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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I am reading the Glyn Johns bio. He calls cops bobbies. ? I just finished the chapter where the cops allow a package of hash in a fruitcake to get delivered to Steve Miller band and then the "bobbies" went in and arrested them all. ?
  2. aya .. i got them... the hint is in my reply to Bapu in Lemmy.. ?
  3. got it.. !! thanks all...!
  4. I think it's all really dependent on the music you are making. There was good digital and there was bad digital. There is also good and bad analogue. Using analog does not automatically guarantee you will get good sounding recordings. And definitely will not guarantee you will get good sounding songs. The quest to keep buying gear that will give you a magic bullet is a fallacy. I can tell you as a guitar player, you buying a $10,000 Gibson Les Paul custom shop pro is not gonna give you a magic bullet. Your sound will sound exactly the same as it's the same fingers and same musical approach and stylings that is driving behind the wheel of that fancy new Les Paul.
  5. did they change the code? I am trying hints and not working here.
  6. there once was a great presentation at a conference on digital audio converters and what you lose in the digital domain which sort of explains why old LPs sounded better. But I can't find it now. The Internet is so full of garbage spam click bait on digital vs analog searches.
  7. Yeah. Vinyl is indeed a thing. It does sound better that digital. But not for those who listen to music on cheap to ***** ear buds or phone speaker. I think you need to be a certain audio phile with high end system to hear it.
  8. Do it!! make thy Beatles masterpiece. George Martin did it..
  9. ha ha ha.. i used to have a 2 track of these. it almost burnt down my house. true story.. my brother in law was in my studio and i was showing him some stuff and he goes ahead and plugs the thing it to see if it will play one of his old Styx tapes. but he uses the wrong power adapter. leaves it plugged in and we go up to get food. an i start smelling burning plastic.i go down and its on fire.. LOL
  10. wow.. good god. i would never use a tape cassette portastudio. have tapes at least gotten a little more reliable in 2020? when is the shellac cutter coming out? i want to do the thing where i have to stick the little plastic bobby in the middle again.
  11. well. then using it in sampletank it is then.
  12. I picked this up during the last GB. I just started using this yesterday. Its really cool sounding. Right up my alley of music. What is annoying about it is you can't make favorites of the patches you most like to use. Unless I am missing something. ?
  13. argg.. don't do this to me. /tele-pullng -out-calculator..
  14. Meh.. they had a 50% off deal earlier. Was much better. Me the drum addict am tempted with electo-acoustic. Almost got it back then, but was at that point had just gotten ModoDrums and was having so much fun learning to use it. That I figured take a break on GAS for a bit.
  15. Happy new year all. All the best for 2022. It has been an okay year for me I think. Got some wicked deals via this community.
  16. I put AT5 in insert 1 and the Softube in insert 2. I have been using the room mics in Softube for reverb. Didn't try using IK SSSR as reverb send. Will try it as I have that. I dont have Fame ?
  17. wow.. that pretty good. I thought i was bad *****. you beat me.
  18. thats it. i am tagging LoFI to every track I do now.!
  19. post thy FX chain. Lets see . I did a but of tinkering this morning based on suggestion from another member and was getting around 7-8% CPU usage for a sound using a mix of Softube standalone and AT5 effects.
  20. same here. i tried the word on p 16.
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