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Everything posted by mibby

  1. I love presets, especially for complicated plugins. It's a great way to learn them and a good starting point if you find one you like. BTW, here's the mix where I used the Clearmountain Spaces on the kick (and snare too, I think). I kind of abandonded it a year ago because I wasn't quite happy with it, so it's not really "finished". But I never would have tried a verb on the kick if I hadn't seen the preset in the Clearmountain plugin. I think it was something like "Beefy Low End" or something like that. But I kind of liked it! Disclaimer: this style is NOT a genre in my wheelhouse so I'm not certain how well things are balanced in that regard.
  2. What happens if my Input Range is smaller than the range of the source material? Does it compress/expand the signal at that point? It's confusing to me. If you don't mind, could you jot dot down like a step by step "how to" on setting this up for leveling a vocal? i.e. 1. Select vocal preset 2. Determine Input Range 3. Select desired Output Range. 4. Slide the Output range around until it sounds good. I'll keep reading through your docs, but I would just like to see if/what I'm missing. Thanks!
  3. I only have the Clearmountain Spaces because it's been the most discounted on sales. I was really excited to get it because, well, Bob Clearmountain. I like that it incorporates a de-esser and an EQ, but the presets seem pretty limited. (I guess I'm hard to please, because I don;t like too many presets either!) But it has been very instructional as far as a "reverb chain" and the need to incorporate those pieces, including multiple reverbs. But other than getting a really great round kick drum sound, I've honestly been kind of "meh" on this one. I need to break it out again and run it through its paces. It's certainly worth the sale price of $30 though. I'm very curious about his Domain plugin, but it's priced waaaaay too $$ for me. Same with the Phases plugin.
  4. I'm glad you posted @Aaron Robinson! I literally just pulled out this plugin last night and have been trying to get my head around what you are doing here - because it seems like a really NEW approach. I think you're really on to something, but it is a new approach to me an I'm just not sure where to start. 1. Where should we post specific questions? (I can email, but an open dialog on a forum - KVR? - would be ideal I think.) 2. To update, do I just download the latest version here? https://apu.software/download/ 3. My use case: I would like to level a dynamic vocal using the LUFS loudness type option. This may be a stupid question, but I'm trying to get my head around how to adjust Input Range? Should I treat it like an Input knob and slide the Input Range around until all of the signal falls within it? How do I select the proper range? How do I select the right level? Is there Compression/Expansion happening at the Input stage?
  5. And some quality FREE plugins too! LOVE the 4u Meter/Fader! https://hofa-plugins.de/en/plugins/4u/
  6. They said it would be available afterwards which is good, because I could only half listen because I was at work.
  7. There was a banner at the top of the chat that you had to click to see the details. It had a link which took you to sign up page which said you'd get a code emailed within 24 hours. I've gotta say, it was annoying as --- to see the number of attendees who kept posting "CODE" and stupid stuff like that when you had Alan Freakin' Parsons sitting there taking questions and talking about making music. Sad.
  8. I have Flaw and Irid but honestly haven't used them enough to give any sort of thorough review. However, I have used them both and was able to dial up decent sounds for each of the mixes I was working on t the time. In particular, I found Irid intuitive and gave me pleasing results quickly. I like the UIs too, so I guess that's something. ?
  9. https://www.tritik.com/ Coupon code: JUNE23
  10. @El Diablo Resource hog, yes, but Nectar 3 Plus is one of my favorite Izotope plugins, if not THE favorite and is waaaaay better than the Elements version! I like to run it on a vocal to see what it thinks the vocal needs, then I tweak from there. But later in the mixing process or if I need it on more than a couple of tracks or if there are a lot of tracks and I'm needing more CPU, this is one of the first places I look and I'll render the track with the plugin to save some cycles. One of my favorite features is the Follow mode on the EQ. I almost always look there first to see where to reduce muddiness and/or boxiness in the vocal track. I like the auto Leveler on this thing too. But this is a very VERY good plugin IMHO and has a solid place in my mix template on LV! -- edit --- Forgot to mention the De-esser too!
  11. Good idea! I'll have to try this. Only 2 of like 8 plugins show up for me. It'll be nice to see them all in one place. It's always bugged me that they don't show up on the SSL site...
