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Everything posted by Keni

  1. I too still use AD2. i get a few decent kits and working with it isn’t difficult. That said, I do like BFD and Superior Drummer better. A few reasons. The GUIs are better. The kits offered are much easier to select as they display (audio) the actual sampled kit(s) while AD2 only displays the samples with additional playback processing. That bothers me when selecting kits. I prefer to hear the raw samples. As I originally I acquired AD2 bundled with Sonar, I did add more for very little extra. I have not replaced it as I can't afford to, but I do get respectable kits anyway.
  2. Hi Gang... This item is beginning to be a pain. I was hoping it would have been addressed by now, but...... When I receive email notices of new posts, the links to forum always/only opens in the bandlab app which I don’t use for this. Is this ever to be addressed or is this the only future?
  3. Glad you got it running. Mine is too. UI is better... a little.
  4. It was running well here until today when I installed the update and experienced this issue. I've been in contact with support there and it turns out there is a needed uninstall via their instructions page follwed by a fresh install. https://stevenslatedrums.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036770714-How-To-Uninstall-SSD5-on-Windows I'm waiting for the re-install to finish?
  5. I guess a bit of a process, but you could save the track(s) as track template and load into other projects?
  6. Thanks... I read that earlier. This is a royal pain for me. I see some glimpses of work arounds for me. I will still use cdbaby as the remaining services are still excellent value, but I now need a proper store front with a budget of -$999...
  7. This was a nasty surprise. No notification of any kind. They are closing the store. They will still support distribution to 3rd party fir what little that is worth. Effective 3/31/20 The player support has already stopped. They are not going out of business, but have decided physical media sales are too small in sales percentage. I believe they will still sell downloads/streaming as well as handling placement/books/funds collection for 3rd party services such as itunes/spotify/amazonmp3/etc... A very sad day for me as well as a large new workload of deciding/implementing how I will adjust.
  8. It’s working here as always with shift-f
  9. Didn't see a link, but simply typing in minimoog model d brought it right up. Found it... Minimoog Model D Synthesizer by Moog Music Inc. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/minimoog-model-d-synthesizer/id1339418001 sounds great!
  10. Just a note for anyone else who hasn't noticed this yet. Apparently changed when the function name was re-named from Clone to Duplicate... Keybinding may be in need or reset..
  11. Thanks winkpain! That lead me to the solution! Meticulously searching each "Area" for the open or show clip dx bin... I just searched and found the double-used command. After correcting this, all is well. Both commands now quickly work and I've learned some more about shortcut commands. Duplicates easily occur between same key/ different area assignments. The bug I see here, if this is intentional (?), then they should only apply within the "Area" selected. If this is not the case, search needs to be fixed so that it scans all Areas...
  12. Thanks, but I'm refused access. Messenger? Cat re-booted...
  13. Good thought, but no luck. As I mentioned previously, I have verified it is correctly bound between alt-x and show aim assist time. I was just thinking. As I was only looking at one clip. Maybe the clip was selected and as such the command didn’t work correctly. I'm gonna go try it when no clip is selected if that is the case. Nope. Not that either.
  14. Thanks scook! I will check asap (dealing with cat right now) I so rarely use clip fx it'll be easy giving it up as I typically use the right click drop down. Is this some kind of mini-bug that was introduced? I didn’t think it’s possible to assign 2 functions to a common key.
  15. I believe others have mentioned this though I thought it was during beta... Though Alt-X is assigned to show aim assist time, instead it opens the clips fx box. Edit... I also noticed that when I started working this morning, it was on for both of the files I opened, but when I re-opened the second, it had shut off the time display.
  16. Yes. Something's going on. May be related to an update problem I'm having on a client’s machine. Things are leading me to suspect a win10 update and possibly something forcing write protect as it fails trying to copy the new files into their folder. But I don’t want to hijack your thread. They may not be related. I have not heard of CbB updating without BA. Except for the early access downloads but they don't come from update notices. Did you check to see if BA is already running? Look for it's icon in the tray...
  17. The update must be installed from Bandlab Assistant
  18. BTW... This is Keni posting regarding Frankie’s system. The original post was me posting as/from Frankie’s place while working on his DAW... I’m surprised that no one has posted some obvious issue I overlooked as is sometimes the case. ????
  19. Thanks Martin... I tried that as well as ran BA as administrator, but it continues to fail the same way. I made sure I kept using fresh downloads. I have McAfee realtime disabled as well I discovered the related folder was marked read only for some reason and changed it, but still the same result.
  20. Especially at that age, they are non-stop balls of fun so it's great to have shifts with them! ?
  21. Thanks again Steve... I just tested that it is displaying the correct icons top/bottom. I do still see that if I hold Ctrl-Alt-Click, the multi-lane split changes to a simple select (straight line)... This will be easy to get used to...
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