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Everything posted by scook

  1. 10 changes is pretty low and there may be plug-ins that are signalling the change counter. I turn off auto-save for changes by setting it to zero and use a lower setting for timed saves (currently set to 5 minutes).
  2. The Transpose MFX does this when set to Key/Scale
  3. There is no way to reassign controls such as swapping out the velocity control for a gain control. Split the instrument track, at least temporarily to get access to the full set of audio controls or add gain control plug-in at the top of the effects such as an empty FX chain.
  4. Double-click behavior for audio is set in the Track View Options menu Click Behavior > Double Click > Audio Clips. The default action for ALT+4 opens the step sequencer. Been that way at least as far back as X1. By default, ALT+4 does nothing with audio clips. The scissors appears over an audio clip because the ALT was depressed while using the smart tool. To have the clip follow project tempo use Audiosnap (ALT+A) also in the clip inspector.
  5. What gets frozen depends on the freeze options. Right click the snowflake to access freeze options. What gets bounced depends on the bounce options. In both cases the PC is part of the new clip when Track (or Bus) FX is enabled.
  6. If I were to pick up a new monitor solution for less than $1000 it would be a pair of Yamaha HS5 monitors along with the matching HS8S subwoofer. May not even need the sub depending on the material especially in a 12x12 room.
  7. Images are just that....images. If they contain text, then the only way to alter the text is to alter the image. One of the challenges when working with the theme editor is the inability to access the layers that created the images. One other thing, when referring to parts of the UI, left-side, right-side or any positional description is not helpful as the UI may be setup in a variety of ways. It may be more helpful to post images of the UI and highlight the parts in question.
  8. Jono did create a video in this reply I have no idea what he used. I use LICEcap to create animated gifs.
  9. One way to isolate clips in take lanes in the PRV is mute all the clips in the track you do not want to see and enable Hide Mutes Clips in the PRV View Menu
  10. Is is possible you are calling take lanes - tracks? The PVR is not aware of take lanes. All the clips in a track's take lanes are shown in the PRV.
  11. By default double-clicking on a MIDI clip will open the clip's track in the PRV. This is set by the Track view Options menu Click Behavior > Double-Click > MIDI Clips > Piano Roll View Each MIDI clip has a menu in the upper right which sets the default editor for the clip. It also opens the clip in the selected editor
  12. Don't have the product to test but it could be Zero Controllers When Play Stops. Try disabling this option in preferences.
  13. If one does not own a MIDI input device, a virtual keyboard and MIDI cable will transform the PC keyboard into one. Unfortunately, the virtual controller included with CbB does not work with the Matrix view but PC 73 Virtual Piano Keyboard and either LoopBe1 or LoopMIDI work just fine as a controller for the matrix view.
  14. At the top right of the forum is an envelope icon. Click the icon then click the "Compose New" button to create a PM
  15. You are welcome. This question comes up at least once a year.
  16. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B06 Set the display as you wish.
  17. The CWB extension is used by Cakewalk for bundle files. A Cakewalk bundle is a file containing a project file and the associated audio. The Sonitus suite would either be part of a SONAR installer for versions of SONAR that included the plug-ins or as a separate installer in the case where the suite was purchased separately.
  18. The second image in the OP shows the Cakewalk Multivoice Chorus/Flanger The flanger in the Sonitus:fx suite is called Sonitus:fx Modulator
  19. Downloaded the 64bit VST from http://www.taron.de/lots/index.html Following the readme.rtf I copied the LordOfTheSpringsV2 folder from the zip into C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins. The presets are in a folder below C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins\LordOfTheSpringsV2. The presets are managed by the plug-in itself. The up arrow loads banks and presets. The down arrow saves presets and banks . I did not see any .lsp files but there are regular fxb banks in the presets folder. This video shows the installation and then the plug-in loading a couple of preset banks.
  20. Depends on the synth. The .lsp extension is not a common VST plug-in extension like .fxp and .fxb. Likely the presets must be managed by the plug-in itself. It may help to know which plug-in uses the files. The .lsp extension is often used for LISP files.
  21. What I found confusing about the help was the bit about being signed into BA. I read that as BA must be running but that is not the case. What is required is a valid BA login must be stored on disk.
  22. Just ran 2019-01 build 27 on Win10 1809 even with BA 5.0.4 not running the update notification toast displayed in CbB. Notifications are set up just like the image in preferences.
  23. Probably depends on how old BA is on the machine in question. Likely needs to be a version released around the time the feature was added to CbB. BA has gone through quite a few changes since the initial release of CbB.
  24. "help module" is in the CbB help index Usually I find just what I need by loading the help index in a browser then search the page. Someday the full CbB help will be searchable like SONAR help. Until that time, if you cannot find want you want in the CbB help index, use the search in the upper right on http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation/Home. The will return help pages about SONAR and other older Cakewalk products. Filter the result for "SONAR Platinum, Professional, Artist Documentation." The filters are just above the search results. Most times, the SONAR Platinum help is sufficient. Often it is possible to build a link to the CbB help by replacing SONAR with Cakewalk in the url. For example, searching for "help module" and filtering the result for "SONAR Platinum, Professional, Artist Documentation" yield this link as the first result https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Views.52.html probably all that is necessary in this case (although I would have already found help module in the CbB index) but to view the CbB page change the url to https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.52.html
  25. AFAIK, there have always been three tabs in the browser. Currently those tabs are for media, plug-ins and notes. The help module may be docked on the same side as the browser but does not appear as a tab. The help module is a separate window. Its keyboard shortcut is Y.
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