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Greg Wynn

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Everything posted by Greg Wynn

  1. I recently opened a project that had been untouched since 2007. It opened flawlessly except for the plugins that had been jettisoned long ago.
  2. I actually crank up Audiogridder sometimes because it catalogues all of the VST’s quite well and makes them quickly searchable.
  3. Love the review but they REALLY need to get the name of it right !
  4. The more recent updates have absolutely optimized Sonar - I remember using it the first time after the update and the difference was immediately discernible. And if there is even MORE optimizations then bring it on !
  5. Agreed , odd as I deleted the Fractal ASIO driver and yet the message comes up if Sonar is running and then I power up the Fractal, eh ? I I say to add it it then reverts Soner to 48k and completely remaps all my track and bus I/O’s. However now I can have the Fractal powered up before instantiating Sonar and it’s fine whereas previously Sonar would attempt to add it. EDIT - to answer the question - yes I was hoping to exclude the message. Thx for responding, @Noel Borthwick !
  6. FIXED (sorta) - Spent some time on the Fractal forum and this has been an issue with Fractal and Cakewalk/Sonar going back to like 2010. To be clear I’m sure it’s more an ASIO specification issue rather than a Fractal or Sonar issue. Lots of trying different things and finally settled on uninstalling the Fractal ASIO driver which to my surprise didn’t resolve the issue (perhaps the Fractal was grabbing my MOTU interface drivers ? Dunno). Finally settled on cranking up Sonar with both interfaces on and the deselecting all the Fractal drives in Sonar prefs. However I’ve done that previously but… So here is the where I am I’m cool with it. Before if I turned on the Fractal while Sonar was running Sonar would then ask to grab the Fractal which would change everything to 48k and wreak having on every track and buss input/output. Frustrating. So now I can have the Fractal powered up BEFORE starting Sonar and it’s fine which before would cause Sonar to act like I turned it on after Sonar was substantiated. I can live with it Thx to all who helped ! @msmcleod while I am comfortable delving into the Registry, I elected to go the route I did but if things get wonky I’ll try your suggestion.
  7. Gonna give this a whirl as well. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Tell-Sonar-to-ignore-audio-interface-Solved-m3309613.aspx
  8. Thx @msmcleod ! I’ll try that. I should know this but how do I edit my initial header “How can exclude a midi device (Fractal AxeFx)” to a more accurate “How can I exclude a Fractal AxeFx from coming up as an audio adapter in Sonar?”
  9. @Amberwolf you are absolutely correct - I’ll change the title to a more accurate “How can I exclude AxeFx as an audio interface” ? Thanks for the feedback - you’re spot on.
  10. So I record at 44.1k and ONLY have midi to my AxeFx to utilize the softwares that controls it (Axe Edit). The AxeFx only outputs at 48k however I don’t record via USB and only via straight audio (L and R out into my MOTU interface L and R in). Because of this I have to be careful to first start up Sonar and once it’s initialized then power on the Axe Fx. After that I get a message asking if I want to add the Axe Fx - which I respond no because if I do everything tries to reset to 48k - which is hugely problematic as I ONLY use audio from the AxeFx and no midi or USB functionality. So is there a way to permanently “exclude” Sonar from trying to add the Axe Fx ? Thanks !
  11. And likewise I wish “record” didn’t reset to “comping” rather than “sound on sound”.
  12. Tracked for many hours last night and tonight as well as got some mixing in. Everything is working great ! Thank you !
  13. Glad it’s not just me like a placebo. Literally everything seems “snappier”.
  14. WHOA ! Only had a chance last night to take it for a quick spin but literally EVERYTHING seems snappier somehow. Looking SO forward to really putting it thru its paces this weekend. is it just me or does feel like a huge update ?
  15. I switched all my in flight production work into Sonar months ago. LOVE IT !
  16. So the issues remained the same and the only thing that’s a constant is the Presonus ? Possibly that’s a clue.
  17. I’ve been onboard for the same timeline you posted and I’m confused as well. I paid for a yearly membership and ported over all my CbB workloads to the new Sonar months ago with mostly zero issues (I did post a strange one that no one has replied to yet just today). But the lack of news or even an apparent marketing plan is troubling…
  18. Latest Sonar release, MOTU,i9 14900, 64 gig RAM, the usual... When I export using the export button on the top left I get a file size of 96.48 meg. And the audio plays oddly in latest Wavelab. But if export it the old fashioned way (CTRL-A to select all and then File>Export>Audio I get a file size of 56.18 meg. And it plays oddly in Wavelab. Buffer set to 1024, using a bunch of UAD, Acustica Audio (many via AudioGridder with two laptops connected via ethernet as I've been doing for years now). Strange, eh ?
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