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Everything posted by Pollux

  1. Pollux

    BFD 3 $99

    use a 4k screen and you'll need a microscope to see anything
  2. Hello, Sales are up to 90 % starting now! https://shop.audified.com/products I received this from Audified:
  3. the new site makes their plugins sound 12% better
  4. I only have 3 or 4 Waves plugins that I use and that I didn't find a replacement for (vocal rider, bass rider, NLS and InPhase) I'll just WUP those and probably uninstall the others
  5. I got the two out of curiosity on a previous sale. Never really used them, but I'll give them a try. If I get it right, the workflow is: 1. gain stage and phase align 2. pan 3. auto level tracks with MM 4. auto level busses with MM 5. add FX 6. EQ 7. auto level tracks and busses again with MM 8. tweaks and automation does this make sense?
  6. OK.. So I have MPS 5, according to Izotope I can upgrade to MPS 5.2 for $149, which only adds Guitar Rig Pro (which I already have ? ), or I can get the loyalty offer for Guitar Rig 6 pro for $99, which would be the same as upgrading to MPS 5.2 (which I virtually already have) Definitely a weird upgrade structure
  7. taken from this thread in KVR: Orb Producer Suite vs. Captain Plugins vs. Liquid Music - Effects Forum - KVR Audio here is a review of both (and InstaComposer as well): video
  8. Hi all, I pulled the trigger on the PA all bundle, so I won't be using my $25 and $50 vouchers for Dec. I also got Audiothings Flip EQ for free with another purchase, and I already have it. PM me and I'll send you the codes edit: $25, $50 vouchers and Audiothings Flip EQ gone
  9. I'll try to use correctly 4 strings in my bass for now ????
  10. they have a new site: https://www.bfddrums.com/ the latest update I have is 3.4.4, in may 2022
  11. the interface is quite outdated, but the sound is amazing. It's very realistic in terms of articulations, resonance and swell and "humanizing" The stock kits are very good, although it really shines with some of the add-ons (Oblivion, Metal Snares, Zildjian Digital Vault, Jazz Noir). At that price is an absolute no-brainer!
  12. They are still selling it for $199, so I think the easiest would be to contact their support
  13. I think they just moved it to their site: https://www.tcelectronic.com/product.html?modelCode=P0DE5
  14. Warble, HG-2 MS or LISA for $6.99 are no brainers ?
  15. I have MODO Drum 1.0 from TS Max 3.5 (the engine update to 1.5 is free but does not include the new drumkits). If I purchase this one, would I have the content of MODO Drum 1.0 + the 3 new kits, or would it "downgrade" me to 1.5 SE?
  16. I added the money I spent on cheap (and not so cheap) plugins in a bit over a year and I almost had a heart attack. Especially that I barely use most of them...
  17. found this https://groovemonkee.com/blogs/blog/using-midi-in-cakewalk-by-bandlab
  18. Hello, are there any apps / plugins / useful stuff to manage and audition midi drum loops to use them in composing / arranging songs? I have thousands of them, and it's a nightmare to do
  19. NEVER EVER DO THIS. The MCU faders are optical and have a thin thread inside that links the motor to the fader. If you spray it with anything other than air you will likely ruin it (also don't use high pressure canned air as this can damage the thread.. been there, done that ?). Fader Lube is for analog faders which have an actual resistance and electrical connection
  20. thanks!! really interesting results
  21. Do you have data to support this ? I use DP10 alongside CbB, ProTools and Waveform, and I don't notice any major difference in low latency audio performance
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