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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ That's where my money is too; some kind of MIDI event way on down the line.
  2. I have a hard enough time just playing tuned the regular way!
  3. It cost me over a $1k to replace the dual clutch in my car this past summer. And that's with doing the work myself. I know why car repair is so expensive, having been in the business for the better part of 30 years. Plumbing I don't get. In plumbing, you don't have completely new models every few years with constant changes in technology. Nor does it require thousands of dollars in special tools - the collection of which constantly has to be added to. Nor does it require computerized test equipment and subscriptions to support the continued avalanche of information and software updates as well as ongoing training to keep up with it all. I should have been a plumber or an electrician. Better money and I wouldn't have had to pour so much of it back into my tool box.
  4. Hmmm .. Must not have been very important....
  5. That is incorrect. Korg's Combination mode is NOT multitimbral. It is for combining patches together to do things like making splits and layers.
  6. I don't understand why other people don't just relax and mind their own business....
  7. Also, all of your tracks are routed to nowhere.
  8. There is probably a MIDI cc causing that; Cakewalk doesn't change anything on it's own.
  9. You talking about BandLab or Cakewalk? Assuming Cakewalk, what audio interface do you have? If anything its might be a bug in the driver. When audio drivers go wacky, this can happen. Doubtful it is Cakewalk's fault or the forum would be on fire. I know I don't have that issue.
  10. You're looking in audio effects when you need to be looking in instruments. "MIDI devices" is for hardware and you don't need any for software instruments.
  11. Meh. Never really cared for them in the first place.
  12. What happens if you just leave that folder alone and don't worry about it?
  13. Its hard to say; I keep meaning to procrastinate but I never seem to get around to it.
  14. Nothing here. My 14 year old Nikon D5000 has left us and moved on to that great photoshoot in the sky so all my pennies have to go towards funding a replacement. You think plugins are expensive....
  15. I just work this all out in pre production....
  16. Ah ha. Maybe he used one previously. Could be bad info. ?The price on that sucker!
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