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Everything posted by user390096

  1. Thanx Teegarden, you really nailed it as I had found comparisons but not geared towards Cakewalk. I'm trying out Simple Stems now (early Xmas present. My wife would have no clue what this sort of thing is to give me for Xmas). Is there a program that can separate vocal harmonies? That's what I really want to do. All of them I've tried so far seem to isolate the lead vocal very well but I don't think any separate harmonies.
  2. I'll answer my question myself. Came across RipXDeepAudio and it works as a Region FX and can creat nice sounding stems within minutes and groups them in a folder within My Documents. They are labelled, drums, bass, vocal, and other. Very nice but the cost is around $350 I think. Is there a cheaper alternative that can do what RipX does?
  3. I'm wanting to create stems from some pro recordings but there seem to be lots of confusing options. I own Izotope 9x Pro but it seems a little too complicated. Is there a better alternative that can be used as a plugin?
  4. Installed th latest 2022.06 tody then tried to duplicate a few tracks and all it did was create a new empty track. so yes it creats a new track with the same nam as the source track but there is no audio in the lane. Bug?
  5. I'm considering trying a touch-screen monitor for my second screen to view and adjust the mixer just like a real mixer. Has anybody done this? What model are you using, any problems or other concerns? Thanx, Frederick FYI Win10 Pro, Quadro 4000 video card
  6. In the Arranger track, is there a way to disconnect text boxes from the underlying tracks so that I can just slide them around as needed without moving the track contents? YES THERE IS!! Just highlight the box a few times until you don't see the underlying shadow extending down onto all of the tracks below. At this point, one is free to move the text box as needed by itself.
  7. Thanx, the Arrangement track seems to work although I can't do the typical copy and Paste (ctrl V). It lets me copy but "paste" is greyed out. But I can do "duplicate" which is good enough and I can color-code each chord which is very helpful.
  8. I should sing more of an "ahh" sound for both the "III" and "EEE" sounds. That should help a lot.
  9. I think there is a way to add text/chords etc. to the track heads, correct? How do you do it? I would like to place the chords there. Thanx, Frederick
  10. I've got lots of compressors/limiters but notice they don't do much to tame annoyingly loud/shrill, long "IIIII" and "EEEEEE" vocal sounds. Anybody have any ideas how to smoothly tame these sounds. I've tried reducing the gain but even that doesn't do much. Those sounds really leak through and dominate too much. Thanx, Frederick
  11. Waves CLA (Chris Lord-Alga) has several guitar/bass plug-ins that sound good, are cheap and very easy to use. Worth a trial.
  12. It's been working well for the last few months so I endorse it now. I have current versions of both Melodyne and Revoice Pro and that's a nice tandem. Also I love the new Waves Tune that finally has a scalable window and is the only vocal plug-in I know of that can create a nice sounding vibrato. If you have those 3 plug-ins, I think that's about all you need for vocal tweaking.
  13. UPDATE: It didn't go well and I safely deleted my CW files in the Cloud, but don't have anything good to say about OneDrive. I actually was in a chat with a chat person from MS who took me by the hand and helped me set it up but this chat expert didn't realize my smallish "C" drive would be utilized and filled with files during the upload and made my whole computer unstable, a total mess. All I wanted to do was copy and sync my "D" drive CW Projects folder on the cloud. My "D" drive is a separate 8 TB magnetic drive but for some reason, which I think is a default setting, the OneDrive software is designed to work with your "C" drive and it just filled up the 80 GB I had open (my "C" drive is a Samsung 500 GB M.2 style). After it totally filled up my "C" drive I kept getting error messages that I didn't have any storage space. Hunh? How could that be as I was preparing to buy 6 TB of storage? Anyway I was able to "unlink" my computer, then delete everything in the cloud without it also deleting everything on my "D", and maybe "C" drive. Then cancelled my 30 day free trial on the 28th day. Once I deleted everything, including the CW Project files and every link with the word "OneDrive lurking around my computer, my "C" drive got back about 100 GB of free-space (I think I had about 20 GB in my trash folder that I also deleted). Now my whole computer is working very well again and I'll continue to back-up my files with on-site external HD's. OneDrive seems geared to light users with small files on a one hard-drive computer, like students, etc.
