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Everything posted by scook

  1. Some plug-ins do not have on/off exposed for automation. VST3 plug-ins should have a host bypass in their automation parameters which can serve as on/off. There is extensive help for automation here. One way to automate a plug-in is click the W button above the plug-in UI and with the transport running use the mouse to manipulate the controls of the plug-in.
  2. Cakewalk released 64bit versions of their plug-ins starting with SONAR 5. There were two Pantheon reverbs bundled with SONAR. The first was a surround version. It was 32bit DX only. The stereo version released later was 32 and 64bit DX. There are some DX plug-ins that never were ported to 64bit, for example the DSP-FX series. If you want V-Vocal run X2 Producer or older installer first, use the advanced install options and select minimal installation like this Then perform complete installs Platinum and CbB. Use the XLN installer for Addictive Drums and use the Melodyne from your Celemony account. Follow up with advanced installs of any other versions to get legacy plug-ins and content.
  3. Definitely need separate paths for VST2 and VST3. The VST3 recommends a plug-in path and CbB will not scan VST2 plug-ins in the VST3 path. The few 32bit plug-ins I have are installed in the same path as my 64bit VST2 plug-ins, the default CbB path - C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins They were put there by Cakewalk installers some time ago. It was their practice when installing 64bit SONAR first. Can't recall the last time I used a 32bit plug-in. CbB still bundles BitBridge. That said, 32bit plug-ins are best avoided. Unmaintained software does not get better with age.
  4. Once installed, it has 6 months run time. When people "update", this period is reset. It is possible "re-activate" without update, but that is only true for Cakewalk itself. Bandlab Assistant has to be updated to "re-activate" Cakewalk. At no time this process was painless for me, automatic update of assistant was producing errors. Update Cakewalk from assistant also.... I mean in a class environment it is not a matter of seconds to "re-activate" using some low band connection (f.e. mobile). It will be quite some work. Yeah, I am no stranger to the environment described by the OP albeit not with DAW software. This is why I suggest contacting support.
  5. Not much as changed WRT the staff view but there have been quite a few bug fixes and improvements elsewhere. Here is what's new since the rollout of Cakewalk By BandLab in April 2018. Now that you have Platinum running, consider adding CbB. It installs like a upgrade (think X3 to Platinum) so both Platinum and CbB will be available with updated shared folders. CbB will use all the old SONAR content. The installation process is documented here. Use the "If you are installing from BandLab Assistant" method, Welcome back.
  6. The DAW that is the subject of this forum.
  7. AFAIK the refresh was added to make it easier to reactivate without updating. Pretty sure it still wants to phone home to reactivate but I could be wrong.
  8. Your best bet is contacting support@cakewalk.com This is not accurate. Activation requires internet access. Activation must be renewed at least every six months. Most users do not get re-activation notices because of the software update frequency.
  9. You will need an audio interface capable of low latency and input echo enabled on the track(s). Input echo is the button to the right of the record button on each track.
  10. Same here, I moved on to CbB. Glad you got it working.
  11. The cwp file is 2GB? That would be extremely large. There used to be problems with audiosnap blowing out the size of project files but I doubt they ever approached 2GB. Are you using a lot of Region FX, long clips in Region FX or audiosnap? Is the virus scanner turned on where the projects are saved?
  12. See if the size of the files with cwp extension are significantly larger for the slow saving projects.
  13. Using Windows Explorer compare the size of the problem project file with other project files.
  14. Is an unusual location. Is the rest of "Cakewalk Content" stored there too? I believe it must all be there. The path to "Cakewalk Content" is stored in ContentDir in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software. If so, you can move "Cakewalk Content" using the Cakewalk Command Center by clicking the gear in the upper-right of the CCC UI then click the path tab and change the Content Path.
  15. If you want to change the synth assigned in an instrument track use either the "Replace Synth" function in the Track header context menu or split the instrument track to gain access to the audio input. Avoid using the "Replace Synth" function in the synth rack menu unless you want to change all the instrument tracks associated with the synth.
  16. Using dots in names can result in export files with unexpected extensions like the .4 mentioned in the OP. Best to stay with the old Windows restriction of not using dots in file names (or in this case project names).
  17. Check out the To specify a delay before playing the next song section in http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.39.html
  18. It is in the track inspector for instrument and MIDI tracks. The upper control in "Q" below.
  19. Numbers in names are fine. Use dashes or underscores to as separators instead of dots.
  20. This should tell you the path to the themes. Try opening the Tungsten theme from inside preferences using the Edit button. Once opened, using "Save As" opens the folder where SONAR themes should reside. There is no preference setting for themes they are hard coded to be in a folder "Cakewalk Content" called "SONAR Themes" (for SONAR Platinum). The suggestion to look at preferences was to confirm where "Cakewalk Content" was located. But using the theme editor as mentioned above is a better method.
  21. Not really. An aux track is shorthand for creating a track using a patch point as its input.
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