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Jaime Ramírez

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Everything posted by Jaime Ramírez

  1. I use Vocalign project in Ara format (vst3) Using in the Region Fx to apply. I can't make a shortcut in Keyboard bindings. It is posible? I search, but only see the Region Fx only but not the Vocalign.. The Vocalign option is not show in the keyboards shortcuts binding window..
  2. If I have muted tracks in a session and I decide to freeze random instrument track, when the freeze process end, all the muted tracks become unmuted..
  3. Hi guys I experimented long time (isn't this update related) a freeze issue.. If I have a muted tracks in the session, when a frezze an instrument o a group of instruments, when the freeze operation is finished the muted tracks become unmuted. (all tracks become unmuted).. Sorry with my little English..
  4. Hi guys I experimented long time (isn't this update related) a freeze issue.. If I have a muted tracks in the session, when a frezze an instrument o a group of instruments, when the freeze operation is finished the muted tracks become unmuted. (all tracks become unmuted).. Sorry with my little English..
  5. UNMUTED TRACKS WHEN FREEZE.. correcting the tittle.. ??‍♂️
  6. Hi guys I experimented long time (isn't this update related) a freeze issue.. If I have a muted tracks in the session, when a frezze an instrument o a group of instruments, when the freeze operation is finished the muted tracks become unmuted. (all tracks become unmuted).. Sorry with my little English..
  7. @JoseC Perfecto hermano. Lo intentaré. Mas que agradecido por tu ayuda. Bendiciones.
  8. The Slate plugin "Verbsuite" have a search bar, I cannot type in the search bar, instead when a type, cakewalk apply the keaboard shortcuts. For example, I click the search bar to type and type the "D" letter and open de Multidock of cakewalk, type letter "E" bypass plugin instead write in the search bar. Sorry with my little english..
  9. Yesss, I expermented before and I figure out that's with the Mono channels freeze. Because of that, I don't freeze mono instruments (vst) channels only stereo interment vst tracks.
  10. When i freeze a plugin 32bit (Vsampler) in Cakewalk, the Waveform and audio is lately certains milliseconds. I have tested in others Daws. In the others Daws i have the same position of starting, but in Cakewalk is late.. How i resolve this? Thanks Bandlab for you job.
  11. I export the project.. Save as "midi file".. When a import in other Daw brings me the "markers".. Then deleted the tracks you don't needed..
  12. In my System, The best stable and smooth version.... The Aim Assist don't stuck now... THANK YOU GUYS. YOU ARE DOING AND AMAZING JOB. My family and me are gratefull (this DAW is the helper for the income in this house). Blessings. (Sorry with my little English).
  13. Me too... Has appear since 4 updates approx.
  14. Thank you for you suggestion. Blessings bro.
  15. I got that bug too.... And lost somes key bindings..
  16. Yeessss... That resolve mi problem... Thanks a lot. I am still experimenting the "Aim Assist" Bug. Dissapears....
  17. @msmcleod Thank you for you answer. I will try and I let you know. How this affect the midi performance and plugins?
  18. Reason (software) Rewire, MISSING NOTES. I have a track template that have 2 tracks midi and 2 audio from reason outputs, when record something and playback soma random notes are not playing... (sorry with my little English)
  19. I have the same issue. I still not try the last update..
  20. Thanks, But you cannot help me. Congrats if the Software fill you needs. Thanks again.
  21. Yes, Several issues sinces 2017, differents computers and systems. I said that I shared differents issues... That say that is not a single plugin.. In others DAWS all run so fine, that is the worst part.
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