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Everything posted by Keni

  1. No. This keeps happening to me as well. For no visible reason, sometimes it opens enabled and sometimes not here too.
  2. Hi Jonathan... I got stuck at this version due to hardware/OS limitations and at first I was miffed, but it turns out that while 8 was a PITA.... 8.1 works great and without the myriad of forced downloads and such that 10 has....
  3. Thanks scook... I was about to post a question of this issue too...
  4. I guess another good reason I'm glad to be using win8.1 ... In firefox's settings I simply select "ask each time" and all is well allowing me to select download folder each download and defaulting to which ever was last used.
  5. With which browser? The location of a browser downloaded file is set in the browser's settings.
  6. Not certain this is only this update and it's intermittent, but not older than 2020.4 I've been unable to pinpoint or replicate on demand. I've been (suddenly) having some trouble with moving clips with/without select envelopes. Sometimes, when I try to move a clip grabbing the top of the clip with shift (constrain), it is changing to clip gain envelope. If I click lower, it works as expected. Has this been reversed? Related. I just had a situation where selecting and deleting clips (select envelopes with clips is Not selected), it repeatedly deleted volume envelopes. Selecting them one at a time did not do ths. Is it me?
  7. Nice work Morten! Kudos to you, the team and all the users who pitched in! Downloading in a moment...
  8. Wow! What an ordeal! I think it's resolved, but I'm not thrilled. We installed a wifi dongle, connected to web via phone hotspot. Uninstalled the driver. turned off board and disconnected the usb cable. reconnected usb cable and turned board on. installed driver which was named the same, but in advanced sound settings now offered a dropdown list allowing me the typical choices and was able to get it stereo and cd or dvd quality. Stereo again at last! ...but no line in option shows, only microphone??? Better, but did I miss something somewhere? Thanks!
  9. Gotcha. There is no driver rollback for this driver. So the driver wasn't updated. But it shows only mic input and no (stereo line) so you may be correct and the mono input option has been enabled. Too bad I can’t find it where all pointers lead. Though it might not work, I'm hoping removing then reinstalling the driver will rest this. During this he will be online so we can also try further updates for win10. I do know about updates dependent upon which updates are already installed and could be related. This is an incredibly difficult situation at every turn... Thanks again! He's expecting to buy a wifi dongle today.
  10. When was the update released? He just allowed the update a couple of weeks ago when he had to re-authorize Cake setting this situation into motion. All was well and system working fine. If I did a rollback, it might affect Cake as well... so I think I'm gonna opt for a wifi dongle and hotspot then uninstall/reinstall the board allowing it to find a driver. After the upcoming update is released and I get him updated to it using the hotspot, it will get easier with the return of offline authorization...
  11. Thanks Mesh... I think I've come up with a method/solution. I will have my friend buy a wifi dongle and connect online via a 3rd party hotspot. Disconnect the board and uninstall the driver. connect to hotspot connect board and allow the system to install the appropriate driver Not sure how quickly I can get this done, but at this point it seems a good approach?
  12. Thanks scook... I haven’t looked yet but wondering is the uninstall from control panel cake, or a dll specific icon in a unique folder?
  13. I know I can remove the DLLs and re-scan, but I was wondering if there is a "correct" way. Thanks
  14. This is driving me crazy. This is driving me crazy. I found an option listed online under ease of access audio options for enabling mono audio. Problem? There are no audio options under ease of access win10pro Anyone shine a light? This machine changed the driver to mono mic only and no searches find other solutions. One in Ease of access the other in device manager but both locations do not show the options described in the online info.
  15. Thanks Jonathan... I understand. I know this current predicament for my friend is not caused by Cake. It was due to being forced to move the pc off location without the board attached as I've not heard of this type of incident from win10 updates. Thankfully, once I get this resolved and get him updated once more this way, he will be able to use offline Activation at last. It's an issue I've not run into and without web access I couldn’t manage to change it. My other elements being not having win10 myself so I'm far less familiar with the OS, and my friend is pc illiterate and 3000 miles away without even a cell phone for me to look at anything. I've now discovered 2 more locations in win10 that deal with forced mono and tonight when he has a cell equipped friend visiting I will explore these. The problem is stereo playback works fine and the board is putting out stereo. Cake is configured to record a stereo track but records a mono track. Investigation shows the driver as a single mic input with no stereo line input available. The 3000 mile distance makes it impossible for me to get hands on... sadly
  16. Lots of good stuff here. Thanks... One problem I'm experiencing... I'm getting audio device disconnections every minute or two. Anyone else? Win 8.1 running under BootCamp on Mac Pro 64G Presonus 1818 VSL ---------- Edit: Exploring a possibility. I just disabled the "suspend audio engine when Cake loses Focus" and I'm experimenting to see if this fixes it. Minutes later.... This appears to have stopped the constant resetting of the device driver....
