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Everything posted by scook

  1. Is the path to the plug-in in the VST scan paths in CbB preferences? If not, add the path and run another scan otherwise run a reset from the same preference page with "Generate Scan Log" enabled. If the plug-in is not picked up, review the scan log.
  2. Are Windows and CbB set to the same sample rate?
  3. Unfortunately, this test does not mean very much. There is no way to tell if Cakewalk is exposing a bug in the Steinberg driver that Cubase does not, or the problem lies in Cakewalk itself. If you just installed Cubase, make sure it did not add the "Generic Low Latency Driver" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO. In fact, it sounds like there should just be one entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO. The one for the Steinberg interface unless you have another interface with a factory supplied driver (not RealTek). Not sure what a "fake session" means. After existing CbB does still show up in the task manager? Very few programs use an ASIO driver, most use other drivers for audio. There may be a problem switching sample rates. See if Windows and CbB are set to the same sample rate.
  4. Just ran KORG Software Pass and the entire collection has updates. I have not checked in a while so do not know when the updates were released. nvm I did not see
  5. Any time a documented feature is missing the first thing to check is the workspace setting. If the workspace is not loading the "Track Control Manager" then the check the track control dropdown immediately above the track headers in the track view
  6. Ex/Im functions are in the Plug-in Manager
  7. The installer asks where VST2 plug-ins should be installed offering "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins" as the default. The installer updates the registry for future use. FWIW, not all VST2 plug-ins read the registry for default install info.
  8. WRT latency, system memory has no effect. Latency is the result of buffering in the interface hardware, interface driver software and plug-in. Users have no control over the safety buffers in the interface hardware. ASIO drivers have a user selectable buffer size. Lower buffers sizes or higher sample rates to reduce latency may strain the CPU, however this is not something additional RAM will address. Some plug-ins that use lookahead buffers may provide a way to adjust the buffer size or select a different mode that does not need buffering. Whether adding RAM will improve overall DAW performance depends on the how the DAW is used. Generally, the largest consumers of RAM in DAWs are sample-based plug-ins that load all their samples in memory. This may be addressed by adding RAM or, plug-in permitting, stream samples from disk. In general, if the DAW has sufficient RAM to run, adding more RAM does not improve performance. If there is insufficient RAM and the OS has to use virtual memory, dropouts are likely. Additional RAM may help in this case.
  9. Instrument track do have MIDI FX racks. The instrument track header does not show the MIDI FX rack. Instrument tracks are simply a presentation layout above a MIDI+audio track pair. Instrument track headers show MIDI track inputs and audio track outputs including the audio track FX rack. To access an instrument track MIDI FX rack (B below) use the MIDI tab (T below) on the instrument track inspector.
  10. Depends on which preset manager is used to save the preset. The Cakewalk preset manager stores its data in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\ActiveMovie\Presets\ using the plug-in CLSID as the key. As noted above preset managers integrated into plug-ins most often store presets somewhere on disk.
  11. The delay is all on the audio side from two sources: buffering in the audio driver and plug-in delay compensation. Depending on the audio driver and driver mode, this setting may be adjusted using the buffer size slider under Mixing Latency in CbB preferences or using software supplied by the audio interface manufacturer. If there are any audio FX in the project, to see if plug-in delay compensation is an issue press the FX button in the Mix Module. This will bypass all effects eliminating the PDC needed for the plug-ins.
  12. Make sure the track interleave is set to mono. Set the track input to a single channel on the interface. For more info see https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.19.html
  13. BA is a multi-threaded program. Each thread shows up in the task manager. There is an option on the settings page to launch the program when the PC starts up. The same settings page has a Quit button to shut down the application. "X"ing out of the program simply closes the UI; the program continues running without the UI. There is an icon in the notification area with Quit in its context menu. To access the settings page, click the gear in the upper left of the BA UI.
  14. IIRC, the option to disable per-project audio folders was removed in 2017. While it is possible to specify alternate locations for audio on a per-project basis, this is not recommended.
  15. To send MIDI data to an audio FX plug-in: Open the plug-in UI and "Enable MIDI Input" in the plug-in standard header VST2/3 drop down then add a MIDI track with the input set to your controller, output set to the plug-in and enable input echo (until the data is recorded).
  16. Can't be done. True, this is not possible in CbB but is in autohotkey, a language worth learning.
  17. All PA VST3 presets are in your "Documents\VST3 Presets\Plugin Alliance" or "%appdata%\VST3 Presets\Plugin Alliance" folders. I believe they are all supposed to be in Documents, but I found a few in appdata so I moved the appdata folders into Documents and created a directory junction in appdata.
  18. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/43-gear/
  19. Have you tried mapping the drive instead of using a UNC?
  20. Capturing a hang dump might help May also want to try opening a project instead of just launching the DAW. If the DAW opens, check the folder the media browser is opening for zip files.
  21. The start screen is multi-threaded. When three processes are showing, there is only one instance of the start screen running.
  22. Internally Cakewalk uses 32 or 64bit depending on the 64bit Double Precision Engine setting in preferences and Render Bit Depth. If the exported file is going to be processed further such as mastering outside the DAW, it is a good idea to leave the project at the higher bit depth. Bit depth reduction and dither should happen one time at the end of processing.
  23. No, as already noted the project loaded and played OK. When opening a project created on a 32bit DAW in a 64bit DAW the only changes made are 32bit DX plug-ins (such as TTS-1) must be swapped out for 64bit versions. 64bit DAWs cannot load 32bit DX plug-ins. If the 64bit plug-in is not available, the DAW issues a warning message and uses a placeholder for the missing plug-in 32bit VST plug-ins are replaced with 64bit version if one exists, failing that the 32bit plug-in gets loaded using a 32 to 64bit bridge (by default BitBridge). No other changes are made to the project. Open the instrument/MIDI track in the Event List and review the data going to the plug-in.
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