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Everything posted by projectm

  1. If anyone is interested, I have made this tear down of the track, from full mix removing elements to where the farts are revealed in their purest form, straight from the Kontakt instrument from Jens Bogren. It gets nasty towards the end there so be careful. And yes, I know it is very childish ???
  2. Hey KurtS Thanks for checking it out! Ha ha, the final fart sound is just there for good meassure. But all the drum sounds are actually fart sounds. I got a little creative with ADSR envelopes, some pitching and dynamic processing, aiming to make them usable as drum sounds. And they turned out quite alright in the mix here. ? I layered the kick-fart with a low sub kick to add a little weight to it, and I added a very muffled crash cymbal to the cymbal-fart to make it sizzle a little more. And I programmed a hi-hat loop in Maschine on some parts to give it some energy. I was surprised how well it all came together with guitars, bass, vocals, blip-blops and stuff. It has a very industrial feel to it. And my aim was to make them usable in a production and not sound funny as I guess one normally would use fart sounds, as an experiment. ??
  3. Did anyone get the free samples of Jens Bogren’s ultimate drums on April 1st? Well, they turned out to be fart sounds and a world of rock and metal producers had a good laugh ... while I made this. Enjoy
  4. Hmmm wonder if it could be something... VINTAGE! ?
  5. LOL it sure seems so! Everyone is talking about this everywhere. My Facebook feed is one looooong ad for it! I’ve been playing this so hard this weekend that I have blisters on my fingers. It’s been a while since that happened!
  6. I just made a project at 48khz with 40 tracks with audio and one instance of the Archetype Gojira inserted on all of them. Every module in the plugin is on. CPU hit an average on 49.8% on an iMac 2019 with a 3,6GHz i9 processor running Logic Pro X. Not too shabby I'd say.
  7. My fingres are SPENT! I have been demoing this thing for 5 hours straight now - and haven't had this much fun playing guitar for years! It's a no brainer for me I think. It is heavy, but I do meddle in the heavier guitar tones mostly But I thought it was much better at both clean and crunchy tones than I expected. I actually got some very smooth clean tones out of it. But maybe I am listening for something else. I have only tried the Fortin Nameless suite from Neural DSP before and it does its one thing very great. The Gojira amp I think I could use for a ton of different tones. It's definitely worth demoing. I'm going to go and cool off my fingers on a cold glass of beer. Cheers! BTW, its built in IR loader is absolutely golden!
  8. Thanks guys, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. I know it is a bit harder than what’s normal around here. But it’s my thing;) and Lynn, if it matches your mood these days, feel free to rock out hard to it! It’s therapy music ? stay safe, lads! And thanks again
  9. Thanks for checking it out! And I’m happy you like the mix. I haven’t mixed my own metal stuff in years because we always sent it elsewhere, so I had to relearn quite a lot - and I had much cooler stuff to use this time? I appreciate you taking time to listen and comment! stay safe
  10. Hey folks! I’m not so active in the forums anymore but have been doing a lot more music work the past few years. However, I managed to craft this little solo debut since my band decided to call it a day. This is the video from the single and the full EP, “I’m A Giant”, is out everywhere today. I hope it’s ok that I’m posting about it here.
  11. Thanks! I really liked the 1073 as well and was demoing them both hard, but in the end, the 1084 won my heart. Some of the UAD stuff is beyond awesome!
  12. Great article!!! however, I couldn’t resist anymore and am now the proud owner of a Neve 1084 licence. So smoooth.... ❤️❤️
  13. Also, all the modules are available as individual plugins in your DAW. You don’t have to load up the entire Neutron or Ozone plugin if you just want to use its EQ, for example, the old fashioned way.
  14. I wish I hadn’t been so reluctant to get Neutron... that thing is fantastic! Together with Ozone, I nailed a mix with mastering in record time tonight - and it sounds better than I usually make anything sound! I just need to practice with these weird tools
  15. Hah, good question! I have no idea how an IR loader is different from a reverb plug-in, but I will try to load a reverb ir into it and see what happens
  16. Cool! I’ve been looking for a IR loader.
  17. This is great for some seriously heavy tones. I’ve been using it with my Apollo for a while and am currently mixing a project with this on all the guitars. Very heavy, very nice
  18. I jumped ship some years ago and is currently working in Logic in Mac and can’t compare it directly with pro channel. but if memory serves me, this can add a little bit more grit without the nasty artifacts that used to occur in the PC Console Emulator (I understand this is not an issue anymore, though). I have changed so much of my setup and have a new room etc since I used Sonar, but I was never that impressed with the console emulator as I have been with FrontDAW. I slap it over “all” my tracks as the first plugin. It is resource friendly so I never had a problem with that. I use other things on my buses and master so this is just a gentle touch on tracks for me. But the difference can be mesmerizing
  19. This is a helluva plugin! I use it all the time??
  20. I would get the burger to be honest, and call a friend who can sing when I’m done eating it?
  21. I love both the Diezels, both the Herbert and the VH4 and use them extensively
  22. Yes, I agree. I’m forever done with Waves. The plugs are good but not worth the hassle
  23. Ah, sorry, Emmure is a band with very heavy guitars We were given the full multitrack session of this song to mix on our own and learn some tricks from the guys who actually worked on it. They feature a new band and new song every month. You can check the song here:
  24. I did the Emmure one just to check it out. It was pretty good and it is awesome to get these multitrack sessions of songs you dig. There are some very creative and knowledgeable people involved in these sessions and the video walk through is excellent. You can learn a whole lot from a lot of people. I know some people who follow these religiously and they can't stop talking about it. I recommend checking out at least one of their sessions. It is totally worth it IMO. BTW, I keep the Emmure session at hand and use it to test new techniques and plugins. Pretty cool
  25. I just don't do subscriptions what so ever. I refuse. Even WUP has made me completely stop using Waves However, the Diezel Herbert amp is sweet! It's my current go-to amp but I use the UAD version ?
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