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Everything posted by projectm

  1. Wow! That's a sweet update! Man, I miss Sonar/Cakewalk...
  2. HA ha, this is nuts! But I love everything, even the hi-hats. I will re-visit this post from time to time to enjoy this again. Great work!
  3. Wow! I really liked this one! And the lack of wires on the mic makes this a real music video. Catchy tune, well produced. The guitars sounds amazing. Vocal is great! Well done!
  4. Hehe, Crowrown eller? Hilsen fra gammal Ski-gutt? I love the love for the old Kråkstad town and it sure made me think of the old days growing up. I always found Kråkstad folks weirdly patriotic, however, I didn’t disagree with them. It’s a lovely community. But this is hardly relevant for anyone else around here. this sound pretty good to me! It sounds clear and polite. Personally I wouldn’t mind a bit more grit to the sound. But it is a good mix of a good song that really matches the country music-sound in this tiny country. I would have loved to hear what you would do when experimenting a bit more and get a slightly more unexpected result perhaps. but I enjoyed the listen, the song and the lyrics. Well done to you all! ... og lenge leve Follo!?
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