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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks scook... Yes, I know but I had not upgraded to 4.2 unless the essentials version did so. I'm headed for editor, but as I have trouble getting money on my prepaid card as quickly as I might want, I decided to buy the assistant upgrade now and hopefully the upgrade to editor within the next few days. When 4.2 was first released, there were many posts regarding issues. Some were regarding the settings for drag pitch to midi and I don't remember if/what else. As I am hoping/planning to buy the editor upgrade within days, I'm holding off on the install and thought it a good idea to know the current status of compatibility between programs. I'm also a bit unsure of how things proceed after I install either update re: CbB updates afterwards. Do I (can I) avoid downloading melodyne essential updates included with CbB? Thanks again! You're the best!
  2. Recently there was much discussion regarding the latest melodyne update and problems in CbB. i was wondering where this is right now. All apoears well with my cake version of essentials and i just bought the upgrade to assistant while on sale. I want editor but i won't have the difference for another few days and figured assistant would still get me closer. With luck i will be able to upgrade that to editor before the sale ends. ...but i have not yet downloaded or installed as i read too many posts regarding problems with the latest and CbB. anyone have any updated info? thanks!
  3. Thanks John... i had to do something similar about 1.5 years ago when a friend asked me to digitize a 3-3/4 tape recording and my tape deck is only 7.5/15 ips... i think i slip stretched it to twice it's length then using radius mix to transpose -12.... i'm gonna try that next as using loop editor will be much more tedious as I must chop it into smaller bits for the editor to accept it. making it more difficult is i really don't know what/how the original clip was created.
  4. Thanks! this stuff looks handy to have/save!
  5. Thanks scook... OK, now I'm getting somewhere. Numbers aren't making sense, but at least the changes have an effect. I doubled the tempo (in the LC window) and dropped the pitch -4 and it sounds somewhat normal.... I just sent a quick copy to the friend I am trying to fix this ofr to see if it sounds more normal to him. The recording is very old and muddy. Someone had transferred it from an old tape. I'm surprised that -6 made the pitch seem slurred as I expected double the speed would need half the pitch? (-12 was totally out of it as was -6) Thanks for the quick solution.... Now to get it fine tuned for my friend. Gonna be a lot of work as the file is two sets of songs and the system wouldn't work with the whole file. I selected a single song, Copied it to a new track and bounced it to itself to finally get it working...
  6. At first i thought this was the solution, as the cursor finally changed, but Pitch doesn't appear to be changing? i tried 110% first then a few more tries all the way to 200% something else for pitch to change with tempo?
  7. Thanks scook... i thought i tried that but i will try again. Pc is busy working so it will have to wait while a win10 iso is being downloaded. thanks for the speedy help!
  8. Trying to slow tempo and lower pitch of a very large file. tried using loop construction window. Complained too big so i chopped off a portion, moved it to a new track and bounced it to itself. i can enable clip looping or clip stretching but neither allows me to clip stretch (ctrl-click on clip end). what am i doing wrong?
  9. Thanks Morten! So cool to have you back on the team! I'm about to see if I can address this. I didn't see the convert notice when it happened. Possibly due to posting from my ipad mini's screen with it's pop up touch keyboard using so much screen real estate. Hmmm... On second thought I might wait until tomorrow as my pc's are all down for the night. It might be easier on one of them instead of the ipad. I used to have my machines on 24/7 but (sadly?) that is not now.
  10. Yeah... It seems to have auto-converted one of my links into a pic. I don't know why and though it's a pic of my album cover, it feels a bit much. I am looking into fixing this...
  11. OK... I just added my sig. now to see if it works?
  12. Yup! Here on ipad looks clean as a whistle. Nice blend of familiar and new that I'm sure to take me a bit to get up to speed. Thanks Gang!
  13. Thanks Noel! My apology for missing some names in my post. They were included with all my heart! I am thrilled at the resurrection and all the new prospects!
  14. Keni

    Existing SONAR Forum

    Reading Meng's greeting post it tells us. It will remain as is for a time and finally be closed to new posts while remaining available read only thereafter.
  15. Wow! So cool to see this rebirth! My hat is off to all who made this happen. I look forward to many decades of joy! Looking forward to our future!
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