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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. I'll relay your ticket. I no longer use AmpliTube 3 so I cannot insert it in Pro Tools at the moment myself but the support team can I've printed any project that old so as to preserve the tracks but I use Cubase and also can't remember when freeze wasn't there but running a track with effects to another audio track should be available in very old versions of most DAWs. But that's not going to help at this point anyway so...
  2. Dang I already used the Matthew McConaughey "rookie numbers" meme in this thread. Edit... ooo ooo ooo I should have just grabbed this (but I may have already used it in the thread too lol):
  3. But I'm still pushing for the return of "Gear I don't own" in Custom Shop. And not just because I like to see the "Nothing to display" message when I click it
  4. I do also agree with the YouTuber reference, though. As much as I love that people share great content, I want to be the Don Draper of the music industry advertising business and come up with "I'd like to teach the world to tune, for perfect harmony, I'd like to buy the world a tuner, and keep it company"
  5. I said F it and tried but it just ends up in an empty cart with no error. It also runs on macOS but not M1 just Intel so that would be a fruitless effort but I have enough Windows machines around to mess around with it if they'd let me buy it
  6. What is your ticket number? For older software we typically recommend freezing/printing tracks when a project is completed as typically people aren't making tonal changes to projects years later but I know everybody isn't the same. Regardless if you have ticket numbers I can have someone take a look.
  7. Thanks. I wouldn't mind spending the $5 if it was an easy tool to create drumless tracks. I'd love to be a less crappy drummer, and I like banging on the e-kit for some light exercise
  8. Wasn't this also offered inside Sonar back in the day?
  9. I've posted it around that we're supposed to change that behavior in the next major version of T-RackS but I don't have a specific timeline for that.
  10. Yes, I panicked and thought I hadn't put similar text on the T-RackS 5 page but I found it was there. The SampleTank 4 page also has similar text to make sure people are not confused. We will always have new software on the horizon. Also some new hardware should arrive n 2022 as well. Nice, glad you are in and the 10K was more of a nail-biter than I expected it to be so you're not the only one surprised. I knew we'd make it but I really thought it would be a little sooner than we did. Try adding EQ 81 at the end of the chain. You don't even have to change anything but the level to taste, really, but you can also do the "Jason Sadites" trick and push the input and lower the output to match the level back to normal and get great results too. My suggestion is more subtle but still noticeable. Awesome, you all pushed to get the extension through so congrats and thanks to your colleagues here. Well, don't let anybody else see that. The plan is still to fix that gripe in T-RackS 6. The ability to show/hide gear you don't have was very well-received in AmpliTube, since the gear there isn't set up as "single" processors so it was daunting inside the whole rig when you dealt with stuff you don't have in the way if you didn't intend to try or buy it. But having happy campers NOW is a great thing. I actually went to bed early between about 1-2AM EST (I am a night owl, after all) and my day doesn't officially start until 10AM EST and I walked into a doozy this morning. You all REALLY pulled through, I get to see the reports each morning ("Beyond the Counter: The Peter-IK Story") and even though I knew you'd make it I was pretty shocked by the push. Nicely done. And you mostly motivated yourselves, I made a point to mention in a morning meeting that people were creating charts and spreadsheets and gave credit to you all for this. Thanks!
  11. Looks like it could end up being a nice little present for the Italian office when they open up. I'm a night owl, but not sure I'll be awake when this one crosses that tier.
  12. That would have been great, you were very close! There's enough to go around. If I like you enough I might even share my Lagavulin 11 (Offerman edition) or 16. Make fun of the counter? Jail. Don't join the group buy? Also jail. Play "Stairway to Heaven" through AmpliTube? Surprisingly, jail.
  13. Ah yes, thank you for asking. I am in Georgia (near Savannah) so we were safe this time. We have had some storms since I moved here but nothing terrible. I feel terrible for the folks in Louisiana right now, we do have a few people at IK whose families are there but so far they're as OK as one can be under the circumstances.
  14. Come on over! I picked up an M1 MacBook Pro recently, I'm good. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, right? But no need to buy in five times... until after the extension. Or once now, four more times after! And this forum doesn't remove deal posts after x days like "the other place", right? I think you'd rather have a drink here. Come on over. More fun than making a bunch of people from that place buy you a drink
  15. We have one heck of a stocked bar here, so I'll just make you one!
  16. There will be a card in the box with any physical product, so when you receive it you can register that and then you are in the group buy. If we wouldn't make the extension (or it didn't exist) you'd still be taken care of as you purchased during the group buy. Yeah, I've reported this "transactionus interruptus" to the team, since it seems we're still surging enough to cause some remaining issues for at least some folks. Edit - and other sporadic issues, maybe there's a naughty node. Avoid the Noid! Wait. That's not it.
  17. Once you register it, you should see both ARC 3 and the free TR5 Deluxe in My Products (wait YOUR Products... Your My Products? Who's on first?) and IK Product Manager right away. If you bought it directly from IK it should appear there when the purchase is complete. They come back. Sorry to hear you had trouble.
  18. Site is working well now. You might need to clear cache etc, though. 588 to go!
  19. The site is being worked on by our IT staff. It should be taken care of ASAP. I was going to say you were all crushing it but I didn't mean crushing our web site completely!!
  20. That would have to be someone who doesn't read this thread! Maybe it is someone from "the other place"
  21. YES. I will push this again. I've mentioned this countless times. Replying to the implication that other companies that are in our space directly are more "professional" or similar with factual information should not appear arrogant. Sorry if that read that way for you, hard to convey subtleties like that in text and I understand how that can be misinterpreted. Just like the claim that OP wasn't saying that we were a lesser company, but it sure did read that way. You can use only IK Product Manager without Authorization Manager for SampleTank 4. And yes, sound library installs are separate, that should make a lot of sense so that people can update either the plugin/software or the sounds separately. It would be a nightmare to do all of it at once if you just wanted to update the main app/software.
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