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Everything posted by Hillmy

  1. Isn't looping tracks in Matrix View in Cakewalk the same thing? I can loop all kinds of samples together and have them all in sync too and Groove clip functions are enabled automatically, meaning I can have some samples that are slightly above or below the project BPM and it automatically adjusts it so it syncs up with the rest of the samples. Also all of this happens in real time! I can make a complete song with just samples and Matrix View live! I have not looked in depth at what MSuperLooper is at all and don't have the plugin. Just going by first impressions and assumptions. ? I just saw a trailer for MSuperLooper (as I was making this post) and it looks cool. Looks like a virtual live looping machine. Cool if you want to make live performances on the fly. The new Akai MPC Beats just came to mind though, which essentially does the same thing regarding live recording loops and recording over the same track....and it's FREE! Also for both Cakewalk and MPC beats you can add FX. Although for Cakewalk it's more powerful and you can add FX and FX chains to each individual loop as it automatically becomes it's own track in the Track View! Here's an example of me using the Matrix View. It only took me a few minutes to put everything together. No automation, FX, or anything special (although you could use that if you wanted to). All I did was added samples from the media browser directly to the Matrix View and worked there only and this is what came up. Each cell is a sample being played back. Some are longer than others, and some have different timings. But everything gets intelligently synced as I play each column. Notice how the main melodies and beats seem to be uninterrupted and play smoothly throughout the whole song even though I am actually playing multiple tracks column by column. Of course it is impossible for me to time every second perfectly by hand, the Matrix View does that automatically for me. I probably got a bit carried away with this post, lol. In the end, MSuperLooper is cool. But not needed since there are alternative free options that do the same thing.
  2. It also depends on your hardware and drivers. ASIO performs horribly on my new laptop compared to WASAPI. I use WASAPI Shared instead of Exclusive. The Exclusive version is just to help with Latency etc. But for me the Shared version just works fine and I have the best sound and feels like zero latency for me. Exclusive makes it "exclusive" to the program, hence why you cant use audio with any other programs. Shared as stated, allows you do so.
  3. It looks like price just went back up!
  4. Use this link https://www.izotope.com/en/lp/redeem/nectar-3.html to redeem Melodyne Essentials
  5. Crossgrade from any Exponential Audio Product: Includes R4, NIMBUS, PhoenixVerb and Excalibur Only $69 at Audio Deluxe
  6. Nope, its a separate plugin like Neutron 3.
  7. I just went ahead and got it anyway. ? I paid $14.99 when I added my $25 voucher.
  8. Found this from their newsletter: Looks interesting. How does this compare to iZotope's offerings (Tonal Balance, etc)?
  9. I just found this link randomly while looking up reviews of a Plugin Alliance plugin. Found it on reddit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SQ7NLM9 This was the response after I finished the survey: *Voucher not shown for obvious reasons* ? The difference between the one month limited time $25 voucher and this one, this one has a $39 minimum instead of $32 and expires at the end of the year instead of end of the month. So if you have used your month voucher already you can use this. If you haven't, you can use the one you have then use this for the next purchase you make within the year. If they have crazy Black Friday sales this year, this may come in handy because it extends to the end of the year!
  10. Looking at one of the pics, it looks like you have Melodyne 4. The one included with Cakewalk is outdated. You are better off uninstalling it and downloading the Melodyne 5 trial from the official Celemony website: https://www.celemony.com/en/trial
  11. It's the reason why I don't use the TRacks stuff or Amplitude as well. At least with SampleTank I can hide what I don't own, but not the other two. I only have the free stuff when it comes to TRacks and Apmlitude and have not even installed any of them. I just registered them so it can be in my account. I will only install and use them if I feel I REALLY NEED to. Which is probably never, LOL!
  12. Speaking of Nectar Elements..... I found this https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/izotope-nectar-elements $29! ? Do I still think it is worth it buying any Elements for $29? Nope ? If you need Elements, this is still a way better deal: https://www.bestservice.com/music_makers_bundle.html $48 Elements Suite (all 4 of them)! Also included: Iris 2, Trash 2, Stutter Edit 1, Breaktweaker.
  13. I had already made custom layouts for Instruments and FX. So whenever I install new plugins I simply just use the plugin manager to add the new plugins to where I want and save the layout. When I got the new update it was no different. Easy as going to the manager and adding the new plugins. Channel Tools is the only VST plugin while the rest are DX plugins. If people cant seem to find the new plugins, check the plugin manager first.
