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Everything posted by mibby
2. The slider is nice but unnecessary IMHO. Simple Min/Max Price fill-ins would work better. I'd like to be able to set a Max Price and have the site use that as my default whenever I pull up the page. It would cut down on the "noise". I keep saying "noise" because I don't want to have to sort and filter the same way every time I go onto the site which I have to do to get rid of the stuff I don't want to see or that I am not interested in. You want your users to get to their preferred settings as quickly and efficiently as possible. I assume that's the goal. (It should be.) 3. That Price Alert came from JRR. Best Service sends out an email when an item on your Wishlist is on sale and is pretty basic. But it works to get me to click onto their site by going right to the Product page to look at the sale. I'm not aware of other sites with email alerts. What would I like to see on a Price Alert email? I think the one from JRR pretty much covers it: Prices Product Page link - Take me to where I can buy it Unsubscribe from specific alert Unsubscribe from all alerts Maybe a link to take me to my Price Alerts page or even Site Maintenance page. (If you add that) Easy to do since you already know my email address. Just like the pic above. Right now, when I'm on the "price-alerts" page, clicking the Product takes me to "price-history" page. I would rather go to page for THAT Product. (Audiority Grainspace in my example in the post above.) FR: Can you store "preferred defaults" in our "psuedo account" - I forget what you called it? (The same way you're storing our Email Alerts) So, once we enter our email address, you pass that around as a parameter in the URL and you can preload any user input fields with defaults for that page, if they exist. What if, you started storing our preferred defaults the same way? THEN, I could bookmark the Music Software Deals site with my ID in the URL and it would open to my preferred defaults every time? That would be AWESOME! Essentially, any page that has any sort of user input options could save these defaults. Then, when that UserID is passed into the page, it populates the defaults for that user. I hope that made sense. FR: I don't think you're scraping the Developer's own store pages? Sometimes they have just as good sales as the resellers. Plus, some devs give discounts on their own site if you own products from them. Can you add "Developer Stores" to the pages you scrape for deals? PS. I love the Price Alert next to History on the bottom of each Product tab. Super efficient!
Bug: the new Price Range slider overlays the Manufacturer drop-down filter. PS. Believe it or not, I'm NOT trying to be a PITA, just trying help you improve the site. ?
FR: When I click on Price Alert entry, could I be taken to Products view rather than History (see above) FR: Assuming the Categories will become useful, can you make it a Filter dropdown like Manufacturers and Stores so I can UNcheck Instruments to reduce noise? Suggestion: Price Range slider is slick, but it takes up too much screen real estate on my small laptop. Could we just have Min/Max fill-ins in stead? I thought you might like to know, I got my first email alert! (First pic) So that's working. ...but, it needs some formatting. I know you're just getting it started, but the second pic is an example of an alert which is very useful. ================================================================== (above from Music Software Deals) ================================================================== ==================================================================
31% off FabFilter Pro-C 2, Pro-L 2, Pro-MB, and Pro-R, starting at $124
mibby replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
But I don't need one other thing. That's all I need... -
31% off FabFilter Pro-C 2, Pro-L 2, Pro-MB, and Pro-R, starting at $124
mibby replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
...and SoundToys and KiloHearts and Melda and Izotope and IK and Audiority and Kuassa and Arturia and.... But nothing else! ? -
Thanks! I was going to ask if anyone had this, because it's been on my "list" for a while now.
It was actually FREE. I forget the details about how/when I picked it up, but I never bought it and registered it on: 21-11-2019 according to my Products page. Although, if I ever want to actually USE it, I'll have to pay $10 to download it because I didn't know that stupid policy existed back then... ?
Kilohearts Phase Plant + FREE Expansion Sale (Exclusive)
mibby replied to Larry Shelby's topic in Deals
YES please! Come on KH, be one of the "good" devs... ? -
You probably got FrontDAW for free when it came out, which you had to register on their site.
The newest changes are looking really good! One thing: when I'm in my Price Alerts and I click on an entry, I'm expecting to go to the Product tab, not the History page. (Maybe it's just me?) I'd rather see this: Than this.
