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Everything posted by tonemangler

  1. I just received an email from Overloud support informing me that there wasn't an upgrade path from TH3 cakewalk to TH-U Full. Did you contact Overloud support directly for the upgrade or were you able to do it through their website? Did you upgrade from TH3 cakewalk to TH3 Full or directly to TH-U Full? Thanks
  2. @Will_Kaydo Thanks for the link! Some real good info!
  3. I was in the same position as you last year. I wanted to build a system that would last for the next 10 years so I didn't skimp. I ended up spending around $2,700 CDN ($2,000US) and am very happy with my system. If you record anything with a mic and plan to have the PC in the same room you need to consider noise. A sound proof case, fanless graphic card and only SSD drives is what I used. I can barely hear my computer and it is 3 feet away from me. If you use a lot of virtual instruments then 32 Gig of RAM is good, I personally installed 16 Gigs and that is easily enough for my needs. You also have to consider connections for your audio interface. Because I wanted my system to use the latest protocol I decided to go with Thunderbolt over PC. Here in Canada I couldn't find a Thunderbolt equipped Mobo so I had to order one in from the US and it wasn't cheap. USB is fine for audio so I don't think this is a necessity. I did a lot of research and comparisons before buying the components, so if you don't have the time for that then buying a specialist audio PC is the way to go, as others have stated. I had my local computer store build it for me for a fee. I am a hobbyist working solely on my own music, and so far, knock on wood, my system has been rock solid with no issues. Good luck!
  4. Sounds great! I am currently working on a vocal track so should be useful! The trouble is, lately I've been going overboard with plug-in purchases and now I'm afraid to see my credit card statement! Oh well, I guess that's the price we pay to delusionally try to achieve unrealistic expectations!! Hahaha just kidding, have a good one. ?
  5. @treesha Thanks for the info! It's good to know Overloud will offer a discount. Right now the upgrade price is 79 Euros ($90US). I also have Komplete, which comes with Guitar Rig which is excellent, so TH3-U would be just another flavour to compliment it. I also use Amplitube!! Hahaha I guess I have an amp sim addiction! Thanks again
  6. I was wondering if anyone has successfully upgraded from Overloud's TH3 (Cakewalk version from the Sonar days) to TH-U Full? Right now they have a sale on but you need a serial number to upgrade and, since it came with Sonar, it is not listed in my Overloud products page. I messaged Overloud support but since the sale ends in 2 days I doubt I will get a response in time. Just wondering if anyone here has tried this. Thanks
  7. @bitflipper Thanks for the explanation, what you say makes a lot of sense and of course there had to be a reason for having an option for changing interleave between stereo and mono, I just wasn't sure why and now I know. Thanks. @scook Thanks for the heads up! This was the real cause of my concern about mixing stereo and mono effects, so I now see it was an Eventide issue rather than a Cakewalk "eccentricity". Years ago I experienced the same problem with the SSL Duende effects when they had stereo and mono versions of each plugin, but when they changed to the preferred format of making each plugin automatically conform to a mono or a stereo signal it was no longer a concern. I have a lot of Eventide stuff so it's funny that I hadn't noticed this issue with anything other than Crush Station, I guess because I usually leave interleave in it's default stereo setting. I will be updating them all right away. @Noel Borthwick I'm pretty sure my issue was explained by scook, but if the issue persists I will share it with you. Thanks again to all.
  8. Thanks Vernon, I'll be upgrading soon! How do you like the new version?
  9. Hi Colin for the good tip. It also works when tracking. If, for example, you are tracking an acoustic guitar, and maybe there is a very soft section, or an outro which is played softly, you can volume automate the click so as to minimize bleed from the headphones. This happened to me once where I thought I had a great take until I realized the click was faintly heard on the acoustic track during the outro! TBH, once I have the drums done, which is usually the first or second thing I do, I only need "count ins" which I will quickly record a four bar click on it's own track. Then I will keep it muted until needed. Cheers
  10. Thanks for the response bitflipper. When you say you prefer to keep mono tracks mono throughout are you saying you always set interleave to mono for mono tracks? It seems to me that a mono track will behave the same with interleave set to mono or stereo, unless an effect is used in the fx bin that would make the signal stereo (ie. a stereo effect on a mono interleave will output mono). The only plugins I use that give you a choice between mono and stereo are Waves. If I put a stereo version of the CLA compressor on a mono track with interleave set to stereo it works the same as a mono CLA on a mono interleave, is that right? Actually, I just tried something out, I put a mono version of a CLA compressor on a mono track with interleave set to stereo and it worked exactly the same as the stereo version of the same compressor, which means the mono effect still sees a mono signal whether interleave is set to mono or stereo. Maybe this is unique to waves plugins, I don't know. The main thing to avoid is mixing mono and stereo effects in the same fx bin, that causes Cakewalk to hang and eventually crash. I say this because I once put Eventide's Crush Station ( not realizing it was only stereo) after a mono CLA comp and it kept crashing my project. Anyways, sorry for high jacking this thread and for the long post, I've always been curious about this. Cheers
  11. I use to set the interleave to mono for mono tracks, but I would find that I would forget and put a stereo effect after a mono effect and that would cause Cakewalk to hang and crash. Now I always leave the interleave set to stereo for mono signals, and only use stereo effects eg. chorus, flanger etc in the fx bin. Using channel tools to convert an effect to mono is a good idea. Is there a scenario where setting interleave to mono is a necessity? Just curious.
  12. Hello all, with the latest update does OVox Vocal ReSynthesis by Waves now work within Cakewalk? I wanted to buy the latest version of OVox when it first came out but there was a disclaimer on the Waves site that said it caused Cakewalk by BandLab to crash. In the release notes of the latest Cakewalk update it states that the issue was fixed, but I just wanted to know if anyone has successfully used OVox within Cakewalk. Also, I read in a post somewhere that the Melodyne 5 update caused a Cakewalk project to crash, however it seems to me that that was an isolated incident, unless others have had the same problem? Thanks for any info on the topic.
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