resolution for said issues) are clearly documented in that system. You can report AmpliTube 4 issues and support can verify if the devs are able to update/fix anything but as I'm not in tech support I'm not sure 100% on whether those issues will be fixed or if moving to AmpliTube 5 is going to be the proposed solution. The support reps will have better information on that than I would, and likely based on which/what issue you are having (they may already have a fix/workaround, too, for example) I am on both Mac and Windows. Honestly for audio production I much prefer Windows but I do have a Mac laptop I'm typing on right now and it has a lot of audio software on it too, of course. But I still will do any more serious work in Windows as the bang for the buck performance-wise is much better there IMHO.
  2. There really aren't a huge amount, though, the vast majority were software entries. It certainly won't put us too much further toward the goal unfortunately.
  3. Usually the things you can choose are in bundles or similar. Any single purchases that you currently have are not going to be able to be chosen because more people would choose them by mistake than would knowingly get another license. At this time you'd need to transfer your existing item in order to be able to choose it. That would require opening boxes and if items are backordered that could get messy. However we've been receiving MEMS microphones and shipping out orders and will continue to so this shouldn't be an issue for long.
  4. Happy to lose this one, let's get it there! Put me on the dunk tank, take your best shot (well, we need 1,728 of them). About your issue, if others don't chime in and if you have not already done so I'm sure support can assist, that seems like something they could try to recreate and further identify (or if it is something known that they can help with for you directly without an update, even better!).
  5. They are not counted until received and registered. Unfortunately that's the way it works with any hardware-related purchases.
  6. That looks like a combination of Fractured and Shipwrecked Pianos. As far as the Fractured Piano goes, I yell at my own piano all the time but it doesn't make me sound any better.
  7. + @Grem If you click the Rack Effects tab at https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/#thegear you will see the White 2A. It is available in AmpliTube 5 and AmpliTube 5 MAX as well as a la carte in the Custom Shop.
  8. You had been answered and the form you went to, as explained by others, asks you to search the FAQ - which resolves a large portion of people's requests without needing a ticket - and presents a link/button to you so you can open a ticket if you don't find an answer to your question/issue. I guess I also missed a specific question for me about your ticket? Otherwise as mentioned I am not a tech support rep though I do use our products and know a lot about them I am not able to perform the same type of troubleshooting the IK Support team can and honestly even if I could a third-party forum thread about a group buy wouldn't be the best nor most effective medium over which to do so. Anybody having an issue with their ticket is always welcome to provide the ticket number to me though and I'm happy to have someone take a look. Thank you.
  9. I had better stop messing with @InstrEd or I suspect he'll send me this rose pattern sheet set (this is apparently a real item!) as a warning
  10. Even worse technically the post said to look UNDER them! And before I let this opportunity pass... Do you know what you won't find there? That free MIDI controller
  11. I'm sure @Anxiousmofo's wife already finds you charming. Maybe you could charm a free MIDI controller out of her? (couldn't resist)
  12. All of us looking for these official rules to your game... Or maybe understanding them but shhhhhh no it could not be that.
  13. The house makes the rules. An unforgiving, non-pliable house you are @Jacques Boileau
  14. I think we need the officiant's ruling on this. Not trying to sway it in any way, but when I agree with @Bapu it must be acknowledged by me and I think that's fair even in a casual bet... We all (including me) made our guesses assuming the timeline was end of September. Let's see what the House says.
  15. Ah yes, technically I can't win the bet any more. We get to 20K, the group buy is extended and it goes beyond my entry. Happy to lose in that case!
  16. And if you are having issues, our support team would be more than happy to recreate and report to the devs if there is a global issue - or work with you to resolve any issue due to/triggered by/"tickled" via something specific to you.
  17. Also, nobody can accuse me of not using all the tools at my disposal just to win a casual bet Since... We have a new challenge! The Group Buy is in full force. Things are going so well that there's an exciting new challenge about to begin: reach 20,000 participants by the end of September, and we'll extend the Group Buy through October!
  18. No, that value is $200 if you bought each of the libraries. That $149.99 price is the MSRP/MAP of the collection, it is no longer in intro pricing nor promotional pricing. However, when you use either JamPoints or a promo code, that discount does not factor into the value of your choices.
  19. Did anybody pick 25? That would be the entry we should all hope wins! Let me PM you with how many entries for that free MIDI controller
  20. I'm hoping so based on my entry but trend-wise it looks like it's going to need some help to get there. Edit - and I know many here are already in more than once and have spread the word, I meant generally we need more people buying in.
  21. Correct, free/NFR products do not qualify for the 25th Anniversary Group Buy as noted on the group buy web page. This giveaway is one free. Not up to 25 free...
  22. The "assistance" is likely us sending an incredible number of emails and the next couple of days get a bit of a bump... Occam's Razor and such.
  23. I don't just quote Beatles lyrics, I change them. Just FYI And I'm in charge of some things, but not tech support. I've relayed the issue that's being discussed and it is being addressed on the site and if anybody feels an exception should be made based on circumstances of their order, that can be handled in the support ticket.
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