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Everything posted by scook

  1. To hear previously recorded lanes, make sure recording mode is set to "Sound on Sound" in preferences or by holding down the record button to bring up the options menu,
  2. scook

    Send audio to VSTi

    Yes, whether audio is processed by a synth is up to the plug-in developer. Some plug-in manufacturers supply FX versions of their synths. Examples of this type of plug-in are Z3ta+ Classic, ImpOSCar2, Oddity 2, Minimonsta,, XILS 3/4 and Synthmaster. Some synths have audio processing built into the synth plug-in. Some examples are Pentagon I, Arp 2500 V3, Modular V3 The only sampler I have that advertises the ability to record audio is TX16Wx but I havenever been able to get it to work in CbB. Years ago, I recall the developer stating recording was only supported in Reaper. Not sure why, other VST format plug-ins (the only examples I have installed are loopers in Th3 and Guitar Rig 5) support recording in CbB. In all cases for a plug-in to process audio in CbB, the plug-in must be instantiated in an audio track FX Rack or ProChannel.
  3. Dimension Pro sample conversion happened a few years before Rapture Pro/Session was released. The original release of Dimension Pro shipped samples as wavs. The later installers shipped with flac files. It was possible to get both wav and flac samples if a full v1.5 installer was run on top of a previous wav based install. The original Rapture does not support flac. Rapture Pro/Session do. The migration of legacy data during Rapture Pro/Session installation does nothing to legacy sample files and folders. The migration copies the Dimension Pro and Rapture program files and folders into the Rapture Pro program folder.
  4. The CbB installer is deleted after it is run by BandLab Assistant. BandLab Assistant downloads the installer to %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\Downloads Starting with 2017-11 if running the previous release, BA downloads an update installer instead of the full CbB installer. This is a much smaller file and may only be applied to the previous release. BA downloads the full installer only on the initial install and if the installed version is not the previous release. So far the update installer does not wait for user input and runs very fast making it difficult to get a copy. The full installer waits for user input so it is much easier to get a copy. The documentation is only available on their website . The pdf is now available under the Cakewalk by BandLab tab in the menu above. The direct link is https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf Edit: updated to reflect addition of the pdf a couple of months ago
  5. If you have a version of SONAR X3 Studio/Producer or SONAR Professional/Platinum, you have a full version of Melodyne Essentials. If you ever registered it, the current installer should be available in your Celemony account. This should be the version you install not the trial version supplied by CbB.
  6. scook

