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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks Bill. It doesn’t feel real yet. We were artwork and filing fees from releasing his new (3rd solo) album. I’ve still got all that on my brain feeling as current work in progress. First 2 albums recorded by him with Sonar (Gibson era). New (3rd) album recorded with CbB. 1st and 3rd mixed by me using same. 2nd album mixing happened while I was in the middle of losing my home/studio so he found help elsewhere. Came out great there too! After spending more than 50 years of entwined life with someone...
  2. Thanks pwal... as well as many recordings!
  3. Thanks pwal! This will be more difficult to sink in for me I'm sure. We played in bands together, built studios, and recorded music together for near 5 decades. He was a good man!
  4. It’s my sad time to post this info. An amazing musician and one of my lifelong best friends passed away in Florida yesterday. He was a long time Cakewalk/Sonar user with many performances credits as a drummer with musicians all over the world. I’m too shaken right now to do this justice. Maybe the last website I built for him is still running? Try http://www.icepackrecords.com and maybe lucky? There is a pic of him on a page on my website at http://www.dspacer.com on the Artist page. The link on that page appears defunct. Sorry. Forgive me for not posting better/more comprehensive info. I will do my best to post more. We were just artwork and paperwork away from releasing his new album Let’s see if I can post the pic here? ?
  5. Thanks Grem... I've tried to follow some videos I've found... Most difficult to follow. I did manage to get signal flowing for a moment using Reastream somehow. I haven't managed to get it back. Lost it while trying to organize and understand the setup. Has to do with using Reastream at both ends but I can't get Reastream to show in OBS' vst list. I'm gonna try manually copying the dll to the steinberg folder?
  6. Thanks Grem! I don’t see any available OBS Inputs/Outputs within Preferences. In OBS I do find an area that allows me to select my available sources/destinations as it does in Cake. Meaning. I have 18 i/o 8 are pairs including preamps and such from my Audiobox 1828 8 are ADAT which connect to my Soundcsape hardware when needed 2 are SPDIF Im guessing it’s understanding the routing so that OBS is receiving the correct audio path. I’m currently blindly experimenting.
  7. Thanks Craig... Exactly as I have been. I’m usually good with new softwares quickly if they’re reasonably designed. I haven’t yet found satisfactory info but also barely begun. I can do a screen video capture and it includes the system mic by default but I’ve been unable to get it to read my audio interface even when I found and selected them as my audio source. I'm hoping soneone can give me a simple expkanation and save me the video hunt? ?
  8. Please tell me if I should cease. I just added OBS studio to my DAW to use for video capture of screen situations as it should be a major step up from LiCap which I had been using. I've got it installed and working, but nervous as I didn't have a streaming site to select and it got an incomplete registration... but appears to be working fine for my current needs With another bit of guidance I downloaded and installed the OBS ASIO driver... I've managed to do screen captures a bit ragedly but still unable to get it to hear Cake's ASIO output. I've tried many selections. Obviously none correct or something else I have yet to learn? Can anyone offer any guidance on this setup/situation to help me understand the workings? Thanks!
  9. Don’t get me wrong. I'd rather it show than not but it’s not following conventions...
  10. Cool. I like that it remains available, but why the download icon instead of the re-install icone as other green dotted entries display?
  11. As I also reported to Jonathan, I have closed and re-opened all programs and CPC still shows 098 as an available download instead of as a re-install (or gone) Opening CbB shows 098 installed and activated.
  12. By refresh, do you mean overwrite the current install by downloading/installing it?
  13. Just to note. I closed all and waited, then opened CPC and it's still showing the 098 as a download not a re-install. 098 is verified previously on my system. What would make it refresh and read what's in CbB already?
  14. Thanks Noel. Should I leave it as as or allow it to reinstall over itself so that CPC can catch up? Is it important for any reason? I installed using the toast within CbB.
  15. Thanks Jonathan. Maybe the order I did things made a difference? Or rapidity? I only had Firefox and Thunderbird open at the time. I’m gonna go open CPC again in a few minutes and see if things are any different. I don’t know why the first update attempt this morning failed. It appeared successful but re-opening opened the okd version and again requested the update. It took the second time. Changing location now. Will try CPC first
  16. All appears well... but I got a bit confused reading the Notes page that opens. For downloading Cakewalk, it's showing Bandlab Assistant to use for the download??? I updated from within CbB, so I'm up to date. But I thought to mention that Product Manager requested an update as well, then showed nothing and locked with a spinner for far too long before I Task managered out. That was before applying the update from within CbB Note... I just opened Product Manager again and it again requested the update. This time it ran and completed correctly. But as I already updated to 098, it's showing it as an available download instead of re-install? Is this correct? O guess it's not recognizing that I already have in installed?
  17. Yeah! That was easy this time. I finally got someone both comfortable enough with pc workings and with a decent hotspot connection and the job was fixed in a flash! Connected pc to hotspot Downloaded and ran the latest EA CbB activated immediately and he's back in the groove! Thanks to all for the pointers and thoughts!
  18. Sorry, I didn’t see them as my priorities are currently elsewhere. I’m trying to solve this issue for a non-tech, no internet friend across the country from me. I will look for them now. Thanks.
  19. Thanks again Gustabo... Nice to have the Sonar ad gone! I'll have to see about getting someone in Florida to do the update for my friend. Nice to see the offline activation finally returned. That may help too... I guess changes made to impliment this coming update may be the cause of his problem.... somehow? I should have tried opening CbB before running the update to see if the same was true on my system as his? Too late now! Wait! I just remembered I have it installed on my older machine as well.... off to look! Nope... All was well with my other CbB install. I have updated that to the EA as well... So I'm still trying to understand what's going on with my friend's machine. Half open and useless for him at the moment...
  20. Thanks... I didn't even know there is one. My problem (as mentioned in OP is that my friend is both incapable of doing such and doesn't have internet (not even a smart phone) so it becomes involved gettting someone to visit him and use a hotspot to handle his internet needs. I will consider it, but it has been working fine until today, so I don't think it's the build, but I will download the EA for myself to check it out anyway. Thanks for the heads up. Maybe something changed behind the scenes on the server side? Still shouldn't affect the opening of the program.
  21. Has anyone run into this? I have a friend who is stuck with this problem. I've had him close it using Task Manager and re-boot as well but when he opens CbB it only opens covering part of the screen and is frozen with the Sonar ad and nothing working. The only thing I can think to do would be to re-install CbB but that's very difficult in this situation as my friend is both pc UNsaavy and has no internet. I would go over, but he's in Florida and I'm in California. My other friend local to him in Florida who has been handling his machine and updates is in the hospital so he can't help. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!
  22. Melodyne is a special case as it was the original reason for ARA being added to CbB.. You'd know if you installed it as it’s a more unique install. Sonar came bundled with a special light version for a spell back in the Gibson days. It’s an excellent device, but pricey. I believe the flagship version Studio is $600 (or is it $700?) with 2 or 3 lighter/cheaper versions and upgrade paths from any version up.
  23. Do you have Melodyne installed?
  24. Here's hoping that one day soon, someone will come up with better means of handling these issues. The current paradigm is a mess!
  25. That sounds fine by me! I plan on leaving it until it (or I) dies! ? So I guess that's a benefit of the iLok... It maintains the license beyond the manufacturer once in place... Good to know (believe?)
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