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Peter - IK Multimedia

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Everything posted by Peter - IK Multimedia

  1. Thanks, I think so too. The drag and drop (and importing back into MODO BASS 2) was important to me as I don't think I'd use any pattern exactly as written especially for any part that repeats since there are always going to be variations. Now if Ralph could do the bass equivalent of Jamstix (which also supports MODO DRUM by the way for those that didn't know) it would be amazing.
  2. This again. Do I need to answer about how nobody is "re-billed" at all for this (or for MODO DRUM 1.5) or have my multiple replies to the same incorrect information been seen widely enough to save everybody some time? The special upgrade price is less than $19 per bass (and that doesn't even factor in the 1,500 patterns - pennies for those!) which follows the same principle as MODO DRUM 1.5 which gives you three drum kits for less than almost all other known players in the market charge for one single kit. And with MODO BASS 2 every bass is actually two basses as they can go fretless if fretted and vice versa. Along with the updates to the algorithms, and more. So I'm pretty sure "paying twice" or "re-billing" doesn't apply to completely new and vastly upgraded models/features/sound. I guess I did explain it yet again. I hope that helps some folks either way, at least.
  3. I know the only thing you want to hear is that it is out but I promise we're very close. In the mean time, check out the patterns section video which I believe answers some questions I've been seeing around:
  4. It is listed under "Dynamics" there. Let me know if you still have trouble. Thanks!
  5. Those were just examples used by the video creator for the sake of the video. The included presets for that gear in AmpliTube 5 should provide a solid representation of what you can do with the new gear though, as I will have to relay your request in the mean time.
  6. The parallel processing is really where Joe's influence shows, sounds really great even on things other than vocals (our product lead has already been using it for drums for a while for example).
  7. Bruford better than White? Howe better than Rabin? Roth better than Hagar? Beck better than Clapton? (resounding yes from me on that one) Buckingham better than Green? Scott better than Johnson?
  8. Great! Also note that the offer IK Support was making for the 99.99 SE upgrade was using a coupon so with this promo you can do even better with JamPoints as I mentioned (since coupons and JamPoints can't be combined). Also, not to be too much of a salesman but with AmpliTube 5 you do get some really cool new gear, some of these amps are sleepers: EDIT - Never mind, it was SE-->5 where you DO get these amps but I'll leave it up as I'm not ashamed of the mistake and the video is cool anyway and could be useful for others
  9. Yes we added AT5 SE and ST4 SE to Total Studio 2 MAX https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ts2max/
  10. IK Support would typically be able to offer an upgrade from SE --> 5 but the end pricing there was always 99.99 for the upgrade (down from 199.99), so during this promo the only way to go lower than that would be to use JamPoints which could take it down to 69.99.
  11. You had to reinstall CATO because he hasn't been relevant since the big trial where he was the "houseguest witness".
  12. Sounds good. I prefer pork ribs to beef but otherwise I'm not too picky about BBQ otherwise. I do also gift nicely if you do invite me to other types of gatherings and I have some good stories, so you won't be disappointed. That too. I have to work on the big flat top a bit, but I cleaned, prepped, and used the regular grill already so come on over. For those that partake in alcoholic beverages we also have a huge selection of liquor and mixers. Maybe this could be the top tier in a future Group Buy
  13. There's likely some overlap so some who are in may still get a group buy email so don't feel left out. But feel special. Sorry, I don't want you to not feel special, though.
  14. You would need to be in the target group of the email, and if you are already participating in the group buy you are likely excluded from emails trying to get you to participate, since we are still emailing literally hundreds of thousands about this.
  15. We have already put an extension out there. Once 2,000 participants are in the group buy, it will be extended through the end of of the month.
  16. 71 per day / 3 per hour! Achievable. We're pumping out some communication which also encourages sharing and such so hopefully that helps.
  17. All I have is that I'm told the .st4i files and wave sets are counted. I will see if support could put up a more detailed FAQ about it, though, if that doesn't resolve it (and i know some have contacted them directly with their discrepancies).
  18. I appreciate your kind words and general patience when I occasionally get sensitive to some of the reactions, even if I know deep down nothing in those reactions is personal toward me. And I do believe that someone is working on cloning Bapu, and I think Bapu means "balance" in the language of AtleastthatswhatIhopeitmeansian There was an email to customers that went out with a countdown, the 2,000 participant goal for extension, etc. It was not in-house. I believe the non-US version went out a bit late so those outside the States might have received it after my message was posted. Thanks! Right back at ya. I wish. My father has two psychology degrees (including one in corporate psychology) so I'm not going to go down that path since I feel analyzed enough sometimes He did some interesting work with regard to his time at "Ma Bell" (basically AT&T before it was split up, but that's a bit of a gloss-over of it) specifically having to do with Bell Labs and some of the amazing work of some amazing people and all that goes with that. So he could write the real report! Even I don't want to read it. In context of you replying to the above, I absolutely agree.
  19. Sorry I missed this in my multiquote. You won't have to share them thankfully.
  20. Yes, the multis will unlock when the top tier is reached. They believe, I know. I just had to verify that a couple of us pushing to make 100% clear exactly WHAT gets unlocked was understood and agreed upon. Thank Mr Erik Norlander himself for putting his much more than 0.02 worth into the discussion (he and I were of the "they must be unlocked at that point" point of view). So in short yes you'll get the multis when this gets to the top tier. Thank you for your patience, sincerely. Yes indeed! I think that is attainable. I'll do what I can, we did send out a much more involved email with the timer, sharing links, and the new goal to unlock an extension so I think it will be clear even to people who don't frequent audio forums Yes, they will be unlocked.
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