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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Hi Andy , I gave your tune a fresh listen w the link you sent ...I remember that song collab between you and James . Yes , you guys sounded very good .. If and when you get anything you may want me to play on send me a private link . I will give it a listen . Then we can discuss it and take it from there ... Hi Amicus , I'm very happy you enjoyed my guitar playing and the mix ...it means a lot to me ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ In other news , I have been wanting to get back here to listen to songs on this forum . I hope to do that in the next few days . I'm having problems w 2 of my computers ...ones a Win 7 PC. The other one is an older iMac . OSX Lion . For some unexplained reason a few weeks ago I lost the ability to listen to music and u tube sound off the web on my desktop ( OSX Lion ) If I had the money , I would put both of these old computers out of their misery thank you all for your patience , Kenny
  2. So you want to become a Forum Monkey ! and be Famous ? Don't worry it's the same contract they all sign Kenny
  3. Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage, Go together like a horse and carriage, This I tell ya brother, you can't have one without the other. Kenny
  4. ??? I always "Wondered " where that picture came from , beings as I have nicked it and used it a few times ... Oh well , as per the sound legal advice of my counsel . I seek mercy from the court Kenny
  5. Wow, I feel speechless after seeing that video and now I got a lump in my throat . Thank you for posting the video . Kenny
  6. Thank you Bob for the kind word . Thank you Sean , I'm happy you enjoyed my guitar playing and tone . Thanks for the listen synkrotron , Slower ? ? To find out, PM me w a private link of the tune PM sent Thank You Daryl ! How I wish I could do some traveling someday and make it over to the UK . all the best, Kenny
  7. Hey Steve , Superman was hanging out with a few of his Super Hero friends at the Super Hero Club House where he went on and on about is tale of woe about him not getting any. After about a half hour of listening to his kvetch The Flash interrupted the man of steel and said "hey my super hero brother you are Superman ! the man of steel , what woman wouldn't want a little piece of that ? Listen to me , why don't you fly on over to the nudist beach and when you see something you like swoop on down and introduce your self " Surely that could work for you " Superman said" sure I can do that . do you think it will work " ? The Flash said "Yeah man after hearing your story, what else do you have to loose' ? "You don't want to turn out like Kenny do you "? With out a further moments hesitation , Superman jumped on out the window and flew his way on over to the nudist beach . While he was doing his fly by he spotted a naked lady on lying on her back in the sand waving her arms and moaning .. Thinking that was his invitation to break the dry spell Superman swooped on down , landed on top of her , and went all super ballistic biological jackhammer on the poor unsuspecting lady . When he was done he hopped on off and flew on into The Sunset .... After what seemed like an eternity of shocking silence the woman screamed out at the top of her lungs . "What the heck was that "? " I don't know but my butt hole Shirley Hurts " said The Invisible Man Kenny
  8. I still can't get over some of those Vegas prices you mentioned Dave ... Is there still such a thing as a "Dollar Store " In Las Vegas ? or is it now called "The Twenty Dollar Store " ? Kenny
  9. How true , yes he does . ? Great Idea Craig . ??? Yes Bill ! I do feel bad for you , but hold on there for a moment and take a good look at poor Al Bundy . Al thought he was dealing w a another whack y attention seeking shoe and bag shopper . When Al found out the show was rewritten and he was meeting the new Mrs Al Bundy for the first time ,he got down on his knees and found his long lost religion all the best Kenny PS S.L.I.P. I'm glad you dig that Bapu Hammer pic I did .There's more of them where that came from .???
  10. That's probably all my Strat is worth anyway ? .... Hey , I also take Fred Meyer coupons . Kenny
  11. Wow those numbers are inspiring . Anybody here want to buy one of my Strats ? I will give you a good deal ..I would be happy to get a half a million ? Kenny
  12. OMG , I had no idea Vegas was that expensive . Time to scratch that one off my bucket list . Kenny
  13. I sure hope this one makes up for the last one I posted Kenny
  14. Sorry about this one ED I couldn't help laughing my A$s off for a while before posting this . Kenny
  15. Wish I could say or do something that would help ease the pain of 25 years worth of MS your wife has had to endure . As your song pic shows , we all have our crosses to bare . I enjoyed you chord changes in the opening measures and as the song unfolded . I was pleasantly happy to hear your melodic lead playing . It was tasteful and overall very expressive . Your guitar playing served the song well and got the message across . all the best, Kenny
  16. Hi Bob , I dug your songs message and I'm feeling I may need to break away from a few long standing chains I've been shackled to . Guitars sound nice , video has some good visuals and effects that add to the song 's story . It is obvious to me that you put a lot of thought and effort into your song and video ..it shows ... Nice talking w you again , Kenny
  17. I thought this song was very good ...Nice powerful vocals with loads of expressiveness in the vocal delivery . Over here as I listen it's 2 am so I am listening to your track at low volume to medium volume conversation levels ... I may revisit the song during a time of the day when I can turn it up a little ... Overall what ever harshness I may have heard was during the early stages of the song ...the guitars were a little top heavy and thin . After about the halfway point the guitars sounded very good to me ...Yeah the guitars tone had more meat on the bone erm I mean fret board . , Good gtr solo's w a nice melodic expressive tone .. Good job , all the best, Kenny
  18. Hi Lynn, Your song is coming along rather nicely . It certainly kept my interest as the song unfolded. You have a lot of very interesting things going on with your songs arrangement and I like how you paid homage to various guitar heavy musical genre's . Some of those sections sounded very authentic ...It seems you must be holding out on some of us guitar peeps around here ...lol Also , I wish I could sing like you ...Oh Yeah , very nice . Kenny
  19. I don't have a dog in this particular fight , since I do not have or use Pro Tools .I can say right now I am rather disenchanted with the whole subscription approach to DAW's and Musical software in general .. Anyway that's my two centavo's , Kenny
  20. Hi Bill, Sounds interesting . I do a lot of short transcriptions over here myself ..I have yet to write then down ... How would you go about sharing a few of the ones you have ? A playing Fred over at the Tutorial forum ? I'm interested . thanks again for posting ... Hello Reece! Thank you for the nice words you just said ... Say we go back a long time . I appreciate seeing and hearing from you again . all the best, Kenny
  21. How True , Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose For we were young and sure to have our way La la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la La la la la la la Oh well , it was sure nice while it lasted ... Kenny
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