    Live MIDI Transpose

    The Transpose plug-in would be my first choice. The plug-in should be in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared MIDI Plugins. It is added to the registry on install with regsvr32.exe. Drum maps can transpose MIDI notes. Third party tools like NoteMapper and AZ Lua can do this too.
  7. The recommendation came from BandLab QA. I just echoed his sentiments. I am not saying zips cannot get corrupted. Any file can get corrupted. But I do not recall a thread on the old Cakewalk forum regarding zipped projects being corrupted. I doubt many bother to zip projects though. Wav files don't compress much so, if I were to use zip I would probably turn off compression. My guess is the incidence of corruption with bundles is pretty low too but when it happens the project is, for the most part, unrecoverable. Bundles are convenient and will likely always be part of the program, if only for backward compatibility. The fact that bundling cannot store audiosnap data was used to repair projects that were blown out by an audiosnap bug (I believe this bug has been fixed). With all that, packaging the files that make up a project is just one more thing to go wrong. For long term storage, the best solution is rendering all tracks to wavs. Having a project fully rendered removes the need for a specific DAW and any of the plug-ins used in the project. The wav format will likely be around a very long time.
  8. IIRC, the change to flac happened with the full installers for v1.5. DP could not read flac files until that version. Most of the programs work fine with either wav or flac. I recall a couple of programs where flac samples did not loop like the original wavs but I cannot find an example ATM.
  9. CTRL-L does not bring up a dialog. The only visual indication provided in the program are the rounded corners on the clips and the ability to roll out the clip. It is possible to bind double-click on audio clips to bring up the Loop Construction View in the track view options menu. Use Ripple Edit instead of Cut - Delete Hole. From the copy and paste description make sure Drag and Drop is not set to "Slide Over Old To Make Room" in preferences. This is a known problem and should be removed from preferences. Ripple Edit make the option redundant.
  10. "Sort by Category" has the ability to create folders. Plug-ins may be in more than one folder. Folders may not be nested. This is the only layout that may be customized using the browser. The Plug-in Manager is the only program supplied by BandLab to create additional custom layouts. There is a third party program developed by @TheSteven called MenuMagic that creates custom layouts.
  11. So don't use zip either. That said, I do not recall a single post about a zipped project not being able to be unpacked. The same cannot be said for bundles. I you don't mind the risk of unrecoverable errors, bundles are fine. When creating a project using "Save As" there is no need to save the project in the same folder. "Save As" can produce a folder containing just the data referenced in the current project.
  12. Moving the "Mixing Latency" buffer size slider to the right is the wrong direction. The slider is already at its minimum which it several times more than an acceptable value for real time monitoring. Possibly one of the other Audio driver mode settings will provide a better minimum value for the "Mixing Latency" buffer size slider. Once the best driver mode/latency setting is achieved, the only other consideration WRT latency is Plug-in Delay Compensation.
  13. Latency is caused by the buffer settings for the audio interface and Plug-in Delay Compensation. In this case, the "Mixing Latency" buffer slider appears to be at the minimum setting and is just a little less than one would expect using an ASIO driver at 512 samples. IOW too high for real time use. The maximum setting needs to be no more the 256. Even then some find the latency a problem. Good values for most start around 128 or about 1/3 of the minimum setting achieved using your current hardware.
  14. There a log generated on demand for the scanner. To audit the scanner, open preferences, in scan options enable "Generate Scan Log" and run a manual scan. AFAIK, the presets have always been available in the Sonitus preset manager. Cakewalk tries to load presets from any plug-in and show them in its preset list. I am not sure why the Cakewalk preset manager is not picking up the Sonitus presets. Might be worth asking support@bandlab.com. Does running as administrator make a difference? When a plug-in provides a preset manager, I usually use it instead of the Cakewalk preset manager.
  15. DX plug-ins are not scanned. They are registered when installed. You can see the physical location for any plug-in when clicking on the plug-in name in the plug-in manager. From the description provided, it appears you used the Cakewalk plug-in manager pointed to by arrow 1. Any custom presets saved in this system are stored in the registry. These presets rely on the Cakewalk Plug-in Presets buttons in the plug-in manager for export/import. Do the Sonitus presets show up under the Preset button pointed to by arrow 2? FYI, the forum resizes images. To embed images without resizing use an image server. The image in this post is on http://imgur.com
  16. "Save As" is the more reliable solution for project archiving. Bundles are fine for sharing projects but should not be used for archiving projects.
  17. Wrong plug-in. The LP-64 EQ was the old linear phase EQ that was dropped from Platinum when the new LP EQ was introduced Ultimately the new LP series was removed from the Engineering FX Suite and had their own installer. The cfx files are managed by the preset browser built into the top center of the plug-in UI.
  18. AudioSnap, RegionFX and Groove Clips are mutually exclusive. If the clip was processed using AudioSnap or a RegionFX bounce should render the clip so that it may be changed to a Groove Clip.
  19. Unless you purchased the 32bit Sonitus Suite, the plug-ins are not VST format. The bundled Sonitus suite DX plug-ins. The ones you see in CbB should be the ones installed with CbB in the "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins" folder. Clicking on the plug-ins in the Plug-in Manager will display its location at the bottom of the Plug-in Manager display. The factory presets are in ini files in "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins." Getting custom presets back depends on how the presets were saved. The Sonitus preset manager is accessed using the Presets button in the body of the plug-in. The Cakewalk preset manager is in the standard header above all plug-in UIs. If the presets were saved using the Sonitus preset manager then they should be in the old ini files. If they were saved in the Cakewalk preset manager then they are in the old PC registry. The plug-in manager provides a way to export/import presets stored in the registry.
  20. It depends on the plug-in not the DAW. All the DAW needs is the path to the plug-ins added to the VST Scan Path. Some plug-ins rely on registry entries including path information or have activation routines requiring the plug-in be installed instead of copied or added by mounting a drive.
  21. CAL is one answer, Here are two scripts, one to advance Now by one beat, one to go back one beat from Now. Create files for each script in the CAL folder and bind them as needed. Advance now by one beat Go back one beat from now
  22. No, following these instructions takes care of both the Project and Global Audio Folder preferences (assuming Project and Global Audio Folder are set to factory defaults). You could not create a junction for "C:\Cakewalk Projects\Audio Data" if you wanted to because "C:\Cakewalk Projects" is no longer a physical location. Any activity in "C:\Cakewalk Projects" is actually happening in "D:\Cakewalk Projects."
  23. When emailing support make sure to include OS and DAW version. May also want to mention OS and DAW localization info too.
  24. If one experiences a crash when attempting to change keybindings make sure when sending support@bandlab.com the report to include the steps to generate the crash and the dump file.
  25. Saving installers whenever possible is a good idea. Toontrack provides the option to keep their installers. When the installers placed in the ToonTrack Product Manager download folder, the program will use them instead of downloading them again. Just like the old Cakewalk Command Center. Using per-project audio folders makes it easy to copy complete projects to any location available to the PC. No special software required.
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