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Everything posted by scook

  1. There may be something in the Windows event log.
  2. One advantage to using an image hosting service instead of uploading images to the forum is links to images do not count against the forum's 50MB per user image quota, Here is how to use http://imgur.com To access your image page Log into your imgur account Click on images in the menu at the upper right of the page To upload an image drag and drop it onto your images page. By default, images uploaded into your account are private and accessible only by publishing links to them. To add an image to a post here Click on the image Click on the copy button next to the BBCode text Paste into your post
  3. CbB = Cakewalk by Bandlab CdB is probably a typo
  4. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tools.17.html
  5. Check your workspace setting. When a workspace is selected, CbB will always start from the layout specified in the workspace.
  6. To merge notes http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.22.html#1540433 Can also use CC64 to sustain notes http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.23.html
  7. Uninstall and re-install of CbB does not touch settings in the registry or user directory.
  8. I use imgur. The last time was a couple of days ago. It worked the same as it always has.
  9. This thread was specifically created for the 2020.01 early release. New features and bug reports not specific to the early release should be posted elsewhere.
  10. The initial download is ~550MB Updates which occur around every 2 months are ~20MB
  11. Yes, from step 4 under Bandlab Assistant in the help click the install button
  12. probably should have added the help link http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.18.html
  13. When dropouts occur there should be a toast message containing a dropout code and a link to the help regarding the code.
  14. Probably has more to do with the plug-ins than anything else. For example, if the plug-in has a large lookahead buffer, the DAW needs to wait for the buffer to fill up to keep all the tracks in sync.
  15. You can find all your posts by opening your profile and looking at your activity https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/profile/4258-bob-savage/content/
  16. A little out of scope for this thread but here is the part of my CbB plug-in list with synth-based FXs Arturia has stopped making dedicated dlls for their synths that have audio inputs but these new versions work in CbB too.
  17. scook

    can't activate

    Likely due to the server issue found yesterday which has been resolved
  18. Don't recall this ever being a problem but there are several versions of the Rapture expansion pack installers. I prefer to use the Rapture Classic series from SONAR Platinum. Not sure if they all look for a valid Rapture install but it seems reasonable that they would. IIRC, some very old installers did not look in the registry for the Multisamples Folder. This caused problems for users that modified the registry to alter default locations. AFAIK, Rapture uses one Multisample Folder path. I let Rapture and all expansion packs install using their defaults. Instead of messing with the registry, I prefer to use directory junctions when relocating folders for the sfz engine synths like Rapture. This allows all the installers to work regardless of when they were built because the installation looks like it is running with all settings at their default values.
  19. After uninstalling CbB make sure to delete "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" before reinstalling. C:\ProgramData is a hidden folder. If after reinstalling CbB fails to activate contact support@cakewalk.com Make sure to include details about the PC and OS.
  20. Maybe MIDI Driver Mode needs to be changed in preferences
  21. Unless you are going to create or modify a theme, the theme editor is not needed. As mentioned above, copy the theme (user themes are files with a .sth extension) into Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes. By default this path is in the root of C:. Once copied they should appear in the theme drop down in preferences.
  22. scook

    Loading bug

    Check your workspace setting.
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