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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Put me in for couple hours
  2. kevin H


    Last post was about Ezkeys 2. Maybe was so immersed he made some amazing songs and is on a world tour
  3. kevin H

    SSL Meter

    Call me when SSL releases a 3 foot 3.37 inch plug-in.
  4. I have an M1 Mac and I’m not seeing the issues folks are describing.
  5. Out of anyone that got excited pretty sure the most were the mods looking for the lock thread button hahahh
  6. To date I have never used my $25 NI evouchers as they are so limited what you can do with them it’s really not worth it. They are basically a joke on forums. I probably have hundreds of dollars worth of unused vouchers sitting somewhere.
  7. Correct. I believe when I upgraded last year was similar. Once registered I saw all downloads in Native Access if I remember correctly.
  8. I upgraded but told me no serial available at the moment. Perhaps needs to be manually generated. Just fyi. Update: just got my serial
  9. Sounds like you are enraged against the machine…so worked hahah
  10. I’ve seen it for $29 at least once a year. Don’t recall seeing lower. By the way if any of you use push2 this guy made some nice drum racks for it in ableton 11.
  11. As an apple user, we need more healing ?
  12. Haha I did a super obvious double take and had to re-read title because read it as “David - former barbarian cello player” ? library sounds good from video…though
  13. Was it called snowbird? Hahah
  14. Ya I couldn’t figure out how to buy blackbox. Price is much higher as it only shows me option to buy Raummaschine on that page.
  15. Haha, I was mostly curious I avoid loop bundles like the plague as they take up sooo much ssd space. True, for those special drum samples I still use XO from xln.
  16. $39 is better than $45 intro price. It’s answer to FL gross beat. Got it
  17. I have cubasis and Auria for iPad. Don’t use them as much anymore. The subscription only piece I guess is the controversial part? I would only ever use this likely for sketching and if I get access to my AU3 plugins, it sounds like a great bonus. I’m excited. Beside needs IPad Pro so GarageBand is always there for anyone else not wanting to pay. Need Larry to find us a really good deal on IPad Pro hahah.
  18. I own everything but smart:limit. So do I pay $41 for smart:limit or maybe pay $41 for dynamic bundle just out of principle. Or do I go to studio bundle just because it’s such a good deal? I’m terrible at selling duplicate plug-in licenses though. Kind of annoying heheh. I did reach out to Sonible to see what they would say.
  19. How come Larry got the scoop first? Maybe he was alpha Hahah
  20. Awesome. Linked my pianoteq pro 8 to iOS.
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