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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. "And so on" is not specific to 1,000 per tier, it doesn't say 1,000 per tier specifically and it will change for 20-25. I hope that helps clarify.
  2. It's not bad math, the upper tiers are planned. Again, 25K participants will = 24 freebies = 25 for the price of 1 like it says on the tin
  3. Things are getting personal now! I did receive my small mostly-Italian origin haul this morning, quite happy with it though I purposely didn't get any perishables and they're mostly staples and more "common" brands to keep costs in line (and this was a toe-dip to see if this vendor is worth ordering from). Perishables will be next time (plus the cured meats and fancy cheeses can be quite expensive vs the pantry goods). Only mostly Italian because I'm also a sucker for hot sauce and spicy foods (and deals) and I'm hoping to persuade from of my Modena colleagues to give me an inside line on some of their best specialties. I do want some Culatello though. Quite expensive wherever I can find it, even when they stock it at the nice Italian market near the Florida office. Tupperware pitcher is something my wife ordered. Superautomatic Gaggia machine in the background is one of my favorite household items, too.
  4. Because it isn't every 1,000 there... When 25,000 participants are reached, there will be 24 free items.
  5. I was only mixed up as to whether we were predicting how many for the price of 1, how many free choices, or how many thousand participants. Not mixed up about the details of the group buy are since I am one of the main people who crafted it. Upper tiers will make it clear when posted. Let's get to the point where we need to post those and it will make much more sense.
  6. I don't know if I mentioned here but I think I did... The phrase on the web page is correct. The top tier is 25,000 participants and when that is reached there will be 24 freebies (25 for the price of 1). We just haven't posted all of the tiers yet...
  7. Wait, we were predicting how many free, dang it. I meant that we'd hit 20K so I should have said 21 for my prediction... oops.
  8. Definitely make sure you are logged in as mentioned. ARC 3 with microphone is 249.99 full / 149.99 crossgrade.
  9. ? Sorry I couldn't resist. I respect your opinion about terrible pizza. OK, that's the last one I promise. Seriously, I respect your opinion especially when the pizza I like frequently has so much oil that we'd invade it if it weren't already in the U.S.
  10. It's the way to go. As an Italian-American I know that some of us dishonor our ancestors with the "go big or go home" (and/or completely bastardized) versions of their classic cuisine and I am absolutely guilty of that but I enjoy a minimalist approach like a cacio e pepe quite a bit. Same with pizza... yes, I enjoy many different kinds (except Chicago style, sorry to offend but in my opinion those are not good) but I am proud that my daughter tends to prefer a basic Margherita pizza more than any other kind. This kid from Joisey enjoys NY style a bit too much (and can only get "kinda close" here but still not nearly perfect... don't start me on the topic of bagels) even if we had to put a napkin on top to sop up the grease.
  11. Mmmm I just ordered a bunch of panna da cucina because we don't have any real Italian markets nearby, and can't wait to have it with tortellini. Simple, too: cook quality tortellini, drain, add panna da cucina over the pasta, some pepper, toss it around gently a bit, grate a metric ton of parm or romano to taste over it and enjoy.
  12. Oh my, Savannah on St. Patrick's Day is an experience apparently. We moved here right at the beginning of the pandemic so we didn't get to experience it yet. There are no open container laws and you can carry drinks from bar to bar so people walk around with drinks all the time. Modena is known more for balsamic and white truffles, maybe I can lobby for some of those. I purchased some Italian food items online recently and noticed a 100+ year old balsamic from Modena and it was even on sale... for $180 (for 2.39 ounces). A bit out of my range. https://supermarketitaly.com/collections/balsamic-vinegar/products/mussini-100-year-balsamic-vinegar-il-grande-vecchio-2-39-oz
  13. @Jacques Boileau Now THAT's funny. But so was @kevin H's joke, no worries there either. I've sent an email. Nothing I could fix even if I was at the home or real office. It's kind of nostalgic anyway.
  14. I'm sure it will, took forever for them to take her back and it really is very minor and low-risk but I know that doesn't mean anything these days! Thank you and @InstrEd for the thoughts.
  15. But seriously thank you for the kind words. I'm actually off right now too but waiting for my wife (outpatient surgery, I can't even go into the building so I'm out in the car) but this thread is too much fun to avoid.
  16. But once we get our comedy special, the group of Cakewalk forum comedians will be like:
  17. I should know this with 100% confidence, but alas I might be wrong since I'm getting old and can't think back before 2018 as far as group buys go... This is the biggest. We've hit 7K+ in the Pick & Mix group buy in 2019. That had multiple product lines (TR and AT) so I think we figured out that seemed to work
  18. I'm in Georgia near Savannah so if you end up here after things settle down feel free to let me know!
  19. I'll take that as a compliment though it seems similar to when a parent has one child and calls them their favorite. I'm all you've got for now, folks. If I wasn't your favorite, I'd be [more] confused and maybe a little miffed Leave @cclarry alone! Dammit Jacques he's a deal-monger not a timekeeper. And top-shelf wines are for people with more money than sense. There's a great many very cost-effective wines that are incredibly good. I've got some of those in the well-stocked bar, and haven't had any Cakewalk forum guests show up yet???
  20. It was nicer than the other options that popped into my head But it could also grab attention and then they'd watch to find out what becan is. I think we're on to something now, let's get this greenlit.
  21. I am often here outside of business hours because I'm basically shopping my standup material. Glad I'm not the only one! Put in the work, maybe we'll see the Cakewalk Forum Comedians Netflix special soon. I'm game. Edith: Comedians On Forums Eating Becan
  22. getting fancy this time, with a vector: giraffe.png
  23. Free drink and you can play the keyboard that is right next to the very well-stocked bar
  24. It has been working great here, this is where we are now
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