  14. I use export to produce the end product MP3 song that I can put on my phone, send to friends or upload to Napster.?
  15. Assuming you don't have any tempo changes, first highlight the track with the voice-over and hit delete. Then select All of the tracks by using your keyboard and hitting CTRL+A simultaneously, you should see all of the tracks highlighted, then using your mouse simply go to any of the tracks (they should all be lit up) and click on it and hold the left mouse button down, and drag all of the tracks to the left and when you get them all to the left, let go of the left button on the mouse and they will now all be at the beginning. Very simple. It sounds like maybe you don't know how to select tracks?
  16. Bill, first I created a folder on OneDrive called "Cakewalk Projects to be uploaded". Then I created another folder on my PC called "Cakewalk Projects to be uploaded". Next I copied all of my songs from the Cakewalk Projects folder to my new folder called "Cakewalk Projects to be uploaded" on my "D" drive on my PC. I uploaded my Project files from the new folder one letter at a time: for example, all songs that start with the letter "A", then all songs that start with the letter "B", and so on. I did this as I read if an upload goes bad, you have to restart from the beginning. I have so many big files I decided to do it one letter at a time as doing the entire project would take about 12 hours of flawless uploading which I didn't think would/could happen. Anyway, it went fairly quickly with FIOS, letter by letter, and I don't recall any of the letters crashing. After everything was uploaded I changed the name of the folder on OneDrive back to "Cakewalk Projects" which is the active folder on my "D" drive and hope the synchronization is happening but it's not as far as I can tell. I need to figure that out. The only thing that's working "in-sync" is my phone that sends my phone's pictures and videos immediately to OneDrive and annoyingly, it did this on it's own when I first got OneDrive (6TB) installed - I never asked OneDrive to involve my phone and I was going to delete the pictures/videos on OneDrive as I already have them on a Google Drive. But good thing I didn't, as I learned if you delete files from OneDrive it will also delete them from your device, in this case, my phone and they could be gone forever. That would not be good. I created the mirror Cakewalk folder with a slightly different name in case OneDrive started to delete my files from my PC which I've read could happen. Once I got everything uploaded and didn't see anything strange going on, I changed the name of the folder in OneDrive to "Cakewalk Projects" which is my active storage location on my "D" drive. Now I just sit and hope when I add, delete, or edit files in my Cakewalk Projects folder they are also updated in the Cloud and "in-sync" but it's just not happening even though I see that everything is supposedly "in-sync". I need to get into a chat with MS but that's not so easy, they hide their chat links and may want to charge you if you use their help. I was in one chat with them and they took over my PC because my old free version of OneDrive was showing up kinda as my new paid version (6 TB with 6 accounts). It was a confusing mess but now it seems to be working but I'm still trying to tweak the whole thing.
  17. LOL, if I threw away all my sucky trax, I wouldn't have anything to save! Maybe I should just give up music and try golf again.
  18. Discovered my old laptop is so old it's not capable of receiving 5G, so I moved the wifi adapter that is 5G capable, and that I had been using with my desktop computer into the USB 2 input on the old laptop, and immediately it discovered my 5G network and I saw dramatic increases in speed. I also have a 2.4 private, and a 2.4 guest account but I can't ever remember the passcode name of it for guests, lol. I think I'll change it to "guest", that should be easy to remember but I have hundreds? of people every weekend walking right by my front door playing Pokemen and I don't want them connecting to my house. Therefore, I'm not gonna change it but instead will try harder to remember it. One of those Pokemon folks is gonna get hit by a car some day?
