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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks again Starship Krupa! [Solved] You nailed this one fast. Deleted the control surface, then it required CbB to be restarted and all is well! Entirely my fault and thankfully, not the early release!
  2. Thanks SK! That sounds very possible. Not realizing that the same device couldn't be keyboard entry as well as commands. I was just testing methods of assigning need the keys to transport controls for a friend. Headed back to the studio now to try!
  3. New problem has arisen! Not sure if this is due to the update, but I can't find any other reasons... I'm no longer getting any imput from my nektar impact ix49.... I've done factory rest on it as well as re-opening CbB etc. Not seeing any midi input activity at all! Edit: Kybd works fine on standalone synths Edit2: Working fine in other DAWs and when CbB is open MIDI activity appears active in tray Edit3: Examined everything I could think of. Works everywhere but in CbB though the tray midi monitor shows activity. I get no activity on a midi input track. Did anything change related to input/midi issues? This one is quite debilitating right now... <ouch>! Thanks! Edit4: BTW... don't know if it matters but this is a usb/midi device.
  4. Running well here too. I had been having a lot of crashes changing songs/projects that contain the Waves Abbey Road Studio 3 plugin, but it has not crashed since early access 2....
  5. Thanks Jim... real barebones system. Used for assembly of radio shows. Three tracks and zero plugins, but 4 hours long realtime. One track music, one dj, and one commercials. My friend Les has been using Sonar/CbB for near 15 years this way yet remains somewhat nubile about pc's in general. win7/presonus 2 input audiobox...
  6. Thanks Craig... No info given at closing. Only the shutting diwn dialog. Drive is healthy and set plane jane... It's been working fine for years with no changes other than Sonar/CbB updates. Old OS (win7) I'm not familiar with Glary so I'll look at that.
  7. I've been problem solving on a friend's pc. He pisted earlier as cakewalk process is not closing when he closes CbB... I noticed that a number of times it actually did close many minutes later and the machine takes a very long time to close down so I'm thinking these are related. I ran chkdsk and all is healthy. Anyone have any thoughts about this? Thanks.
  8. As with all the fixes, Thanks for fixing the VVocal issue. It appears to be fine now.
  9. 1st attempt it was set to clips and I tried using shift-click to access the envelope Next I tried using center-button-click to popup the fliating window (forget the name) that has a drop down to select from and finally selecting from the track dropdown... None initiated any respone of any kind. Finally I opened the automation lane and it worked there. After which closing the automation lane now allowed all of the above to work fine. I will seek to reproduce somewhere else. Maybe a glitch?
  10. Problem in 2019.7? Anyone else seeing this? Editing Volume Envelope in Track (not envelope lane) Using Sound on Sound Pointer selected as tool with all options selected The mouse allows no access to ANY tool to edit the envelope. Works fine on the automation lane... Edit: I edited in the automation lane then closed all lanes and now the envelope responds normally. I will explore this some more.
  11. Thanks again Noel! That clarrified things much more for me. I've downloaded and will install in moments... List of fixes is astounding! Great stuff from you and everyone on the team. I can't wait to check it out!
  12. Thanks Noel... What about the versioning? I read that it does not adjust/update with the early release and if one continues to do the early release, it will never get corrected?
  13. Thanks Jon... Is it a must to roll back? This is where I stopped earlier. If I must re-install to roll back so that it updates the version correctly, it's more than I want to do... Edit: I see another post after this I responded to.... It will either stay as is until a newer update is available, or if the release is the same as the early release, it will be fine until the next NEW update at which time it will have to download the full package as opposed to the smaller update-only package... I think I'm gonna wait this one out for a while as it seems a little "clunky" to me at this point and in need of some changes to how this works. It was easy to do using CCC in the old days, but this sounds difficult. If I install this early release my program will not show the correct info for versioning and then if I continue to do so it will never have this info corrected? I guess I'll practice one of my weak points and remain patient?
  14. I'd love to participate but I don't quite understand the procedure and what it will involve. I really don't want to have to re-install CbB to do this. How is this going to coincide with "normal" updates via BA? Am I to be forced to re-install to get back an authorized update? I could use and would really appreciate a better understanding. Thanks!
  15. Anyone familiar with this? I believe I did this long ago for someone, but senior memory is in operation. I'm thinking it uses control surfaces? Maybe the mackie control? I've never used ACT so I really don't know how to use it. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! Edit: Interesting. I think I can do this with a keyboard shortcut but will have to switch back for alpha key shortcuts? Edit2: I'm missing something. I can't seem to get this working either way. Anyone? Edit 3: Ahhh! Success! Using Cakewalk Generic Controller in Control Surfaces. Editing it's settings: Selected the function Selected note option Hit the key I wished to use clicked learn Repeated the above for each command !
  16. Today I discovered that export presets does not remember selected bus/track options.
  17. I see what they were thinking, but other than very specific situations, auto-appending extra name/labels when exporting other than "entire mix"... It can make other scenarios very cumbersome...
  18. I guess in the "right" situation it could be handy to label stems, but for me, i need the ability to disable this...
  19. I don't want it to add anyhing. It seems to append the bus name etc. Thankfully, it doesn't do this using the "entire mix" option. Sadly the selected bus/busses is not saved with the settings either. So until this stuff is addressed I must remember to disable the plugin prior to export. Far less extra work than the alternative.
  20. This is in Abbey Road 3 virtual monitoring. Anytime it is added or a song is opened that contains it, it also opens the head tracker software which I don't use. I've looked but cannot find any way of preventing this. Does anyone know a way?
  21. Just a note. Using any export selection other than entire mix reeults in extra words appended to the output file. That turns out a royal pain, so I'm back to the simple alternative of placing it in the master bus and needing to remember to disable it when doing file exports...
  22. Hi Gang... Nothing earth shattering. But a bit of a pain. Due to new routing management, when I export I must no longer use entire mix option. Using any other option adds text to the file name . Is there anyway to disable this ? Thanks
  23. Trying new addition. This seems good. Testing the expirt now. So far the only downside is when not using "entire mix" during export, the filename of the export gets the bus name appended. Last issue resolved by setting the master bus output to 3/4 and using export settings selecting only bus 3/4. This way I can leave the headphone sends for mains (1/2) up in the vsl mixer and off on 3/4. When added to the settings mentioned previously, this allows DAW monitoring through the Abbey Road plugin as well as out if DAW (i.e. media player) to work in the cans without the plugin and not require any manual switching. This will work for now with some adjustments to my templates, but it would be nice to have the out of DAW playback to be through the plugin sometimes too.... Maybe down the road?
  24. Follow-up... Yes! That was easy. In the VSL mixer, I had to turn down the headphone sends (7/8) from main outs (1/2), and raise daw outputs 3/4 headphone sends. Then in CbB, create a send from mains and set it pre-fader so it is not affected if that bus is muted (probably unimportant) and add the Abbey Road plugin to the new bus for outputs 3/4 and finally routing the bus 3/4 output to the audiobox's headphone amp outs (7/8). I just exported a mix and de-selected the bus 3/4 from my options. But now I must change the main out headphone settngs to hear any playback outside the daw such as media player. So it seems to make this seamless, I do need to discover another way outside and after CbB of running The Abbey Road plugin seamlessly.... ...always something? ????
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