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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. Note that many login / error 103 issues are resolved by de-authorizing/re-authorizing AmpliTube 5 instead of needing a full reinstall. That should help most folks, if not then support will be able to assist. Thanks!
  2. I bumped it again, I was told the MESA 2 specific CPU optimizations were separate from what you have reported and it is being worked on. Thanks!
  3. Also please heed this note, and if it is unclear it means that you cannot log on to ToneNET with your IK username/password you must go through the wizard to set up your ToneNET account. Similar to our forum, it is connected but requires additional information and such so there's a short wizard to go through before you can access ToneNET.
  4. Please reply to your support ticket, there were CPU fixes in this update so if you are experiencing other CPU issues they would know the status of those.
  5. Unfortunately there was no equivalent to the cool Lost String Quartet added to these as happened with the last SampleTron 2 update. I'll have to have Erik check his pockets for more of that loose change
  6. Please note you don't need to download/install from the Sounds tab. Ryan (where has he been around these parts for a while???) just told me that there was some confusion over this. Also, if you have MODO DRUM 1.0 you can upgrade to get the three new kits for 79.99. You should see the proper pricing when logged in with the account on which MODO DRUM 1.0 is registered. If you update without purchasing the upgrade, you would still have full access to the kits you had before, of course.
  7. Yes, the new kits are additional. 79.99 upgrade, less than some others charge for a single kit... If you have a previous version but are not seeing the upgrade pricing, please contact support and they can assist you. I'm reaching out to see if there's something going on to cause an issue but it would be great to report directly if you have the issue and have time to do so as it is good data to have (I reached out to our Support Manager to see if there's a common thread with anybody having issues).
  8. The site issues should be resolved, if you don't already have X-DRIVE in AmpliTube 5 the steps in this news (which also includes a video on how to redeem) should be working properly: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=GiveawayXDrive Thanks for your patience.
  9. Oh thanks, I meant the news on our site which should have been updated by the time I posted that. Can't know if we didn't tell you!
  10. The news should be updated since I didn't realize it was THAT sneaky.
  11. You should see the coupon auto-applied in your cart to bring that down to 69.99.
  12. Oh for sure I never use audio to MIDI real time. I use it more for drums but always after a track has been recorded.
  13. Nice, I'd bet with decent audio to MIDI you could really get some great tracks and with some basses you probably don't have at your disposal (and if you do have all the basses in MODO BASS at your disposal for real, I'm both jealous and happy for you).
  14. That's on me, I named this promo. Then I thought about this and the "Get Your Tron On" (also my handiwork) aren't great for our translators so I have to apologize to them. In Spanish I believe the SampleTron 2 promo essentially became "Light your Tron on fire" or at best "Turn on your Tron" which is a little better.
  15. We also have SampleTron 2 discounted, might do better with JamPoints if you've got 'em.
  16. Yes, it was leaked that it would be the Tomb Raider trio today which is great as they are really good. I have them on Steam already and they're a great freebie that I'd recommend.
  17. I was just reading (OK, listening to the audiobook version of) "Making Rumours" by Ken Caillat and didn't realize how much he use a Leslie on Lindsey Buckingham's guitar so I'm probably going to dive deeper into those tones as opposed to some of the more commonly-known examples - perhaps in one of the Sunset Sound ISO rooms since we don't have the Record Plant in Sausalito though I'd love to have it. I also want someone to figure out the circuit for the "Fat Box" bass DI used, but the circuits are potted on any units out in the wild, the creator won't ever make any more, and nobody seems to want to let one go if they have one. I wouldn't either.
  18. Stealth Limiter is my pick on this one, let's see if I'm right that it will be most popular. AT Leslie is going to give it a run for its money though!
  19. Was that a duplicate? I had it in my library and don't recall purchasing it so I suppose that answers my own question! What are people using the coupon for? I don't have as much time these days and have a ton of games (and GamePass Ultimate) so I probably won't buy much. I was eyeing up that Hot Wheels game but it doesn't support crossplay yet from what I can see and I'd want to play remotely with my grandson who is on Xbox.
  20. That Master EQ 432 might have been overlooked if anybody actually didn't have any choices left in the group buy
  21. I also kicked this CPU issue up directly. Also, I pushed (again) that clicking the price doesn't always make sense when a product's Buy Now drops you to the "Versions" page or similar. Did I say "again"? Yeah, I've been pushing this one for a bit now.
  22. From the news on our site: In case the product criteria wasn't clear. Also, I had someone check with multiple accounts and free choices and similar do enable the discount.
  23. I come because those a-hole company reps don't ruin perfectly good threads. Ah crap, never mind. Seriously, though, I see "not a deal" and I'm even happier to participate. Or non-audio deals, general spouting of BS or obscure (or just corny) references, all being welcome. I enjoy talking about any audio software (or hardware) I use or with which I'm familiar if it adds value to the conversation and still feel like part of the gang even when Larry is mad at me. Actually, he understands the difference between person and employer as is the general vibe here most times and that's the TL;DR of what I like about it here. Also, I don't recall it happening to me but this is probably the only forum where I would be fine with my real name popping up due to some rando forum bug. Can't say that it wouldn't worry me elsewhere... I'm sure some of you (definitely @PavlovsCat) know it already anyway.
  24. Not sure what you mean. American Acoustic is normally 79.99 so 39.99 is the correct sale price. Please let me know what is going on and I'll try to explain / help best I can. Thanks.
  25. There was an issue where folks with a free version (choice from the group buy, etc) were not seeing the proper upgrade path/pricing so our IT department implemented a temporary fix using an automatically-applied coupon. Unfortunately those cannot be combined with JamPoints but the support team should be able to manually process an order until the permanent fix is in place. I have relayed your ticket to our Support Manager to see what happened there. Thank you.
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