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Everything posted by LittleStudios

  1. My guess is Next will be web browser based, you know, running through Chrome or Firefox or whatever web browser you use. This way they can reach more people. I think Sonar will be the version that runs as it's own application installed on your machine. Next will be free and Sonar will be paid.
  2. Thanks. Good to know I'm not crazy.
  3. Will they honor the lifetime licenses sold a few years back? Will they give Sonar to the people who purchased lifetime licenses?
  4. Has anyone noticed a slight change in the Cakewalk logo, font and color? Particularly on this forum site.
  5. Just went to Waves.com, looks like they have prices back on the plugins. BIG SURPRISE.... $29.99.
  6. It's funny, they were able to switch there system over immediately, removing perpetual licenses and going subscription only. You blinked, and it was switched over. Their website was completely overhauled and Waves Central was updated as well. Now, for whatever reason, Waves can't seem to switch back as quickly. Their website still doesn't show prices for individual plugins and it's almost as if they're holding out, just a bit longer to see if anyone bites at the subscription. For example, someone new to plugins, who isn't up on all of what's been going on. They may have heard about Waves and will visit their site and see that they only offer subscription, and possibly buy into the subscription thinking that's how you get Waves plugins. Maybe a bit of a conspiracy, but I wouldn't put it past them.
  7. I find it funny how companies come up with solutions to customers complaints. People didn't like the WUP policies, so instead Waves goes subscription ONLY. If financing updates to plugins was an issue for Waves, the solution to me seems to be, oh I don't know, charge more for your plugins and don't make people pay for OS updates/bug fixes. People definitely shouldn't be paying for bug fixes or OS updates. Granted there's no rule that states plugins must keep up with OS changes. It's probably in a developer's best interest to offer free OS updates. I think new features and optimizations, yes, they should be paid for. That also makes me question customer expectations. Is it fair to expect developers to maintain OS compatibility on plugins, let's say, that are 15 years old? My guess is the answer to that question would have something to do with the price of the plugin. They've devalued their own product line by always charging $29 for plugins. If a plugins original retail value is $199 and it's always on sale for $29, guess what? That is not a $199 plugin, it's a $29 plugin and there's going to be no convincing your customers otherwise.
  8. They must have had a pricing error yesterday. In the course of the day I saw a $10 price shift in certain plugins, the SPL Passeq for example was $19.99 yesterday and is now $29.99. So if you were lucky, yesterday you could have scored some particular plugins for free.
  9. For me, I'm not sure I really care. I have a bunch of Waves plugins (a bunch I got for free), honestly, I hardly use any of them. For the people who are big fans of Waves and get a lot of use out of their plugins, this may be a good option. I think subscription models work great if you are really embedded in the world of a particular developer. Myself, I'm all over the place, plugins from different developers, if they all switched to a subscription, I'd be hosed.
  10. I cannot believe it's been three years! A lot of fun to work on ?.
  11. Looks like Plugin Alliance has gone full Waves. It was only a matter of time.
  12. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/noiseash_rule_tec_heritage_pro.html NOISEASH-3999 Use your February Loyalty Voucher and get it for $14.99.
  13. @MusicMan Not sure if this is what you guys are looking for, but I did a search on their site and found this link https://nugenaudio.com/my-offers-and-upgrades/ When I went there they had a list of upgrades at reduced prices.
  14. I received the MESA Boogie Mark IIC+, but what is the name of the cab that comes with it?
  15. Where did the code come from? edit: Never mind, I just got the email from Attack Magazine.
  16. They paused the monthly vouchers even if you aren't trying to use the Dirk Deal.... nice
  17. LittleStudios


    Up Up Down Down Left Right B A Select Start
  18. After messing with it and reading the description, it's to simulate distance. Basically it's a low pass filter and gain control. Nothing special. Seeing that it's free, the only loss is drive space.
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