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kevin H

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Everything posted by kevin H

  1. Sounds are great. I just don’t think going from sampletank 3 Max/4 SE to 4 Max should be $149 like everyone else.
  2. I like Amazon and use them all the time. My issue is with Prime Day.
  3. If upgrade was $99 I would’ve considered it. I know you hear this a lot and it’s a recurring theme, but paying same for an upgrade as anyone else buying for first time just rubs people wrong way. I know it’s a company strategy and not you Peter Not sure why it still bugs me every time specially since I know the answer.
  4. My experience with prime day is that there is a lot of junk. Also, anything that might be worthwhile I usually miss because it requires waiting until deal comes alive and buying it before you get put on a waiting list if you even blink. It’s rather frustrating I’ll give it another chance but Black Friday/cyber Monday seem to work out better for me.
  5. This update has some really nice features. Check out this video.
  6. @Peter - IK Multimedia I own Total Studio Max 2. Seems $149 is best cross grade/upgrade offer which is basically the 50% off promo. No discount on upgrades ?
  7. Make sure under kk plugin preferences, the vst2 location of modo bass is configured correctly. Don’t believe vst3 is supported by kk yet. Also make sure you are telling it to use vst plugins and not just AU if on Mac. Stole this from ujam but here is where to set paths ( on pc for example).
  8. Thanks Jesse. I’ve used this for a while now. Works great. I think it has been on sale forever hehe. Don’t think I ever noticed the AU incompatibility but I tend to stick with VST anyway. I’m a huge NKS fan. Wish IK would add NKS support to their plugins because mapping of some parameters/macro knobs is not always clean.
  9. I was having issues with Stradivari Violin not showing up in KK. Seems NI fixed it so run NA to get fix released today. As for Aidan’s issue, I used to have a similar problem but ended up being a corrupt plugin that would trigger the rescan. It was a very old free plugin I had downloaded a long time ago. Once I got rid of it, issue went away. Took a bit to narrow it down.
  10. Made me laugh that someone in the YouTube comments for this video thought it was free Ovox ? hehe
  11. kevin H

    JRR Shop

    Thanks. All my Apple devices block access to jrrshop so probably saved me some headache. Too bad. Hope I can find a way to use group or forum codes somewhere else ?
  12. kevin H

    JRR Shop

    I can’t access either. How are folks reaching out the Uncle E? Clicking on contact us in email I got from jrr yesterday tries to go to website which I can’t access.
  13. I read in another thread there is some manual work involved but they planned to get everyone upgraded this week. So hopefully by tomorrow crossing fingers for ya....
  14. Amazing work Stefano. I can’t stop talking about it
  15. Honestly only reason I didn’t do same as you is that I talked myself out of needing the CE content in order to save storage space. However, when this option to update to K13CE from K12U/CE came up i took a couple of shots of liquor, forgot everything I spent hours agonizing/researching about, and then hit purchase button ?. I’m still not installing everything but they made some things CE available only so couldn’t pass it up at that price.
  16. I registered 12CE as it was my only option already owning 12U
  17. Just got my download notification as well. Also registered update around mid Sept.
  18. Use coupon: DEEKEI30 https://www.soundtheory.com/home Finally caught the sale hehe
  19. Zo, your video was terrible. It didn’t make me hate the product so I could ignore it but instead made me want to buy mixbox and I have now used it on three projects. You are no help when trying to save money Thanks for the video, seriously changed my mind hehe
  20. Synths, arps, and amazing vocals. Can’t go wrong. Depends what music you make or what your are missing but really in love with this update. Talk about loyalty discounts, $13 upgrade from previous Ethera for all this new content.
  21. For those interested and don’t read VI, Stefano (the producer behind Ethera series) confirmed you can delete previous Ethera Gold version as long as you are not using it in any projects. Ethera Gold 2.5 does use a different preset/snapshot structure so won’t open correctly if you didn’t keep old version. At 33GB for new version I need the SSD space so I plan to delete my older version and update my couple of projects to the new Ethera Gold.
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