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Jaime Ramírez

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Everything posted by Jaime Ramírez

  1. @Noel Borthwick HI Everyone.. I am giving up with Cakewalk. The last issue is with this plugin. This plugin is a sampler and also a beat maker. With rec a patter the track receive notes randomly in the recording. I am sharing different issues but nothing, so sad. I am testing others DAWs. Cakewalk is nos trustfull for me. I am a music producer 24 7. I have been using the software 20 years ago since cakewalk 9. Thanks but isn't enough to a professional and complete music production environment.
  2. Yess, I figure out that's work.. But it unstable. After some test my conclusion is that. Some times work and sometimes not work. You have to restart the Software, if not work then restart your PC.
  3. Yesterday a import a video (MP4) and the cakewalk was loading (the circle in the mousue pointer) 5min and nothing. I change the MP4 to AVID in VEGAS and try to import it again and do the same.. I can't import neither... Was in a blank empty session... I am running the last update..
  4. And Yesss... Isn't the first time this kinds of issues with Antivirus..
  5. @Robert Bone The issue with the antivirus isn't with Cakewalk and others DAW. The issue is with the Ilok software.. A conflict with the Antivirus with the Ilok software. I figured out and open the "task manager" and see that an ilok file stopped work, and become unstable all the Slates plugins and session. I was 2 days with the issue. Was with all the Daws with the Slate plugins. I disable the Antivirus before open the Daws and al works flawless.
  6. @Blades When you have the aim assist issue... You have using one of the factory themes (Mercury, Tungsten) or an alternative theme?
  7. @Eddie Ok Eddie..... I will waiting for the developers.. Cakewalk have to work fine in all versions of Windows 10
  8. I have the Slate Bundle and i figure out what was the issue with the ILok. I have to disable my Avast Antivirus and works fine. If a don't turn off i have problems in Cakewalk and others DAW. I don't know if was an windows update or a Antivirus update when start this issue.
  9. @Blades No.. Yesterday the issue happen mixing a project.. Today.. Happen again, tracking a singer in a project..
  10. Aim Assist Freeze.. The Aim Assist freeze sometimes,,, Have to restart the software to fixed.. Thanks for you attention.
  11. Blemish in Screen: This bug isn't new.. When mixing complex projects and hide and unhide tracks, in the screen appears blemish lines... Check the photo.. Thanks guys
  12. Thanks, thanks, So Grateful guys. Thanks @Jesse Jostand @Noel Borthwick and the gangs. Blessings for you all.
  13. @Keni Waoo @Noel Borthwick Thanks a lot for the work you are doing.. Blessings..
  14. @Keni Yess... One time I get this... Crash software...
  15. Ctrl+Shift+A... It's the way... I like it more... I was worry too.. But I like the new combination kyes in my workflow. Thanks guys... The software runs more smoothly that previous versions.. Now I can go back without stop click everywhere..
  16. The "Aim Assist" disappears some times, i need to resart the software...
  17. The most smooth version of all times... Thanks guys..
  18. @msmcleod Thanks. I know. I "Bounce to Clips" expecting the best results. But isn't compared to other DAW. My conclusion at the moment that CW to work with midi and programming is superb, and tracking to.. But to manipulate audio isn't enough. 
  19. I was working in a project that the percussion is with samples and loops. I know that CB now use "Elastic" to stretch audio.. But.. I figured out, when a loop for example is in 124.00 BPM and my project is in 110.00, the quality is low using the "Elastic" algorithm. Perhaps.. Making the same example in other DAW that use the "Elastic" algorithm too, the quality is good isn't been compromised... Why i am missing? CB have to work with this audio quality edits?? (sorry with my little english).
  20. Try "Groove Clips" for Midi and Audio loops.. Is the best manner (i try duplicate in Pro Tools and Studio One. Or you can copy and paste (special past pressing ctrl, alt and "V" an make the paste 50 times for example in the dialog box..
  21. Yess.. Is a driver issue or a plugin issue. Verify if you have the las updates of the audio plugins tha you are using.
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