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Everything posted by Pollux

  1. No problems over here. Thread Scheduling Model 3 made a huge CPU usage improvement on my machine
  2. Got the Toneforge Metal Starter pack on sale and with an extra 40% discount with a coupon. Even like this it's not good value for the money. Hellraiser is good but not mind-blowing, The other plugins are okay-ish and the extra content is not worth the hassle.
  3. I replaced a 3 screen setup for a 32" 4K monitor. I find it much more comfortable and it allowed me to tweak the placement of the speakers to a better position.
  4. Hello all, there is currently 50% off the Forward Audio faMegaIRBundle, which includes faIRmageddon 3 Guitar Cabinet Impulse Responses: - Marshall 1960A (TM) (1995 Limited Edition) Red - Engl E 212VH Vintage 2×12 - Mesa Boogie 4×12 Rectifier – regular price is 139€, discounted price is 69,50 €: https://www.forward-audio.com/mega-impulse-response-bundle/?source=discount_bar "faIRMegaBundle is the most complete sound design solution for the modern guitar player. The combination of faIRmageddon with a myriad of High Quality Impulse Responses leads to an infinite number of sound possibilities. I swear to god I will get rid of all my expensive cabs and use this instead from now on. Holy Moly." "faIRmageddon is the ultimate Guitar Cabinet Impulse Response Designer for the growing needs of guitar players of the 21st century. It’s carefully designed to give you what every guitarist and audio engineer dreams of: Your own UNIQUE sound! With faIRmageddon you’ll be able to load, combine, adjust, merge & manipulate your IRs to achieve this goal with ease. You’ll love how this plug-in will change your perception of guitar sound forever!"
  5. Hi U-Man, MCU and C4 protocols use MIDI to send and receive information. AFAIK there is no Mackie SDK, but rather a documentation set about which button / fader / encoder uses which MIDI CC. Faders use 10 bit for a higher resolution than the 127 values of the standard CC. Both protocols are different. The C4 had very little DAW support (only Cakewalk, Logic and Tracktion) and was discontinued years ago. The displays are controlled sending binary information encapsulated within the MIDI messages, and it's different between the MCU and the C4, which is why you don't see anything when you set it as an MCU. If you want to understand how they work under the hood in Cakewalk, you can check https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK As for using only a C4 without an MCU, yes, this is possible. You can control track levels, pans, plugins and most of the button functions the MCU has. The cakewalk help file is pretty comprehensive about using the C4 (attached). Hope this helps! MackieControl.chm
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