  19. All done! It's a little after midnight but I'm very happy it went so fast and I even took a 2 hour break from hovering over the process ; 1 letter at a time, just in case any letter had garbage hiding in it and I had to start again, but just for that letter and not the entire alphabet. Started at 4:30 in the early morning and ended around midnight, so uploaded about 600 GB in about 18 hours that had been expected to take about 40 days. 40 days?? Unplugged the FIOS and ran a speed test on Xfinity and it was only 52 down and a solid 6 up, or was 5.8 up? Anyway the slowest FIOS speed offered, 200/200, actually was working most of the days at 300+/300+, a 40+ increase in upload speed, BRAVO! I may have to keep this and pay $80/month - speed is very addictive? UPDATE: Well the speed is halved or worse when I run the FIOS through my Netgear router which supposedly can stream at 1300 mbps. It's a NETGEAR Dual Band Gigabit AC1750 Smart WiFi Router (R6300v2). Anybody know how to make it go as fast as possible? I'm using the 5G option which I assume is the fastest but it's just not nearly as fast as hardwiring it directly to my computer which sits about 10 feet from the router. I'm using this Wifi Adapter connected to a USB 3 port: USB Wifi Adapter 600Mbps USB 2.0 Wifi Dongle 802.11 AC Wireless Network Adapter with Dual Band 2.4GHz/150Mbps+5Ghz/433Mbps 2DBI High Gain Antenna for Desktop Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 Mac 10.7-10.15 It got pretty good ratings on Amazon although several folks said it was not really capable of 600 mbps. Well, I plugged another ethernet cable from the router into my desktop/CW Thunderbolt 3 computer (I built myself) and the download speed returned to +300 but the upload speed didn't, but it's much faster than the wireless as I'm getting about 150 up on a consistent basis. I'll give this a try for the home system where my family can hopefully see a positive benefit. UPDATE: Before I went to bed for my typical 2 hours, I did a wireless speedtest on an old HP laptop and it was slow around 100/55. Now I tried on the actual laptop I use, a much more advanced ASUS flipbook which is about 4 years old and got back to over 200 both down and up. I guess newer tech is just faster but I'm very happy with it. Now to test the wife's but she was happy with the old speed and wouldn't know what any of this speed stuff means, lol. OK back to bed for another 2 hours. Almost forgot, my Android phone (LG Stylus 5) was in the 300's down and I think over 200 up. Great improvement as it took 3 days to upload about 3500 pictures to the Cloud via Xfinity as I waited for the FIOS connection to be activated. I think I'll delete those pix and do it again with the FIOS connection, it should do it 40 times faster. Fun!
  20. Thanx for the feedback Glenn. I'm pretty sure I'm by my lonesome self, as I was probably the only person on my street to get it once it became available about 5 years ago. I don't recall asking my installer anything other than "this truly is gonna be way faster than Xfinity, right", and I think he said download are about the same but uploads are way faster, and he was right! I keep going between Xfinity and FIOS every year now to get that "intro" price but Xfinity was ready for me this year and offered to extend my $39.99 intro deal to 2 more years with the first year on a contract. And since it made our cell phones almost free, I resigned with them. PS - Up to letter "J" already, 584 songs done and only 676 songs to go. Looks like I can maybe finish this task by midnight.
  21. I have had the Studio version for years and it usually works flawlessly. It's one of the greatest inventions ever in digital recording. Wouldn't go without it and it's well worth investing in the Studio version. I like to record my favorite old rock songs and have been buying Karaoke-Version multitrack songs which are "Stems" of separate drums, guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals , etc. I download the tracks individually and drag them into CW. Then I play along with them and record the guitars, bass , some keyboards and do the singing. I have no talent for brass instruments and use those and use most of the keyboard trax from the downloads. When I'm done, I have my version which I usually change up a bit to make it mine. Loads of fun for an old geezer who spent too many years in live bands growing up trying to make it big which never happened?. If I can't figure out the guitar parts by ear I just load the guitar part stems into Melodyne and can see the notes I'm hearing - amazing and it even tries to decipher the chords that are being played. Works on bass, drums and vocals as well. Really a miracle plug-in.
