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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. I tried to answer something politely in that thread and got my head sliced off. We'll share any information about the group buy when we have it. There's an email out about the future of the group buy too, that should be informative.
  2. I assume so since we add what has been released since the previous version there'd be no reason not to. But Total Studio 4 MAX is not on the calendar at the moment so there are no specifics tied to it (though those specifics would be more toward pricing rather than inclusions historically)
  3. I also pushed the multis question to see if those will be unlocked at the top tier. I'll bump that request Monday.
  4. Thanks to @User 905133 and @abacabfor posting the videos, I appreciate it. Three heavy hitters there, I get to listen to Erik talk about our instruments once a week and it is a highlight even if it is a work meeting.
  5. There was definitely a Syner-V installer issue but the team fixed it this morning (Italian time), I just verified with our Testing Manager. He's running through the rest to make sure all is good there though we haven't had reports of other installers with similar issues. Sorry we keep pouring the salt into your math wound! ?
  6. 33% isn't a bad idea, though... Nice for Larry Bird fans, too. YW. I think Syntronik, MixBox, and T-RackS would fit VERY well into the ToneNET ecosystem.
  7. If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! Funny this applies to both of your posts Unlikely? We've been crossing a new tier almost daily and I can't recall a group buy that didn't go the distance. But I'll take $149 over $50 any day... I kid, I kid. If a preset doesn't share sound files/samples/etc it should be more than fine. And yes, some of us here are pushing for ToneNET for every logical product outside of AmpliTube 5. I'm with you on that front, 100%. 49.99 x 0.3 = 14.997 which rounds up to 15
  8. Because v1 presets don't and cannot contain the Wave Sets that are mentioned in the FAQ so it would be literally impossible to edit them in the same way as V2 presets.
  9. Right, because the v1 synths didn't and cannot contain the new Wave Sets so it would be literally impossible.
  10. And I forgot to mention congratulations for getting to six for the price of one. Well done, looks like seven for the price of one is around the corner.
  11. I guess we're still doing this... You bought MODO DRUM 1.0 at a VERY steep discount. You felt that getting three kits for less than $/€19/each wasn't a good deal, and then went on to claim you were paying for something "twice" when in fact you would be able to get all of the kits for a price that was far lower than most (and probably lower than most here except those that claimed it via the last group buy) paid. And we're not giant. I'm glad that people think that, it feels nice but unfortunately it just isn't the case.
  12. You picked that apart well but completely missed the point as I was replying directly to someone especially with the "completely transparent" phrase which was exactly what the person to whom I replied referred to, transparency. Sorry but you seem to have taken things a bit to heart over an out-of-context understanding of my reply to someone. I understand that you might want to take me and.or IK to task but I feel you completely missed the mark/target here as I've posted the FAQ from Erik Norlander himself which explains everything. And the rest of the parts of the message that seem to offend you also refer to the FAQ that I've posted and to which I thought I was clear as well but I, too, can make mistakes. In case that was missed, the FAQ is https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/?id=1431 TL;DR - I think you completely misunderstood my reply, please refer to the FAQ which explains clearly and concisely. That FAQ was the "interactional communication" you were seeking. I now feel like I've fallen into a self-help book parody like Ricken's book in Severance.
  13. New presets, it also clearly says the new wave sets so they are updated in a pretty big way. These new wave sets did not exist in V1, so unfortunately (and I apologize that I thought also obviously) you cannot edit V1 content that has wave sets that aren't there... I think that's completely transparent and shows you get more than people seem to think.
  14. We have a FAQ entry now, words from the expert himself Mr Erik Norlander: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/?id=1431 I already have Syntronik Deluxe with the 22 original Synths. Why do I need to buy them again for Syntronik 2? The Syntronik 2 version of the original 22 Synths adds new presets built using the updated Syntronik 2 engine that works with the new EDIT page, and it also adds the essential Wave Sets for each Synth that enable you to select the sound in each oscillator. You can use the original Syntronik 1 version of these Synths with the free Syntronik 2 CS software. The presets will sound exactly the same, and you can edit the presets in the same way as in Syntronik 1. You will also have access to the new effects and step sequencer of Syntronik 2. But you will NOT be able to access the new EDIT page and use the Wave Sets since those require the updated sound content created with the Syntronik 2 engine that are only available in the Syntronik 2 versions of the Synths.
  15. Isn't it cheaper than buying Syntronik 2 SE? You've met an IK group buy before, right? See my message, I state exactly what you get with these V2 synths.
  16. No the ones you buy in the GB are v2, but if you take this to the top tier that doesn't matter
  17. I verified with our Testing Manager that the group buy synths are all V2 synths, so you get all of the instruments for the particular model/synth (factory content for both V1 and V2 versions), which includes the Tracks (Oscillator) options in the EDIT page.
  18. Also note the counter isn't real time, it would stress the system too much in the past so it is only updated every couple of hours.
  19. Thanks! At this time the 149.99 upgrade pricing minus up to an additional 30% off using JamPoints is the best price we have to offer. Thanks for considering MODO BASS 2, much obliged.
  20. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I replied in kind there. You didn't pay twice, you have a problem with the pricing after getting v1 for a deeply-discounted price. That is your prerogative and you are welcome to disagree with the pricing and I hope you consider other IK products and/or MODO DRUM 1.5 and MODO BASS 2 (since that's the actual topic of this thread) in the future. I understand you'd want to refer people to a different thread implying that you didn't receive the reaction from other users that you did here but I can also assure people that the same thing was explained there. If you get a plugin for a blowout price, the upgrade pricing for the next version takes that into consideration. Sorry but you are not going to get a major update for free. In the case of MODO DRUM you'd be paying 79.99 for three kits (and likely if you are an avid IK user you'd get up to 30% off of that using your JamPoints) which is at most 26.66 per kit and 79.99 is less than others charge for a single kit. But you know this, I've explained it already, and you obviously do not want to purchase MODO DRUM 1.5 which is fine. But if you keep saying the same things over and over in every IK thread because you are mad that we charge 79.99 after you paid 99.99 (or 69.99 if you had MODO BASS 1) for MODO DRUM 1 then you feel that 180 (or 150) - which is less than the crossgrade pricing and again you probably have enough JamPoints to shave off another 30% of so - is too much for the full MODO DRUM with 13 kits plus all of the great features of MODO DRUM then I will continue to reply in kind and explain it again so it is clear to anybody reading exactly what is going on here. Again, your prerogative but from this you can see that we took your use case into consideration fully before setting upgrade pricing.
  21. For anybody concerned about the longevity of the iRig line of products, while they do hold up quite well we also have upped the warranty offering for them and added more value on top of that (better free software choices, USB-C cables included with compatible iRig devices, etc) to help ease your mind. More information at https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=IKHardwareUpdates Also note that a very similarly-built interface is nearly identical in build and functionality and when they upped the sample rate the price also went up while iRig HD 2 (again nearly the same build) did not increase in price. That other unit retails for $179.99 while iRig HD 2 retails at $129.99 even after the unfortunately necessary hardware price increases due to the supply chain issues of recent times. $50 less for nearly the same thing.
  22. You wouldn't pay twice. If you bought right before a paid update like MODO DRUM 1.5 you bought it at an extreme discount. That discount is taken into account when the upgrade pricing is set. You are free not to agree with that upgrade pricing being a proper value to you but you will still have the product that you purchased at a steep discount and which was (hopefully) worth what you paid for it for what it offered you at the time of purchase.
  23. I'm not sure what caused that so I'd recommend consulting IK Support to see if they have any better suggestions to get your favorites back.
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