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Everything posted by BTP

  1. https://www.reaper.fm/download.php
  2. Yes, when you run the Product Manager afterwards it will detect the update was installed. AmpliTube just got updated too.
  3. Same, I had to run the .exe file manually.
  4. Looks like the last 2 years it's been all products 50% off.
  5. I can't place the order because their server is down. The server is working again. The serial number worked, be sure to remove spaces/tabs when you paste the code.
  6. I think you might want to check the year of the post.
  7. I believe the demo is only available from Cherryaudio's website and it's 7 days. https://cherryaudio.com/products/rackmode
  8. Yes, YYYY-MM-DD format would be the best choice. IMO "Last scan: 2 h 4 min ago" would be better than "Last scan: 04:23 GMT | 11 Nov 2022". I assume it's always just hours. When you click the product name, it takes you to the seller page. I think it should function like clicking the image and take you to the product page on your site.
  9. It looks like the last update was in December 2019. https://www.fxpansion.com/news/bfd3-3/ So a sale before a new version comes out?
  10. I assume they will be releasing more new versions of their old libraries on SoundPaint and that's why all these are so cheap. (SoundPaint 2.0 which has polyphonic legato should be released in a couple of weeks.)
  11. Another nice one. It's getting hard to find the library you're looking for though. Hopefully they'll change the LABS UI soon.
  12. BTP

    Reaper updated to 6.69

    All MIDI you played is available to insert even if you didn't record it.
  13. Nice. https://www.reaper.fm/download.php Also I missed it when it was first released a few updates ago, but Reaper has retroactive recording now. That's the best thing ever.
  14. Yeah. Also 100 people wouldn't have to try if the serial # still works.
  15. The trio is 199€/$ or 149€/$ if you own one of the 3. The piano is 79€/$ if you own one of the 3.
  16. Looks like they were only $99 in 2019.
  17. It's been released. There's also a lot of other plugins available. https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/downloads/
  18. For example Tracktion BioTek 2 $199.00 $23.88 https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/12th%20Anniversary%20Sale
  19. https://8dio.com/products/cage-strings-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instruments-samples
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