  22. Wow! Fiber is King!!! My FIOS was just activated (after waiting for 6 days) and the Song Project that took about an hour and a half to upload using Xfinity cable, took only 2 minutes to upload with FIOS optical fiber! Did a FIOS speed test and it's about 300 mbps down and 220 up, of course I'm doing it at 5 AM when I don't think many folks are using the internet but I've read FIOS fiber doesn't "share" like cable and bog down. We'll see later today. Also I have the FIOS ethernet cable coming directly into my ethernet port on my computer and not sent through the router so I'm sure that helps with the speed. Looks like I'm going to be able to upload all my songs plus another 3 TB of family movies (maybe 12 hours of my kids playing field hockey that no one has ever watched, lol), and other family pictures and videos, plus all the documents, other music, etc. Too bad I'm stuck with a contract with Xfinity for a year but it's bundled with a $18/month phone deal shared by my wife and myself. THAT'S RIGHT, $9 per person per month with unlimited texting and talking and 1 TB shared data which we've never used more than 20% of in a month. Can't beat that, and they told me the price doesn't go up for the phone plan as long as I keep the super-slow upload speed Xfinity internet. UPDATE: In about an hour I've been able to upload all the songs that start with an "A" which consisted of 54 songs and about 24 GB. 25 more letters to go. So at 1 hour per letter, that's about 26 hours via FIOS, rather than about 40 days via Xfinity. And I just learned there are some Xfinity optical connections near where I live in the Philadelphia suburbs. Hope they come to my town. UPDATE at Noon: Wow 2! I'm uploading in the middle of the day and it's even faster. As I'm uploading I did another speed test and it says it's now doing uploads at 320 mbps. Letter "E" only took 10 minutes for 25 songs, very impressive. I know not everyone even has access to fiber but it's way faster and my whole internet is way snappier too. Give it a try when you can, it's a game changer.
  23. Just ordered FIOS 200/200 for starters. Sadly I tested my Xfinity cable upload performance by uploading a project with about 40 audio tracks and it took about an hour and a half for just 1 project, ugh. But I think the advertised upload speed is around 6 mbps up and I just did a speed test and got 5.8 mbps. So FIOS is about 33 times faster uploading if it really can do that speed. Unfortunately when you order FIOS you have to wait a few days for their SYSTEM to recognize you even exist though I already own the ONT modem and I'm ready to start uploading. The great news is that you can cancel at any time with no fees and if I get everything uploaded in under 30 days and then cancel, there is no cost at all. If I need more speed, they have a 400/400 plan and even faster plans. Once everything is uploaded I can live with the slower cable uploads as it will be just incremental uploads and I think the downloads speeds are decent with cable. UPDATE: Did a download of the project that took an hour and half to upload and it completed it in about 3 minutes. Not bad at all on Xfinity cable which is what I have for the next year on a contract. OneDrive put it into a zip file then downloaded it. Still waiting for Verizon to turn on the FIOS 200/200 so I can get the projects uploaded.
  24. Is anybody using cloud storage of their Cakewalk Projects? I'm trying to. I have about 600 GB of files (1200+ projects/songs). I just bought the Microsoft OneDrive 6 TB service but I don't see that it's uploading much at all, I just see a "pending sync" icon next to each folder. I also have a much smaller Google GDrive and I've learned that uploading just 1 project with only about 20 .wav files can take well over an hour and I'm using very slow Xfinity cable internet. Doing the math it may take months to upload everything so I'm considering buying FIOS for a month or so to speed things up as their upload speed is a lot faster than cable. Anyway, is anybody doing this and are there things to look out for? And yes I have all my projects backed up in 2 places on hard drives but I wanted something off-site as well.
  25. Fixed it! Looks like my recent switch from Xfinity/Comcast Norton Anti-Virus to Windows Defender may have caused all of my chagrin. In the past, Norton was given to all Xfinity/Comcast internet users for free but this ended at the new year although it was delayed for about 2 weeks. Now I'm deep into Windows Defender and it's maybe working too well. It wasn't allowing Cakewalk to access my Cakewalk files on my D drive but after I allowed it, everything is working smoothly again. I also learned that my 4 monitor set-up needs to be only a "one" monitor set-up connected when I'm troubleshooting as I couldn't see anything on my main screen at all after trying to boot into Safe Mode - it was always black. So I turned on my other 3 screens and found it working on just one auxiliary screen in the next room where I scroll lyrics for singers. Turns out one of my usually "off" screens was the only active screen. So I unplugged the auxiliary screens and had only my main screen that sits right in front of me connected. Kinda works better when you can see what you're doing, lol.
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