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  1. scook's post in windows 10 21H1 presonus Asio outputs not selectable was marked as the answer   
    remove the Realtek entry from 
  2. scook's post in Silent Buses Detected Eroneously [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    This warning is caused by sends routed to None in those tracks.
  3. scook's post in cakewalk won't start on new laptop [SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    The Realtek ASIO driver is not suitable for DAW use.
    If you want to save the entry for some reason, export it before deleting it.
    Then delete the Realtek entry and startup CbB
  4. scook's post in Using AKAI MPC mini pad for SI drum kit was marked as the answer   
    When using hardware pads to send MIDI data to a DAW, there are basically two ways to map the pads to MIDI notes
    in the hardware - most devices have an editor that come with the hardware in the DAW - there are a couple of ways to map incoming MIDI notes to different values, the Transpose MFX and Drum maps The SI-Drum documentation contains all the information about the notes used by the plug-in. To access the documentation, open the plug-in and press the F1 key.
    Here is a post about creating a drum map for the MPK mini
  5. scook's post in Plugin Numeric Keypad Parameter Entries Redirected [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    I just test both VST2 and VST3 version 3.7.4  of UltraChannel in CbB 2021.04 EA2.
    Numeric input using the typewriter and numpad both worked OK in EQ values without enabling capture all keystrokes (the keyboard on the right above the plug-in UI).
    If you have not updated UltraChannel in a while give the latest version a try.
    The current version (3.7.4) was released in March 2021.
    One way to get the version number of the plug-in is right-click Eventide at the bottom left of the plug-in UI copy and paste the support info into notepad and look for PluginVersion in the text. 
    Eventide downloads are here https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/downloads
  6. scook's post in Why is my 'First Beat' option for metronome empyty? was marked as the answer   
    To restore the missing metronome files, hold down the SHIFT key when starting CbB.
  7. scook's post in Nomad BT Stereo imager license issue was marked as the answer   
    May be an install problem.
    I just tested and it worked fine in CbB.
    I have X2a/3e Producer, SONAR Platinum and CbB installed using all defaults.
    If you removed the version of SONAR which included the BT bundle it may have messed up the license.
    It may be possible to re-install to recover without performing a clean install but make sure to install CbB last to insure the shared folders are up to date.
    WRT Don't Crack and the bundled BT plug-ins the email they sent out is memorialized in this thread http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3699781
    Don't Crack routinely puts the Nomad plug-ins on sale.
    There has been at least one important update since the BT bundle was added to SONAR.
  8. scook's post in Drum MIDI import from file - silent? was marked as the answer   
  9. scook's post in Audio Bit-Depth Confusion [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    Bad assumption.
    The only items in preferences stored in the project are listed under Preferences > Project.
    The rest of the preferences are the current global settings.
    The project modified date does not mean much WRT audio clip data as they are stored separately from the project file.
    The clip depth shown in the image is the result of either recording or rendering at 32bit.
  10. scook's post in Midi note not playing was marked as the answer   
    The drum map must be added to the track in the project.
    Drums maps are added to a track using its MIDI output drop down. 
    This is because the drum map goes between the MIDI track output and the synth input.
    On Instrument tracks this drop down is available on the MIDI tab in its track inspector.
    On MIDI tracks the input drop down is in track header in the Track/Console views as well as the inspector.
  11. scook's post in Is Mirror MIDI Editing possible? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, they are called linked clips see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.44.html
  12. scook's post in Recording/automating synth controller wheel moves was marked as the answer   
    Since pitch and mod wheel data are sent by the controller, they may be recorded just like note data. This will store that data in clips just like the note data.
    To add pitch and mod wheel as automation use the automation drop down 
    Set the MIDI Envelope Type to Wheel for pitch Set the MIDI Envelope Type to Control and Value to "1 Modulation" for mod wheel
  13. scook's post in Is there a way of automatically creating Clips? was marked as the answer   
  14. scook's post in Some vst plugins dont work was marked as the answer   
    Old 32bit plug-ins should be avoided, There are plenty of free 64bit plug-ins.
    The cause of this problem is a combination of old plug-in design and security changes the OS.
    Installing these plug-ins in a folder that everyone may write into often solves the problem IOW, do not install these plug-in in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)."
    While adding these plug-ins to a folder that everyone can read and write may be the best solution, running the DAW as administrator will overcome the permissions problem too.
  15. scook's post in How Do I Select Synths Inputs And Outputs In Cakewalk By Bandlab? was marked as the answer   
    Is the Input Echo enabled on the instrument/MIDI track?
    The Input Echo button is right of the record button.
  16. scook's post in PC4K Pro Channel modules was marked as the answer   
    The PC4K Bus Compressor is part of the CbB distribution.
    The paid add-on PC modules have not been released by BandLab.
    To date, there has been no comment about their future.
  17. scook's post in eLicenser Control for Vienna Symphonic Library Big Bang Orchestra [SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    eLicenser and iLok cannot share a dongle. They are completely different products.
    Both offer alternatives to using dongles but it is up to the plug-in manufacturer to support these options.
  18. scook's post in How to drag everything back a few bars?? was marked as the answer   
    ripple edit
  19. scook's post in 2020.10 EA2 Advanced Install [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    The path may be set the first time a Cakewalk DAW or Cakewalk by BandLab is installed.
    Once the path is set all subsequent installs use the setting.
    This is a setting shared by all Cakewalk DAWs and CbB.
    This is why @Jonathan Sasor wrote
    when you posted the same question in that thread.
  20. scook's post in Classic Creative Suite Documentation [Answered] was marked as the answer   
    The documentation uses "online" in the traditional sense.
    With the plug-in open and in focus, click the F1 key to bring up the online help.
    The help files are installed with the plug-ins.
  21. scook's post in Connect Volca Sample to Cakewalk via MIDI was marked as the answer   
    MIDI channel is a property of MIDI notes. MIDI channel may be set for each MIDI note just like pitch and velocity.
    Cakewalk can force the MIDI channel per-track by setting the MIDI channel drop down in the track.
    If the channel is not set on the track the notes are sent with whatever channel value is in the notes.
  22. scook's post in ARA was marked as the answer   
    ARA was developed by Celemony working with Presonus.
    Cakewalk was the second DAW manufacturer to adopt ARA.
    Logic did not support ARA until ARA2 was released.
    Celemony, Synchroarts and Steinberg all make cross-platform ARA2 plug-ins.
  23. scook's post in How to make lots of linked MIDI clip copies? was marked as the answer   
    paste special

  24. scook's post in Using multiple audio (interface) inputs? was marked as the answer   
    This is a limitation imposed by the ASIO specification NOT the DAW.
    A host may use one ASIO driver at a time.
    To change ASIO drivers in CbB both Audio input and output device options must be deselected before selecting a different driver.
  25. scook's post in How To Use Offline Help was marked as the answer   
    This is an old note and needs to be removed from the documentation. Maybe @Morten Saether can take a look at this.
    The local help option was removed starting with the first release of CbB.
    The help is still available for download in pdf format here
    It is not updated with the same frequency as the web-based help though.
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