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Posts posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. On 4/5/2024 at 3:42 PM, kennywtelejazz said:

    All you have to do now is Hope Punchmagnet  doesn't  get an extended GIG singing and performing at your favorite Pub .



    13 hours ago, paulo said:

    No problem there. It closed for good a couple of years ago. 



    Now I'm concerned for you well being ?

    No boats ..... no more drinks in your favorite Pubs anymore ....  shheesh where's the fun in that ?

    The bigger question here is where  does that leave Ole Punchmagnet ?

    I guess after exhausting every possible nook and cranny he could have infiltrated. I would imagine Punchmagnet would find himself in a very desperate situation .

    Since we all know his main purpose  in life has been  to  force his special brand of music and fun on unsuspecting folks,  while deceiving them by using other singers voices as his own ! He may have to resort to desperate measures .

    The thing at the top of my list that would scare me the most is after removing every possible opportunity and outlet for Punchmagnet to bushwhack me with a Punchmagnet Roll I would be very afraid if  found myself looking up from the hymnbook at church and seeing him in the choir.....

    Lets hope for all our sake's he doesn't find salvation .




    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/3/2024 at 5:25 PM, kennywtelejazz said:

    If  you happen to win an all expense paid trip on a luxury cruse please keep an eye out for the fine print .

    His new GIG is as a musical director / main musical performer .



    On 4/4/2024 at 2:52 AM, paulo said:

    He's pretty safe then. I find it hard to imagine any circumstance that would make going on a cruise seem like something I would want to do.

    Good for you! . You will eventually dodge more Icebergs that way !

    All you have to do now is Hope Punchmagnet  doesn't  get an extended GIG singing and performing at your favorite Pub .


    • Haha 1
  3. 20 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

     Who want's to choke the guy in the red shirt ?



    5 hours ago, paulo said:

    I was reading a book earlier that introduced me to what is from now on my new name for guys like that.... 


    Not a bad name for him ?

    If  you happen to win an all expense paid trip on a luxury cruse please keep an eye out for the fine print .

    His new GIG is as a musical director / main musical performer .

    If he happens to be working your boat you may have to suffer through all his Celine Dion Titanic Tribute shows ...

    Save your knuckles and just throw him overboard !


    • Haha 1
  4. Hi Grem !

    You stepped up to the plate . That makes you the only person in this thread that has any sort of hands on experience with this app.

    Glad to hear your honest feedback ?

    Having said that ... Lets have a Show of hands !!!!! Who want's to choke the guy in the red shirt ? ?



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  5. This year on March 31 st  I slept in what I thought was an official Coffee House tee shirt.

    I woke up the next day with the realization that I had become the recipient of a cruel April Fools Day prank ....

    I should have known better .

    There is no such thing as an official Coffee House tee shirt .


  6. I slept in my Eric Clapton tee shirt and woke up standing before the judge for having shot the sheriff . 

    My poor ole pooch Milo!  was right there next to me . I found out they got him for shooting the deputy .

    Yep! you just can't make this stuff up ?


    • Haha 1
  7. Slept in my Jimi Hendrix tee shirt and when I woke up I gave her the gun.

    Slept in my James Brown tee shirt and woke up feeling good.

    Slept in my Robert Johnson tee shirt and  I woke up standing at the crossroads.

    Slept in my Humble Pie tee shirt and woke up with a doctors bill from yet another doctor I don't' need .

    Slept in my Led Zeppelin tee shirt and woke up to "her"  maxing out our plastic by buying yet another Stairway to Heaven from Amazon .

    Slept in my Hall and Oats tee shirt and woke up with a Man Eater . When I asked her what happened to my Man she said OH That ? I took it home in a doggie bag and gave it to my dog .

    Slept in my Cakewalk Coffee House tee shirt and woke up with not only the sweet aroma of becan in my kitchen I also had a Cakewalk Coffee House mug filled with coffee sitting right there on my counter .





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  8.  It seems A I vocals appear to be gaining  a foothold in music production much sooner than many people had anticipated .

    This video appears to be demo for a Musical  tool called AceStudio . This video is the first I have heard of AceStudio ...

    This appears to have a deep learning curve . Near the end of the video the guy singing could have sang at Carnegie Hall if this App works in real time.

     I wonder how good it can make an expressive melodic guitar part sound !


    • Like 1
  9. This is the Austrian Vegetable  Orchestra  . They are looking to get Bapu to join so they can add more flavor to the music  .

    In addition to adding more flavor to the Music , they want the sole bragging rights as to being the only Vegetable Orchestra in The World with an Alembic Bass made solely out of Vegetables    ?


  10. 4 hours ago, Bapu said:

    As long as they don't ask me to play the ?


    Just be careful ! after a few drinks you might think the watermelon is a backstage groupie . If you act on it then you may  find yourself never ever getting invited to play or attend a barbecue For Life !!!!

    How do I know ? ?

    PS I like to buy Vegan sale foods at Grocery Outlet , cook them up and add sausages , chicken or beef to them ...It sure adds flavor !


  11. 44 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

    I was recently stunned to learn through a mutual friend that Keith Kurciewski, who is a good friend of mine (used to live around the block from me in Alameda before he got a job with National and then started his own store), is shutting down 3Tracks and has already moved back to California.

    Who the hell moves from OR to CA?

    Then when I found out the reason, that St. Johns has become plagued with crime, I was even more stunned. I drove up to PDX 8 years ago to be there and help him out at the store's grand opening, and I though St. John's was a beautiful, charming area that was up and coming, with him moving in and a record store opening across the street.

    Now he tells me that the record store had to close due to multiple instances of vandalism and burglary, and he's shutting down 3 Tracks!

    I don't know if you remember, but several years back, there was a break-in attempt at his store that his amp repair guy (my former housemate and protege) fended off by brandishing a socket wrench. It made the local nightly TV news.

    Who did you find to do the work on your Gibby? Is St. John's the district you're referring to?

    People are placing the blame for this stuff on the local DA being as useless as bewbies on a boar hog.

    Me, I bought cheap guitars from Craig's List and learned how to do my own refrets.

    For now let me stick with the two things you said that I brought out to the forefront .

    At the moment I do not feel comfortable to bring my guitar over to either of  shops I have researched . I'm sure their work is fine but for now lets just say I choose to not mention their names  because I do not want to throw shade at them as far as where they are located .

    The last few  times I have been to a local Guitar Center in North Portland I got bad vibes ... I pull in the parking lot and there  is broken glass from cars that had gotten broken into in broad daylight . Then there is a whole parade of guys and girls with bicycles walking while pushing a stuffed shopping cart ...

    Then all along the road is tent city ....and on weekends the general area is taken over for street racing ...Eff all That

    The last guitar tech that did fret work on one of my guitars was Jay Black ! who wound up being a Fender Custom Shop Luther . I can live with the low frets for now .

    My ES is somewhat of a rare guitar . It's a Gibson ,and at 42 years old in excellent condition it only needs  a fret job . There were only 478 of them made in two years  .

    I played one of the same model ES 175 almost 40 years ago and it has taken me 38 years to acquire the one I got ....




  12. 13 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

    Kenny, I'm subscribed to the Five Watt World channel, he certainly makes some really interesting videos.

    Hi Steve !

    The Few Video's of his I have seen were very good . He does the research and puts it out there  as very easy to understand  . Plus he  seems OK with not trying to specifically change anybody's mind or force anyone over to his point of view .

    That I respect .

    all the best ,


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  13. This Duet was played by me tonight on a Great Guitar that only cost me peanuts . B|

    Whoa !    if I would have know the picture would show up that Big I would have spared you the Fugly !?

    It's too late Now !


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