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Everything posted by scook

  1. Keybindings are not stored in the project. If changes are made to keybindings saved with "Save Changes for Next Session" enabled, the changes are written to the registry and recalled the next time the DAW is started and any project is loaded UNLESS a lens is loaded. If the "Save Changes for Next Session" is not enabled, keybinding changes are forgotten when the DAW is shut down.
  2. Few bindings are reserved. A project must be loaded before most binding are active and before the may be changed in preferences. Once changed they may be saved for future sessions. This appears to be by design. To modify keybindings before loading a project would be a feature request.
  3. Screensets are stored with the project. Lenses are global and may be applied to any project.
  4. Colors in the PRV are per track. The PRV is not take lane aware so all lanes show up as a single track in the PRV. With data on different lanes and hide muted clips enabled in the PRV Options menu, it is possible to control was is shown in the PRV by muting clips in the track view.
  5. For a list of unread posts click the "Unread Content" on the right below the Search entry.
  6. Unfortunately the browser does not provide a way to nest folders. If is did, I could abandon the plug-in manager for layout maintenance.
  7. The plug-in manager does not perform the vst scan. The VST scanner is a separate program. It is the same program called by the plug-in manager and the DAW. All the scan setting including the scan path may be set in preferences. The browser just like the plug-in manager reads the registry for plug-in information. The browser also reads a database for category information.
  8. In addition to preserving size, using links to image servers does not count against the 50MB quota.
  9. This is not correct. It is true 8.5 was the first upgrade available as a download but disks were available. It was the only upgrade download that relied on a previous install. I purchased the 8.5 upgrade disks. Unlike the 8.5 upgrade download, the upgrade disks are a full version of the software just like all the upgrades before and after 8.5.
  10. When using a regular HDs, best practices calls for putting audio I/O on a second drive for better performance. With an SSD system drive performance is usually not a consideration but many still consider it a good practice to keep user data off the system drive if possible. A dedicated drive is also a good idea for samples used by virtual instruments especially when instruments stream samples from disk. Keeping data off the system drive can make backup and recovery easier.
  11. One thing I did not mention before...a useful feature in the theme editor is the ability to filter a theme for modified colors and images. The filters are on the View tab. Often when editing a theme, I will open a second theme editor instance to review another theme (or the same theme) for changes. An additional instance is handy for copying images and colors too.
  12. Yeah, this a common. Colors are often used in multiple locations sometimes making it difficult to find a usable solution.
  13. I thought clip gain in the edit filter displays the clip gain envelopes for clips in a track making them available for edit. If the clip gain was not previously modified by the user, it is shown at 0db not the current volume setting.
  14. Delete all the files in the picture cache folder. The only programs that should be writing into this folder are CbB and the old Twelve Tone Systems/Cakewalk line of DAWs. Wov files are decimated wav files. They are not images. I suppose one could hack the registry to treat wov like wav but not image formats.
  15. Really? When I changed the Global > Horizontal Sliders color to a shade of red in Mercury Light Green, it did not change the text. It only changed the slider like this Maybe I misread the question. The image in question is pretty small although looking at the image again I may have assumed this was a question about the label for the control and not the control value. Pretty sure the color for control values may be changed but I am not sure which color it is ATM. This image in this post is an example of how to test a color though.
  16. The question makes a false assumption. Each product in a company's line of business does not have to be monetized. However, the question of CbB's price in the future was asked and answered on several occasions around the time BandLab's purchase of Cakewalk IP. Here is an example from http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3745236 when asked about the cost of future updates and versions of CbB, Meng wrote Since the initial release BandLab not only updated the software but added licenses for POW-R dither and zplane élastique Pro V3 free of charge to CbB users.
  17. Once the junction is in place, the change is seamless. No special effort is required on your part to create projects on D in the "Cakewalk Projects" folder. The junction insures that any time CbB writes to "C:\Cakewalk Projects" it will actually be writing to "D:\Cakewalk Projects." IOW once the junction is made "C:\Cakewalk Projects" and "D:\Cakewalk Projects" both refer to the same physical location "D:\Cakewalk Projects."
  18. Fortunately one is not limited to this tool for project creation. The 100 image limit may be worth a feature request. I do not agree that customization is ultimate goal. Software is a compromise of a variety of factors, the ability of the user to tailor the software is one of them.
  19. I am not sure that text can be changed. Of the themes I have reviewed, they all have the same text color. Not all elements in the UI are exposed in the theme editor. There is no documentation on the relationship between colors and UI elements. I have some user attempts at creating this information but do not believe they are available at this time. One could go through the editor making extreme changes to colors to see the effects. This is what others have done.
  20. One must go out of the way to write project audio into the global audio folder. Per-project audio folders are the default. Still, it is a good idea to have the global audio folder on the same drive as project audio. I avoid putting the picture cache on the project audio drive to keep the I/O separate from the project audio data. On a two drive system that means leaving the picture cache on the system drive. Probably not that big a deal either way.
  21. It is not necessary to make changes to preferences. Projects may be created on any drive and by default the audio will be in a folder immediately under the project file. That said, changing Project Files in preferences changes the default location for projects. When changing the project file default in preferences consider changing the Global Audio Folder to a folder under the new project file path. Personally, I do not change these in preferences preferring instead to move "C:\Cakewalk Projects" to D:\ and making a directory junction to the new location. To do this, 1) in Windows Explorer move the "Cakewalk Projects" folder from C:\ to D:\ then 2) open a command window as administrator and type: mklink /d "C:\Cakewalk Projects" "D:\Cakewalk Projects"
  22. Now would be a good time for b rock to show up. Anyway here is my stab at it. I found the Memories program. It helps to give the full DP browser path. In this case, 01 - Dimensions > Memories In DP there is no global envelope. Each element has an amplitude envelope generator (the AMP button center right on the UI works along with E1-4 at the top of the UI) but that is only part of the story. In this program three of the elements load flac files. The flac files in elements 1 and 2 fade in so there is a limit to what the envelope generator can do. You could modify the flac files to get a more sudden attack. Be safe, work on a copy of the program and flac files.
  23. Posting here is fine. Nice first effort.
  24. It was common practice for each release of SONAR to build on the previous releases. CbB pretty much follows that practice although re-badged for a different company. I would not be surprised if some of the PC and FX Chain presets go back to X1. Other presets like drum maps and plug-in presets are much older. I doubt any new PC presets or FX Chains were made for CbB but have not bothered to perform the needed research to verify the claim either way. It appears most of the effort regarding CbB so far has been in software development and documentation not content such as presets. The documentation linked above looks like it was lifted from the last SONAR release (this is also a practice common to SONAR). In response to the OP, I spent some time reviewing a few FX Chains mentioned in the documentation and found some were made with effects bundled with CbB but these were also in SONAR.
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