  12. This may be old news to some of you, but in case it's not... I just stumbled across this while going through and updating my plugins. https://www.solidstatelogic.com/ssl-download-manager You still need to figure out which ones you own because there is no "My Plugins" option - probably because they don't know. Regardless, it's pretty slick and will tell you which plugins are needing an update so you don't have to wait for @TheSteven to post that there is one. ? --- edit --- How to find your SSL Plugins: https://support.solidstatelogic.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4408124029585-Where-can-I-find-plug-ins-I-registered-previously-
  13. Definitely interested in hearing this! And I thought this was just a "deals" forum.
  14. Good points all and I've simmered down a bit. But I still stand by this statement. Why would you sell software that is being sunset? As was pointed out, OS updates will eventually kill an unsupported piece of software. And yes, I should be able to use this for years to come. But it rubbed me the wrong way on a much smaller scale than Waves: give us more money and by the way we are no longer supporting the software you just purchased...
  15. LOL! I thanks them for the heads up AND mentioned that in the support email I just sent. Waves, not the pitchforks, that is... They should offer a FREE upgrade to existing customers of the old versions. I realize development takes resources, but if you want customers to keep spending money with you, throw them a bone. A little brand loyalty goes a long way. @lawajava "The original has a killer sound, easy to use, and is light on the CPU." 100% agree. I'm a little sad not be able to keep using it to be honest.
  16. (begin rant) I bought Softube's FET last September for a great sale price and really like it, especially since I got such a great "deal". Since then, they've been marketing their NEW Mark II FET compressor (which looks great, BTW) Then today, I just got an email from them titled "Important information regarding your product". The gist of the email is that these "supported legacy products" will no longer be updated after 3 years. WHY would I continue to use a plugin in new projects that is no longer going to be supported?? They do offer a "discount" for the new Mark II version which is still over 2x what I paid for my current version. So heads up! Don't buy these plugins below because they are no longer going to be supported... I remember almost picking up Bass Amp Room too which was recently on sale and I'm very glad I didn't. I don't know if I'm just particularly cranky this morning or what, but this seems very disingenuous and a shameless money grab to me. It also makes me appreciate the customer-centric devs like Melda who update your current version of the plugin without charging you again, makes sure they are backwards compatible when new versions come out so you old projects still work (and offer the old installers), AND continually add NEW plugins for FREE to bundles you own. This almost makes me want to start a Dev appreciation thread for those companies who really take care of their customers. To be fair, I've had no beef with Softube before this other than the price of their plugins. I'm going to email support after venting here to see what sort of response I get from them. I'll let you know. (rant over) sigh.
  17. I'm not familiar with this one and I really like the layout! Too bad it's not a price where I might think about getting it...
  18. Plugin Boutique also tells you when one of your plugins has an update available. Super useful and helpful. It would be great if other companies who collect your licenses would do the same, especially if they charge you. (iLok, I'm looking at you.)
  19. I'd jump at that price too! I've got the 4 or 5 FREEBIES plus Analog Lab 5 and Augmented Strings and my Crossgrade price is $199. So it's easier to say "no thanks".
  20. 100% agree with your last 2 points and I mostly agree with you otherwise - except - that I am leaning towards liking plugin managers in general. However, a poorly executed one is almost as bad as individually updating a bunch of plugins. (Hornet, I'm looking at you. ) The best installers that pop to mind are Kilohearts and Arturia and Tokyo Dawn. They are all nicely streamlined and tell you if you need an update. I wish Kuassa had one. I have a handful of their plugins and I'm right at the tipping point of buying their full bundle. Updating all of the individual plugins is a total pita...
  21. This makes me feel a little better. I passed on the $130 FX3 price when the new reverb was introduced. So I guess I would have still paid the same to upgrade to FX4 if I had jumped in. Mine shows $199 now, so no real difference. That's a BIG chunk of change to buy a bunch of FX that I already have from different devs. Is Arturia THAT good? Are they FX you actually use? ?
  22. @Fleer You got a thumbs down from me on that click bait buster!
  23. I'm seeing the same as @MrFigg. I just signed up too... I'd have to say I'm in the definite "meh" camp.
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