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  1. Sounds like you may have Ripple Edit clicked on.
  2. Good research Glenn! Yes, it's too bad ProjectScope seems out of date, and so not too useful now, at least for plugins.
  3. There's a free utility called ProjectScope that might be of help. It displays plugins used, along with many other things. And I just found out that it has a Search facility too, so you can search across directories. http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3218609 http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3584169
  4. An alternative, is to just use the Event Inspector. There you can adjust the Pitch (by any amount) of any selected notes.
  5. scook = Steve Cook One of the most helpful and prolific posters here. Seems to have disappeared a while back (maybe Sept 2023).
  6. I've been pretty happy with the free player MPC-BE x64 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpcbe/ You can adjust speed with Ctrl + Up/Dn arrows. Can also adjust audio sync with Keypad +/- . Also plays wav, mp3, etc.
  7. Good thought, but unfortunately, you can't INSERT an EVENT of type LYRIC. This is according to page 30/101 of the above-mentioned "The Cakewalk Application Language Programming Guide for SONAR". (The only 6 types you can INSERT are: NOTE CONTROL WHEEL PATCH KEYAFT CHANAFT).
  8. First of all, your statement: ( if (== Event.TEXT Type) should be: ( if (== Event.Kind TEXT) However, according to some documentation I have, you CANNOT change the Event.Kind (e.g. from TEXT to LYRIC). Here's a quote from Page 17/101 of "The Cakewalk Application Language Programming Guide for SONAR". The constants: “CHORD”, “EXPRESSION”, “HAIRPIN”, “LYRIC”, “MCI”, “NRPN”, “RPN”, “SYSX”, “SYSXDATA”, “TEXT”, “WAVE” allow an “Event.Kind” test to locate these “Events” in a sequence, and yet there are no provisions for viewing, accessing or changing the values associated with them. This makes their use rather limited to merely hunting for this type of event, but not being able to do anything with it, once it has been found, except deleting them! Nevertheless, I list them here mostly because, for many of them, their existence as they relate to CAL is undocumented. These constants are only available in the versions of Cakewalk that support these data types as part of their feature package. BTW, that manual seems hard to find these days. Mine says: The Cakewalk Application Language Programming Guide for SONAR Version: 2.2 Original author: D. Glen Gardenas Editing and adaptations: Ton Valkenburgh Review: Frans H.M. Bergen Febrary, 24, 2010 http://www.MIDI-Kit.nl [this no longer seems to work]
  9. I have Chord Pulse and it's very good. However, I didn't know it did fills. I scoured the website and the online help, but couldn't find any mention of fills. Do you have any pointers to that info?
  10. Check the Youtube video How to Edit Audio in Cakewalk by Bandlab by the wonderful Mike of Creative Sauce. Lots of good info. And starting around 13:00 or so, he specifically covers pops and clicks. His preferred method is to use Auto Crossfades.
  11. I suggest looking into AutoHotKey. It's a Windows scripting language that can be used in Cakewalk. You can search these forums to see some user-contributed examples. You can google it to download it and to find some tutorials. You may need some programming chops to work with it.
  12. The manual is available online at https://www.klimper-plugin.com/pages/help
  13. It's a bit tricky. Here's how I do it: Ctrl+A to select all. Then Right click on the Timeline and select "Create Sections from Markers". Then type A to show the Arranger sections.
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