FireCobra was the only one I didn't have. $12.66? Done. PS. Hyperspace alone is a no brainer at this price!
That's just what they want you to think. -- (Queue the spacey music) -- ? Forget about the $14 and even $4 plugins in the past. It was only a dream... ?
And you added the "Add Alert" next to the History tab! However.... it just seems to open to another window of MSD, so I don't think it's quite working yet. It should do the same thing as the "Add Alert" button from the History page, right? The sorting in the Alerts section works great! The check-boxes in the Alerts section is nice for maintenance too. It lets me remove the duplicate entries. ? FR: When you open on the "Add Alert" page, can you default to a choice like "Any Price Drop"? And while I'm being nit-picky, can you make "Any price drop" the first item AND default to it? That's would makes sense to me anyway. Observation: This is just a general one, but it might be handy for "personalizing" the MSD browsing. Once I've entered my email address to set up an Alert, you have now captured my "user id" and can pass it around in the URL. Now that you have it, you could use it to personalize EACH of the pages to a user's preference if that sort of setup existed. For example, I'd like to get rid of all the "Samples" and "Instruments" noise initially and just browse effects. I realize you have the Categories sort, but I don't use that since it's not dependable. But keeping my preferred Manufactures (Developers) and Stores could work, where those drop-downs are pre-checked for me when you have my email address. FR: Maybe there could be an option to "Save your filters" and if I select it, then you prompt for my email address? BTW, are our email addresses "protected" from being farmed? Are they masked or encrypted in any way? How do you store them? I can see your site being a big target for bots once it really takes off. And now that I'm on the subject, please tell me you're not going to sell them! ? Just thinking out loud really....
Or you could get this one from Alto Music and be done with comparing the plugins. SUPER easy on the CPU too. BONUS: you could name-drop to get studio business. I wonder if it comes with a certificate of authenticity? ? https://www.altomusic.com/michael-brauer-collection-adl-670-stereo-compressor-w-psu-serial-number-oo4-from-rack-5
I was wondering the same thing. In spite of how many different Pultecs I have, I always seem to keep coming back to this one. So I'm wondering about the Fairchild 670 too...
I just noticed a notification on Phoenixverb plugin that there's an update available. Not sure how long it's been there though since this one isn't in regular rotation... --- You can download them here: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads.html#stereo-reverb-plugins
Hello Mr. MSD guy, a coule of more issues to bug you about: 1. the email notification lets you add duplicates. ("XenoVerb" is a duplicate, see pic) 2. As we add these notifications, some sorting options would be useful, like a Dev column.
What does this mean?? That there's a gain knob on each of the frequency bands? ?
Hey hey! I heard back from support. Evidently, I had previously been subscribed and unsubscribed from the mailing list and it didn't send. I sub/unsub from so many lists I can't keep up! But all good, I have Energy Panner! Now I just need to remember to install it and try it out.... ?
That would work nicely, I think. I just now noticed you link from the History page. I'm sure you're getting tired of hearing this, but this is a great idea and super useful! Well done!
This is THE most clever way to demo plugins ever. Super creative idea to give a limited feature set this way!
Still no email. ? I sent a note to support...
Good point. I was thinking along the line of the Gallery View where the user picks one of the stores that has the item. How do you determine which store to go to when you select a product link from the List View? It looks like the last one in the list maybe?
No, I'd like to be able to click on the Product from there and go to the store where it is being sold. So, in the "Price setup notification" section (and I think it should be separate from the History section) - assuming I'll be able to browse my "Price setups" without having to set one up and go to the email link that is sent (i.e. I'm not setting one up now so I can't look at the ones I have set up) - it would be super handy to be able to click on my Product from right there and go to the store that is selling it. I hope that made sense! ? ------- OK, I just set one up. So from my "All Alerts" page where it lists the Price Alerts I have set up, it would be great to be able to click on a Product in my list and go to the store just like on the main page of the site....