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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Relive the fun and hijinks of the Cold War!
  2. It is of course wise to take reasonable and prudent precautions, but going on the internet is not really all that dangerous if you stay away from websites you probably shouldn't be visiting anyway. You know what I mean.
  3. I write everything out. Then learn it and rehearse it. So by the time recording starts, the tempo is pretty much set.
  4. One of the big issues with DaVinci Resolve is that it is EXTREMELY demanding of resources. Especially GPU. The forum is chock full of people with 10 year old low end laptops complaining that it crashes all the time. Or that it won't even open. They never bothered to look at the system requirements and then come unglued when they get told "Windows 7 is not supported. Can't help you, upgrade to 10 first" or "512mb of GPU memory ? 4GB is the minimum recommend. You need to upgrade. "
  5. I took a look at REAPER and Harrison Mixbus. REAPER didn't really click with me although I do really like the way you can edit timing with stretch markers. I absolutely love mixing in Mixbus. Having all of your channel strip functions right there without having to open up plugin windows is a really nice experience. So I am now tracking and editing in SONAR and then mixing in Mixbus.
  6. I generally record several takes and comp the best parts of each. I have a nasty habit of playing the first downbeat of a phrase early -- especially on drums -- that I am fighting mightily to overcome. "Practice until I get it right" is of course my preferred option. I have even gone so far as to simplify parts to make them easier to play. But sometimes I just have to cut my losses and swallow my pride. So I often end up doing SOME editing with AudioSnap but I try to keep it to a minimum. I find I get much better results doing everything manually. Also, splitting up sections into smaller chunks helps.
  7. The short answer is no. The best answer is - and please don't take this the wrong way - is play in time so quantization isn't necessary in the first place. Barring that, expect to spend a whole lot of hours doing a whole lot of manual editing to get something that sounds decent.
  8. The IK iRig Acoustic sounds very good, in my opinion, and does a fantastic job of rejecting external room noise while giving a good miked sound.
  9. I am using (I should say, attempting to use) rtpMidi. I had to delete midihub b/c it started to cause SONAR to crash immediately on startup after I installed a bunch of IK Multimedia stuff.
  10. TryIng to figure out touchdaw. I am still on SPLAT B/C I am in a rural area where internet is expensive and none too reliable (satellite) and therefore low on my priority list. I can not get this damn thing to work reliably. The instructions on the humantic website are about clear as mud. I've seen a few videos and tried to follow some of them. Nothing really seems to work quite right. I'll eventually get it going if I keep di**king with it enough and I'll think I have it. It will work for a few days and then I'll take a break and when I come back to it again I have to start all over. Does anyone know how to get this working reliably? I am really getting tired of wasting so much time. And of tripping over my hi-hat stand.
  11. 24/ 96. More is always better! ? Seriously, even though your work will be downsampled for delivery, recording at a higher samplerate is beneficial when it comes to processing.
  12. You'll be REALLY disappointed to find out that you've never owned any software. Ever.
  13. Absolutely. I listen to mostly mainstreamish Metal and Classic Rock. Even when I venture abroad, some of that stuff sneaks in.
  14. How many radical feminists does it take to change a.... "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!"
  15. I really don't understand the bullheaded resistance to Windows 10. I get "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I get not always having to jump on the latest update the minute it drops. I get that those who live on the cutting edge often end up bleeding to death. I get it. But I really don't understand the bullheaded resistance to upgrading after four years. But W7 is going away. W7 is 10 years old. Eventually your beloved antique computer with it's beloved antique OS is going to die. You, at some point WILL upgrade. Either because you choose to or because you are forced to. W10 is not "an atrocious piece of garbage. " It is proven. Scads of people use it regularly and have no problems. The thing about falling behind is that the further you fall behind, the further you fall behind. You become ever more susceptible to attacks as vulnerabilities multiply and become easier and easier to exploit. Your likelihood of things getting corrupted increases. Hardware fails and it's replacement isn't compatible.
  16. I am always disappointed to find out that I would have to spend $400 to use a free library.
  17. Mixbus is intended to be an emulation of Harrison's analog consoles and a tape deck. MIDI is an afterthought tacked on to it. I have the regular Mixbus (Not 32c) and I think it is fantastic for mixing. Instead of a console emulation plugin, the WHOLE DAW is a console emulation. I tried REAPER but it never just quite clicked with me. It is impressive, however. One thing I really do like is the way it can natively handle timing corrections much simpler than SONAR's old Audio Snap. A long time ago I tried some version of Cubase and couldn't make heads or tails of it. Same with Ableton.
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