  14. I got Nectar 3 standard (also comes with Melodyne 5 Essential) and Vocal Synth 2 both together for around $99 (I don't remember the exact amount but less than a hundred)! They had a special crossgrade price from Vocal Synth 2 for I think was $45 and they had Vocal Synth 2 on sale at the time for $49, so it was a no-brainer to get Vocal Synth 2 and get all three for under a hundred dollars!
  15. Since i managed to get the full MPC 2 software for very cheap. I now have both this and MPC Beats. I have no experience using both (as I recently just got both. I couldn't decide so I got both, lol) and will start to learn using it. I noticed that MPC Beats opens and I am greeted each time with what template I want to choose. It even has a section at the bottom for recent projects. I find this helpful. But when I open the standard MPC, I don't get that same pop-up screen. Is there a way I can get all those templates to use in the standard MPC. I am also unsure if there is any use of having them both. Do I use MPC Beats then when I am more comfortable with using it, use the standard MPC? Or should I just uninstall MPC Beats and just use the standard MPC and just learn from there? I have not made any projects with either of them yet. So there is no risk of loosing anything or whatever.
  16. I got Reason 11 (the standard full version) because I loved all the instruments and the capability to use midi out and have any instrument or effect control any VST I have already loaded in Cakewalk. I basically get all the cool stuff I like from the Reason Rack to run in Cakewalk. I prefer the interface and ease of use I have using Cakewalk than I do with Reason DAW, so this way i get the best of both worlds! What I really want to know is if there are any worthy instruments in FL Studio that I cant get as a separate VST? Also if I could get every instrument as a separate VST, would buying FL Studio be a better deal than buying separate plugins? The whole idea of running FL Studio in Cakewalk has me very excited, lol! I may not need it at all and it would probably be overkill having both Reason Rack AND FL Studio as a VST in Cakewalk, but the idea is very tempting and cool, haha! I just wonder if there would be any overlap or would I be getting anything unique that I don't have in either Cakewalk or Reason 11. Plus I already have a lot of synths and effects already. But if money wasn't an issue, would it still be worth it? ?
  17. I don't see why this thread is still open when it is clearly trolling ?
  18. Apparently Reason 11 wasn't the first to try this out. ? I just found out that FL Studio can function as a VST inside any DAW! I am thinking they probably were the first, if not MPC. The difference with MPC is that FL Studio is a full DAW. Reason 11 as a VST is just the Reason Rack. I am guessing FL Studio runs as a full DAW as a VST just like MPC. Has anyone tried using FL Studio as a VST in Cakewalk?
  19. I deleted them instead. I found it to be the easier way. I also made a thread about it to help others: It's not a big deal since it's easier to just locate and delete the files manually. For new users at least they wont be confused why some presets don't work. This also makes Cakewalk seem more polished and will make it easier to recommend to friends without having to explain what doesn't work.
  20. Yes, that is why I made this list. It's for people who rather not have to deal with uninstalling and risk loosing something. Because the new update doesn't remove the outdated presets, I decided to do it myself.
  21. I found all the presets that have plugins that are not included in Cakewalk by Bandlab. Find all these presets in your Cakewalk Content folder (wherever you installed it) then go to [...\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\FX Chain Presets] and delete all the ones you see in this list: Drums Automate me drum bus master dum bus parallel 2 kick drum life 1 kick drum life 2 kick drum punch snare life snare snap tight warm kick tom bus basic tom bus verb tom helper 1 tom helper 2 tom rack basic Guitar and Basses Big clean creamery can't B bigger clean filtered virus clean hole sun clean N sweet clean slap Modern Bit ripper corruption panel deep modudelay duck duck goose dumb step feedback apparatus liquid morphballs 2 metallic hydrogen nice AND naughty repeaterating super sweet ProChannel advanced shaper z3ta+ fx Retro big classic chorus button box buzz trigger classic slap dirt surfer tape is rolling tideonizor Vocals lead vocal female 2 lead vocal male 2 42 presets in total! It can be annoying finding a preset you want to try then finding out it includes a plugin you don't have. I have never used the FX Chain presets because of that. That's why i decided to finally find all the ones that are like that so that I never have that problem again! ?
  22. The way I understood him: Any install from this point forward wont have presets with non-included plugins. Anything before will. Or if you do a clean install it will not have old presets. So I am just going to have to delete the outdated presets manually ?
  23. All of them wont force you ?
  24. OH NO! Does this revoke peoples ability to join the Anti-Social Social Club? ?
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