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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Thanks! Looks super interesting! Still waiting on my email...
  2. Just making sure you saw this one! Thanks!
  3. ADSR (adsrsounds.com) doesn't seem to be in the stores list anymore?
  4. As @Craig N said, this is the lowest it has been. I had a few conversations with the Dev after grabbing the CM version. He splits his time at Melda and doing his own plugins for United Plugins (JMG Sound). This was one of his notes: It's a good one! ------------------- Here's a thread from KVR to get you started. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=544498 Honestly, I think this is one of the most underrated reverb plugins out there. IMHO, he priced himself out of the market - until now, that is!
  5. TOTAL NO-BRAINER! Get this now!!!
  6. FR: As you're looking at the Price Alerts you've set up, it would be super handy to be able to click on one of the Products in your list while you're browsing your Price Alerts...
  7. ? Also, I like that if you select a single store, it will still show the other stores where the product is being sold. That's a great way to make sure you're getting the best price. Nice!
  8. I could have SWORN when I posted that that your post said GROUP and FORUM codes weren't working! That's why I checked there. ... ----- Yes, your post right above mine said the codes didn't work.
  9. It's available in the Blowout section: $44.99 https://blowout.jrrshop.com/ssl-native-essentials
  10. Be sure and check your account at WA Production first! I just did and I already have 3 of them...
  11. I finally set up a Price Notification. First off - it looks GREAT and I'm hoping it will work as well as it looks. A couple of things: 1. The Body of the Verification email is not formatted properly. It needs a carriage-return and a little cleaning up. Not huge, just thought you might like to know. 2. FR: I asked earlier but I'll put it here too: Can we get a link on the bottom of the Product Tile next to History for the Notification set up? Unless you know to go into the History section, it's not apparent you can do this. To be clear - this is a GREAT feature! 3. The only way I can see to look at the Price Alerts I've set up it to go back to the "Verification email". I realize we don't have Accounts so it's not easy to get there, but is there a way we can get to our Price Alerts from the website and NOT the email? What if you added a button next to "Create Alert" that looks up our current alerts by the email address we just entered? Or maybe put the Email Address on top of 3 buttons: Until Cancelled, Create Alert and View Alerts ?
  12. I like Locness V2 - it's like Devil-Loc only with more options. Good one! I have OptoRed but it hasn't really grown on me. I trialed Model 5000 but thought it was missing some features that seem to me should be standard these days: Wet/Dry Mix and Stereo/MidSide. It sounded decent to me, but I didn't buy it. And I was not impressed with the recent message I got back from Support for their current Neural Q FREEBIE regarding the ridiculous CPU usage: "Well, it's using Neural Network technology so you should expect some CPU usage. But we'll look at it." (paraphrased) It was a bit off-putting.
  13. I wanted to like it because I love FrontDAW. But no filters... (?) That would have been such an easy thing to add. But I reach for FrontDAW before this one because of the HP filter. Still, the Preamp section is great if you don't have FrontDAW. I was super excited about the Balancer section too but the jury is still out on that one. I need to spend more time with it. It would also be nice to be able to rearrange the sections too, because I rather do some leveling before the Preamp. Dunno, still on the fence on this one...
  14. I went through the samples in standalone and didn't check. But I added a couple of instances to a mix last night and they were coming in around 7-10% per instance, so not so bad for a VI I thought. If if gets too bad later on, I'll just render them.
  15. Thanks! Looking forward to the videos. I was unaware of these! As I said, I've been doing this too. It's not just about loudness. The upside of clipping (and auto-gain) to level your tracks before processing is that your compressors/limiters don't have to work as hard with drastic level changes or the intermittent huge peak. You even have better sounding EQ's with a more consistent signal level driving into them. Then, at the end of your mix, you go in an automate the parts you want to highlight. ? BTY, you can totally clip the peaks transparently (where you can't even hear you're doing it) just to level things. Your compressors/limiters will thank you. @PavlovsCat - Hey Peter, these videos might be worth watching!
  16. I basically have a similar setup. Just out of curiosity, what is your preferred clipper? Mine was JST Clip and is now Boz's Little Clipper for ease of use, moderate options and metering. (And yes, especially CPU!)
  17. Dang! I already picked that up as the PB freebie in November.
  18. Still loving my CB-1 $34 bargain from just over a year ago! Looks like the CB-1's are on sale for $59 now and worth it. (Sadly, it doesn't look like the "frank10" code works anymore. )
  19. Why pay 49 EU for a clipper that will destroy your CPU?? Just pick up the Tone Empire one for free...
  20. What's wrong with their installation manager? You run it, install stuff, then you're done. Pretty straightforward and makes installing multiple plugins super easy. ---- PS. I answered your post as soon as I read it. Reading this page, I see now you've already had a few replies..
  21. Here's mine: Studio One Pro, Wnidows 10, AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor 3.30 GHz, 32.0 GB RAM (not that this matters)
  22. Customer support has already got back to me and they are looking into the CPU issue. Anyone else having problems with their serial number?
  23. I tried that. I also sent off an email to their customer support. All in all, this is HORRIBLE PR for what could have been really great...
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