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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I still have 9 items to pick. Perhaps IKM can look into adding more things to chose in the selection.
  2. I just tried it. I am not getting that. I am seeing a little blurp that says you need to purchase items that are in trial mode. but i tried various presets from new collections i got as freebies. no noise. they all work fine, Just tried out the some of the V3M and T-rex effects freebies.
  3. Hi Jacques, I saw your post on the other thread. I see you have a "i7 4th generation ". This sounds similar to my old DAW setup. I was running an older i7 Mac Mini. I started to notice that certain newer VST products on the market such as Amplitube 5 and Massive X were really taxing the system and I realized there was little I could do anymore to keep the system running faster. I already had upgraded the hard drives to SSDs. But an older gen i7 is an oler gen i7. In you case, I would suggest just stick with Amplitube 4 (I believe you get a copy of that if you have AT 5 and most of the collections show up in that) or go with another guitar sim. There are tons of other that are quite good and nowhere near the resource hogs of Amplitube. Try Klevgrand STARK.. I am still blown away by that one. re: Amplitube 5 .. I can't explain the reason for the resource usage other that to assume that all the new fancy graphics in the interface and the sound engine is built on some sort of framework that just uses more CPU overall. As much as a Amplitube user and fan I am , I find I flip back and forth between 4 and 5. 4 sounds totally different and in some cases I prefer using 4 instead of 5 when using some amps and effects. good luck.
  4. what are you computer specs. AT 4 never really crashed on me. Even when I used it on my old i7 setup. I do recall AT 5 worked but it really eate up CPU resources. Hence I upgraded to something slightly faster. But I am still on a system miles slower than what the youngs guys running M1 and the soundtrack score guys running crazy specs for orchestral music are running. AT 5 works fine on my end.
  5. @OP.. Really interesting question. I really think it depends what you want to get out of music and how you approach it. I sort of approach it now as it’s something I do in my free time and I try to make time for it as it’s “my” free time that I do this stuff for. It’s my mental me time away from kids and wife and chores. It’s sort of like, you know, some guys have woodworking as a hobby and made desks and chairs. Some guys have a $2000 bike and the cycling outfit and go cycling all the time. My thing is doing music. That’s sort of how I approach it. I have no aspirations to become Drake. FWIW.. there are many guys that were writers on the side while having a day job and sort of did this thing where they made time for their alter life such as writing – and did become quite famous from it. Sort of like John Grisham. He was a lawyer and family man and wrote because he loved to write. And hit it big. So anything is possible. You never know man.
  6. I figured out what I did. I am an idiot. Oh well. the video can be viewed and interpreted as the process I went through to get the final sound. The idea of pulling mics away from the cab I got from reading Alan Parsons interviews where he said he likes to capture bleed and the room when mic'ing guitar amps.
  7. I picked up the MODO drum as one of my freebies. The MODO Drums impressed me quite a lot. I didn't get a chance to spend much time with it, but from the little that I hear and tried out.. its really good sounding. Large download though. I believe it's because of the sampled cymbals I read somewhere. The Hammond I am not clicking with. But the Sampletron really has great sounds for the stuff I like to do. My top list so far: - Sunset Sound Reverb - T-Rex Replica - Believe it or not. The Jimi Hendrix collection. I don't know why. I thought it would be a little gimmicky. But those vintage amps in AT 5 sounds totally up my alley. An unexpected surprise. I am a big Cooder fan.. so to me, the American Vintage B and D are totally my thing.
  8. Agreed with this. Of the stuff I picked up the SSSR impressed me the most. I thought it was a little gimmicky when the ads came out 2 yrs ago. But so far. Soundwise. Impressed me the most.
  9. thanks. but i gotta say. something is really messed up with it though. what i was hearing in headphones is not the same audio that go recorded in the video. there is no reverb or tremolo or vibro effects in the amp setting i have in the beginning of the video. they are dry in a dead studio room. its really weird. i have no idea where those effects are coming from. so strange. i will look around some more in the settings.
  10. what young tele did was pickup a irig on clearance and got me into the $200 tier. upgraded to AT 5.
  11. The Green BA250 in AT is amazing if you are into that 90s bass tone.
  12. I picked them up too. I just finished trying it out. not bad. very modern sounding. i will upload a test sample of the stuff i tinkered with. I also picked up the Sunset reverb. It does sound really good and cool. but that app is just too funny. i keep looking up at the ceilings of sunset sound .. the 360 view is a hoot.. LOL.. @Peter - IK Multimedia IKM should put some easter eggs in that one. Remember the good old days when developers used to have fun and put easter eggs in software. They can put some groupie panties or David Lee Roths' half empty whiskey bottle behind a corner.. ?
  13. I was tempted by the Uno Drum. It sounds cool . But think I will save up for an elektron octra.
  14. Well. FWIW.. I am in one more time. I picked up an iRig 25 i/o. I was looking for a smaller-ish keyboard to just play around with. Just finished testing it out. Works fine. Plus the built in interface is kind of cool with a laptop . Not the greatest build quality but does the job fine. Upgraded the firmware and tested with Cubase, and Reason.. all works as advertised.
  15. @Peter - IK Multimedia ... is IKM gonna consider adding these as hardware items to the GB? Also, is it possible, or is there a place to check what SKU's of the hardware are eligible for the GB? I see no manufacturer SKU's on the pages.
  16. it looks cool. you can plugin yo geetar into it. it would be a fun toy in the man cave.
  17. 838...!! I picked up the V3M and cab as my freebies yesterday. Quite good sounding. It sort of reminds me of the Mesa triple rectifier which is one of my fav amps in the Mesa collection. I slapped together a quick demo while moving the wifes 10,000 pictures from her iPhone to Mac. God I hate apple ..
  18. well that blows. I bet it was some guy from KVR sent here to lock the thread so they can beat us.
  19. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid well. it's back on sale. unfortunately. does not ship to Canada. ?
  20. very cool. stocking up on some AT effects.
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