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Byron Dickens

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Byron Dickens last won the day on January 28 2022

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  1. I spent something like $25 to see Kingdom Clone, Metallica, Dokken, Scorpions and Van Hagar at Rice Stadium back when.
  2. Nobody but you cares. Seriously. Not to be an ***** but nobody in your audience can tell about the "subtle differences" you think you can hear. They want to hear a good song. If the song is good enough you can record it on a wax cylinder and they will still listen to it.
  3. "Locked out of Farcebook and can't get back in." You say that like its a bad thing....
  4. That's not going to stop anybody....
  5. Makes me glad my life is half over and my wife and I were not able to have kids.
  6. Bovine Excrement. BandLab never sold you anything.
  7. MIDI editing is not ready for prime time.
  8. The tube version is better anyways because it has richer harmonics and a smoother high end.
  9. Nobody else noticed that the power input jack isn't wired up?
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