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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. oh no. IKM have been attacked by hackerz!!
  2. I like this one. @Peter - IK Multimedia and IKM are the cowboys and everyone else on this forum are the Mexicans.. ?
  3. this is very appealing. i got ezbass and like it.
  4. 176 ... hmm, maybe tomorrow another one.
  5. did IKM add any one items to the GB to qualify? this new moves is great for people that want pretty much everything. Not so great for people that want some things and are now sort of out of ideas of what else to get as freebies. unless the high priests of IKM add something else into the GB, it will be hard to get in again.
  6. ^^ tele is still in the running, but he will lose. i think it will get to 19 if we lucky..
  7. yeah. i agree. you can argue the dictionary meaning any way you want to. but they ain't gonna care what the dictionary says. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/idiot#synonyms ^^ if a kid starts failing all his classes and they call him a birdbrain or idiot or stupid.. it ain't gonna fly. it ain't cool to say that anymore. You just say ADHD. ?
  8. I get the feeling times have changed. Things mean different things today. You gotta be careful.
  9. i see. i guess that makes sense. it takes reading from the placement of the monitor in the room.
  10. i realize that. i dont think they would care how its spelt. they care what it is associated with and represents. it is the way it is. ?
  11. I had to do a double take when I looked at that company name. The social justice folks up here would have a field day with Tracy if they could get their hands on him. The world is a different place than it used to be.
  12. Yes, I understand that. But even with iLoud MTM's, you still have to install the Arc 3 software on the desktop in order to use the Arc 3 features and MEMS mic, right?
  13. what do you mean embedded? there are special profiles for iLoud monitors?
  14. i recently got woodchester piano. greatest sampled piano of its kind ever released. well worth the price. great developer.
  15. i have been looking at the Hugh Padgham and Alan Parons drums stuff. I asm a fan of those guys. But I have lots of Drums already. ::|
  16. so.. we are at 16.. and I have 3 more things to get before i have pretty much all of T-Racks. If this gets to 20 or 21.. it's going to be a toss between, getting the Arc 3 software and then picking up a separate compatible MEMS mic on BF. Or digging into the Sampletank stuff and either getting some of the newer stuff like alternate keys, clavitube ,shipwerk piano, fractured piano.. any thoughts, comments or suggestions?
  17. not me. just amplitube and tracks. but i suspect they will be coming out with a tracks 6. so they will try to hook ya on an crossgrade.
  18. if they priced it at $399 and gave you 90% off it would have been a even better deal!! ?
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