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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Avenger expansion 5 pack for $147 is a good deal during this sale. $29 each expansion versus $37.50 per pack at 50% off https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/AvengerXP5Pk--vengeance-sound-vps-avenger-expansion-pack-pick-5
  2. I have 1-6 so 6-10 for $49 is a great deal.
  3. This looks really good but a bit pricey…waiting for a good BF deal
  4. Yet they locked the other thread hahhah
  5. And you haven’t paid WUP in years….dang those are some lucky boxers hahah
  6. Jordan wore his black and red air Jordan’s when he won his third ring. I wore my air Jordan’s when I beat my cousin at basketball same summer and didn’t make the team same year. So clearly it’s the shoes that matter most
  7. I got excited when I saw this thread but then whomp whomp hahah. I guess it’s not summer yet.
  8. As others stated, Cody is a nice guy. If you have purchased from him before he will send you a replacement custom link/code for the master bundle.
  9. I can get it to recognize my midi keyboard in real-time in Mac (logic and ableton live). As for CPU hit, on M1 it’s not an issue for me at least. As for your other goal, seems it possible to switch carrier to your voice so this may be what you are after. Haven’t tried it yet.
  10. Just got this and loving it so far. Can’t wait for your synth
  11. It’s already part of bundle. Do they give you a second one free as the gift anyway?
  12. The $149 price is showing up on Zynaptiq website now. It’s intro price until 5/31 https://www.zynaptiq.com/orangevocoder/
  13. Says until May 7th in email.
  14. How do I retroactively join metapop for the free voucher? Haha
  15. Some of us took easy way out and reposted couple of things he already had posted to look busy haha
  16. In my head you are super famous so i‘ll stick to that theory haha. Thanks for the updates.
  17. Reid is so famous he has a direct line to Pharrell and Hans haha
  18. I had two slots left myself so picked hitmaker and decades. Stockholm was not out yet and seems like a smaller room library anyway which is nice to have but not essential (for my taste).
  19. I upgraded to pro for the vst/AU plug-in support. This way I can use in my DAW.
  20. kevin H

    Piano-In-Blue $49

    I thought Simeon did a great job talking about the story behind the library. Convinced me to pull the trigger. So much history. Thanks @Simeon Amburgey
  21. Thanks yea. Since I posted that comment it’s now available and have it installed
  22. kevin H

    Weiss MM1 for 75$

    Go to video and try copying the browser link and pasting that instead of embedded link. See if that works.
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