  17. All good ideas except he has no internet so it fails to find any drivers. But... I just discovered 2 locations specifically related to mono/stereo and will be trying them tonight. He has win10 and I only have 8.1 so locations and options are more difficult for me to locate at times. it seems there is a mono/stereo setting in accessibility settings where I never thought to look and i just saw online, a setting in the driver settings that also addresses mono/stereo. I'll post results either later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again! ?
  18. Thanks slartabartfast... Yes. I know this. We've been running it stereo successfully for an album prior. This got changed by the system during an update. Currently, the i/o of the board are stereo and the output of the pc is stereo, but even when the stereo input is selected, the recording is mono! I just discovered an accessibility setting that changes something mono/stereo and I will try this during tonight's work (machine is non-internet in Florida and I'm in Ca so time is always an issue).
  19. Yeah. I still don’t understand why Bandlab finds this a necessity. For me it is a minor issue, but for others... difficult. My current predicament: I have a friend across the country who is totally computer illiterate and no web access... but a friend setup a machine and gifted it to him with CbB and a few basic instructions. Since then that person is no longer involved so adjusting pc etc is beyond difficult. when CbB reverted to demo mode, I had to have him disconnect and transport his desktop elsewhere for the update. Upon returning with a successful update, it appears win10 in it's glorious updates changed the audio driver not seeing anything connected. Reconnecting his board (mackie profx8v2) now finds a driver that only has a mic input. There is no dedicated driver for this model. Allowing the computer to search for appropriate driver finds nothing. I was surprised expecting a generic available. How to fix this is giving me a lot of grief. I currently search for a file I can download and send him via flashdrive. So, Please! Give some more thought to the importance and method this issue uses and update accordingly.
  20. Hi Gang... I'm still trying to resolve a problem long distance in a difficult situation. I have a friend who is less than computer illiterate but has been using CbB in a basic format for many months. He has no internet. The dreaded demo mode occurred and forced me to have him take his DAW (desktop) elsewhere to update CbB. When we did it also did win10 updating and it appears to have changed the driver file to a codec that only supports mono mic input (1) but stereo out. How can I change the driver. He's using a Mackie Profx8v2 board as interface. The v2 doesn't have a driver on the mackie site and appears to use generic usb audio. It was working fine before the update. I appreciate any help you might offer as this is a very good, close friend. He is in Florida without internet or cell phone and I'm in California. Thanks
  21. Not sure why. About to do a re-boot to see if it clears something. On the same project I've been using during EA, I am constantly getting an "audio driver changed yes/no" popup. I was not getting this in EA 1. Only since EA2 this morning. The only update to win8.1 was a defender sig update but maybe the re-boot will stabilize? I do appreciate the return of wheel-scroll direction. That was annoying. _____ Edit Nevermind... I think the re-boot cleared it up. Almost an hour with no popup. ___
  22. Yeah... It's me... Someboy brought up Lanes vs. Layers again... Still an issue for me. I've learned to work with Lanes and mostly accommodated my needs. No longer an issue for me except for the glaring elephant still in the room... ZOOM issues! 1) I expect what I lasso is what I get in my zoom. Even if it's a single clip! (layers used to do this) 2) Stop prioritizing the size of the promoted (track) view over the clips! I am always forced to fidget the Lanes large and the track minimal (or I wish no promoted view at all as in switchable would be even better)! I waste more time repeatedly doing this umpteen times/day............ Yes, I've said it before and I'll say it again... and again... Lanes? They've been tweaked enough so that I am no longer limited by them. I may even be using some of it's newer features on occassion. Now please end all the fidgeting time waste suffered by constant zoom fidgeting.... I'm guessing there's some Lane related limitation that is creating this, but that makes it a major issue that needs attention! Zoom is far too constant an issue to be ignored! <sigh>...
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